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Магистратура 2019/2020

Английский язык для финансистов (продвинутый уровень)

Статус: Курс адаптационный (Корпоративные финансы)
Направление: 38.04.08. Финансы и кредит
Кто читает: Практико-ориентированные магистерские программы факультета экономических наук
Когда читается: 1-й курс, 2 модуль
Формат изучения: без онлайн-курса
Прогр. обучения: Корпоративные финансы
Язык: английский
Кредиты: 3
Контактные часы: 32

Course Syllabus


The course is designed to teach students the language skills they need to communicate effectively in a variety of financial contexts in the international environment. It covers a wide range of financial topics, including accounting, retail and investment banking, asset management and mergers and acquisitions, increasing students’ confidence and ability to participate in professional discussions and presentations. It also develops students’ communication skills, such as negotiating, writing reports, organizing and leading meetings, which are necessary for the effective work within the industry. The course is a part of Professional English program and prepares students of Corporate Finance Master program for other professional courses taught in English. To successfully participate in the course, students are expected to prove the proficiency in English language at the level B2+/C1.
Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

  • Provide students with necessary financial vocabulary and tools to perform successfully in every task they may have to deal with in their daily professional life. It also aims to advance students writing and speaking competency, developing their ability to participate actively and efficiently in the decision-making process.
Expected Learning Outcomes

Expected Learning Outcomes

  • knowledge of financial concepts and ability to use Financial English terminology confidently
  • knowledge of different forms of financial/accounting texts and documents
  • ability to participate in professional meetings, discussions and give presentations
  • ability to write clear and well-structured letters and professional reports
  • verbal fluency and confidence for face-to-face negotiations
Course Contents

Course Contents

  • Section 1: The organisation of financial industry
    The topic covers the key structure and key aspects of the organization of financial industry and its major participants Vocabulary: - Financial institutions & and their role in the financial system - Financial regulation and supervision - Personal banking Possible Case: Negotiating a PPP Project
  • Section 1: Banking: Loans and credit, retail banking
    The topic is concerned with the major components and major processes of banking industry Vocabulary: - Retail and commercial banking - Interest rates - Loans and credit - Islamic Banking Possible Case: Development of a new digital strategy for a commercial bank
  • Section 1: Accounting & Financial Statements
    The topic explores the business and financial accounting issues, deals with the financial statements and financial reports Vocabulary: - Accounting and Accountancy, book-keeping - Accounting policies, standards, assumptions and principles - Balance Sheet and other financial statements - Cost accounting, financial ratios Possible Case: Presentation of Annual Financial Report to the Shareholders
  • Section 1: Capital markets, Stock and Shares, Portfolio Management
    The topic is devoted to the capital markets, stocks and stock exchanges Vocabulary: - Stocks and shares - Shareholders - Share prices Possible Case: Planning for an increase in shareholder value
  • Section1: Corporate Finance: Shareholder Value, Mergers & Acquisitions
    The topic addresses the issues of company performance, shareholder value creation and financial transactions Vocabulary: - Company performance (Profitability, ROE, Leverage) - Shareholder value (Yield, P/E ratio, Value-Based-Management) - Mergers & Acquisitions, Leveraged Buyouts Possible Case: Planning and negotiating a M&A deal
  • Section 1: Corporate Governance: Board, CSR and ethical investment
    The topic covers the issues of corporate governance and structure of the Boards as well as corporate social responsibility and ethical investment Vocabulary: - Board organization, separation of roles - Rewards for success / failure - Corporate Social Responsibility - Activist shareholders - Socially responsible investment Possible Case: Impact Investing
  • Section 2. Writing skills. Writing etiquette, formal/informal style; Writing professional reports
    The topic deals with different aspects of writing tasks, covering issues of the appropriate style, etiquette, meeting procedures and preparing well-structured, clear professional reports Sub-topics and tasks - Writing etiquette, informal/formal style - Describing trends and graphs - Structure and organization of professional reports Practical assessment: Preparation of a professional report (Equity Research)
  • Section 3. Speaking/Presentation/Negotiation skills. Talking about figures, giving presentations; leading negotiations, dealing with conflict
    The topic deals with different aspect office and client communication, incl. giving presentations and leading negotiations Sub-topics and tasks - Giving professional speeches and presentations - Leading negotiations - Dealing with conflict Practical Assessment: Participation in several negotiations, presentation of financial and business results, resolving conflict situations
Assessment Elements

Assessment Elements

  • non-blocking Continued assessment, Class discussions
  • non-blocking Individual homework assignments
  • non-blocking Small-group work, Cases
  • non-blocking Final test
Interim Assessment

Interim Assessment

  • Interim assessment (2 module)
    0.16 * Continued assessment, Class discussions + 0.3 * Final test + 0.25 * Individual homework assignments + 0.29 * Small-group work, Cases


Recommended Core Bibliography

  • English for the financial sector. Student's book, MacKenzie, I., 2012
  • Michael O’Neal. (2018). Banking and financial English : Lehr- und Übungsbuch: Vol. 2., unwesentlich veränderte Auflage. Reprint 2017. De Gruyter Oldenbourg.
  • Professional English in Use Finance, Student's Book : [Intermediate to Advanced], 8th ed., 140 p., MacKenzie, I., 2013

Recommended Additional Bibliography

  • Mascull, B. (2015). Market leader. Slovenia, Europe: Longman. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsbas&AN=edsbas.600BCFF2