26 декабря — регулярный семинар ЛССИ
Тема семинара: Formative, Reflective, or Neither? Testing Competing Approaches to the Measurement of Group-Level Value Constructs Using WVS Data
Выступающий: Борис Соколов (НИУ ВШЭ в Санкт-Петербурге; ведущий научный сотрудник ЛССИ НИУ ВШЭ)
This paper proposes a simple test that allows to determine whether some latent construct of interest is a reflective or a formative one. The key idea is to not evaluate the respective measurement model alone, but to embed it within a broader structural context by formulating a directed acyclic graph that integrates both measurement and structural relationships implied by relevant substantive theories. The plausibility of testable implications of such a graph can often be assessed empirically via simple statistical tests, e.g., using generalized linear structural equation modeling, and the best-fitting model specification can be easily chosen using standard SEM fit indices. I illustrate the proposed methodology by applying it to Welzel's Index of Emancipative Values, using a broader theoretical model linking geo-climatic conditions, economic development, value change, and political regime.
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