Компенсация СЕО, избыточная самоуверенность и решения о выплатах собственникамManagerial Compensation, Overconfidence and Payout Policy
Члены комитета:
Степанов Сергей Сергеевич (НИУ ВШЭ, PhD, председатель комитета), Лазарева Ольга Владимировна (НИУ ВШЭ, к.э.н., PhD, член комитета), Маленко Надежда Анатольевна (Бизнес-школа имени Стивена Росса Мичиганского государственного университета, PhD, член комитета), Симонов Андрей Юрьевич (Бизнес-колледж Eli Broad Мичиганского государственного университета, к.ф.-м.н., PhD, член комитета), Суворов Антон Дмитриевич (НИУ ВШЭ, к.ф.-м.н., PhD, член комитета)
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Совет по экономике
Дата защиты:
The dissertation investigates the impact of Chief Executive Officer's (CEO's) characteristics: rational compensation incentives and irrational bias, such as overconfidence, - on payout decisions. Based on the sample of 813 companies from the USA, we have shown that higher levels of inside debt lead to higher probability and level of repurchases and incentivise a CEO to use repurchases as a main channel of payout. Different components of inside debt provide different incentives in terms of payout decisions. Moreover, overconfident CEOs tend to set lower levels of cash dividends and higher levels of repurchases and to use repurchases as a main channel of payout.
By implementing the index of corporate governance quality, we have shown that corporate governance of higher quality is able to reduce the impact of CEO's overconfidence on payout decisions. We show that gender diversity and audit committee independence show better ability to reduce the impact of CEO’s overconfidence on payout decisions than the size of the board, board of directors’ independence, and CEO duality. We have found that this ability benefits shareholders as it limits the detrimental effects of overconfidence and utilises their benefits for the purposes of improving company’s profitability.
By implementing the index of corporate governance quality, we have shown that corporate governance of higher quality is able to reduce the impact of CEO's overconfidence on payout decisions. We show that gender diversity and audit committee independence show better ability to reduce the impact of CEO’s overconfidence on payout decisions than the size of the board, board of directors’ independence, and CEO duality. We have found that this ability benefits shareholders as it limits the detrimental effects of overconfidence and utilises their benefits for the purposes of improving company’s profitability.
Диссертация [*.pdf, 5.54 Мб] (дата размещения 16.11.2020)
Резюме [*.pdf, 433.26 Кб] (дата размещения 16.11.2020)
Summary [*.pdf, 380.33 Кб] (дата размещения 16.11.2020)
Публикации, в которых излагаются основные результаты диссертации
Анилов А.Э. Поведенческие аспекты принятия решений о выплатах собственникам: обзор исследований (смотреть на сайте журнала)
Anilov A.E., Ivashkovskaya I.V. .Do Boards of Directors Affect CEO Behavior? Evidence from Payout Decisions (смотреть на сайте журнала)
Anilov A. Do Overconfident CEOs Pay More to Shareholders? Evidence from the US Market (смотреть на сайте журнала)
Отзыв научного руководителя
- Ивашковская Ирина Васильевна (дата размещения 3.09.2020)
Сведения о результатах защиты:
Комитет по диссертации рекомендовал присудить ученую степень кандидата наук (протокол № 2 от 18.01.2021). Решением диссертационного совета (протокол № 1 от 22.01.2021) присуждена ученая степень кандидата экономических наук.
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