Паттерны современного антизападничества: неоосманизм и неоевразийство во внешнеполитических дискурсах Турции и РоссииPatterns of Contemporary Anti-Westernism: Neo-Ottomanism and Neo-Eurasianism in Turkish and Russian Foreign Policy Discourses
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The thesis is devoted to the study of features of Anti-Western currents of thought in the context of the decline of Western hegemony and crisis of the liberal international order. The thesis provides a comparative analysis of Neo-Ottomanism and Neo-Eurasianism in order to reveal the patterns that are specific for Anti-Westernism in the beginning of the 21st century. As a response to the quest for new identities and international position of Turkey and Russia in the new world order, Neo-Ottomanism and Neo-Eurasianism appeared following the end of the Cold War and became more prominent since 2000. Their rise occurred against the backdrop of the shifts in Turkish and Russian foreign policies under the personalized rules of Erdoğan and Putin. Neo-Ottomanism and Neo-Eurasianism offered macro-political identities, assertive foreign policy visions and geopolitical concepts as an alternative to the Western ones. Underlining the importance of ideas in world politics, the thesis employs constructivist approach and the concept of worldview. The comparative analysis of Neo-Ottomanist and Neo-Eurasianist worldviews demonstrated that the patterns of contemporary Anti-Westernism encompass opposition to the Western dominated world order, criticism of Western philosophy, thought and conservative response to Western modernity, secularism and liberal values. These two Anti-Western and conservative worldviews offer an alternative to the West based on civilizational and conservative values including specific moral principles, emphasize on the religions, believe in strong authority and the imagine of supranational identity.
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