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Аспирантура 2019/2020

Письменное профессиональное общение

Статус: Курс по выбору
Направление: 45.06.01. Языкознание и литературоведение
Когда читается: 1-й курс, 1 семестр
Формат изучения: без онлайн-курса
Язык: русский
Кредиты: 4
Контактные часы: 40

Программа дисциплины


The “Professional Communication Writing” discipline is aimed at developing communicative competence and acquiring theoretical basics of modern functional stylistics as the basis for professional communication, efficient academic research and teaching. Dynamic development of international integration and professional information exchange determine the need of all involved in the international business, to perceive the information concerning their professional field, productively and efficiently. English is accepted as an operating language in international business. It is being chosen by many transnational corporations. An instrument for a quality and efficient perception, as well as of an effective information transmission is called the English Language for Specific Purposes (ESP).
Цель освоения дисциплины

Цель освоения дисциплины

  • To give the students a grounding of basic professional communication (LSP) theories, methodology and scientific approaches on LSP
  • To teach the students to analize LSP (ESP) phenomena and find successful solution of the problems
  • To train the students for skill based professional communication
Планируемые результаты обучения

Планируемые результаты обучения

  • Identify the major perspectives in the field of professional communication.
  • Debate the ethical issues of professional communication in practice
  • Use language of Professional Communication
  • Use terminology and terminography of Professional Communication
  • Use English science lexicon
  • Indetify steps in scientific research and structural patterns
  • Use English in language teaching.
  • Understand how conduct research in linguistics
  • Progress in candidate of sciences thesis
Содержание учебной дисциплины

Содержание учебной дисциплины

  • Section 1. Introduction. Communication system
  • Section 2. Professional Picture of the World
  • Section 3. Professional Communication Process: Verbal and Management Aspects
  • Section 4. Languages of Professional Communication
  • Section 5. Terminology and Terminography
  • Section 6. English for Science
  • Section 7. Steps in Scientific Research and Structural Patterns I.
  • Section 8. Steps in Scientific Research and Structural Patterns II.
  • Section 9. English for Language Teaching.
  • Section 10. Research in Linguistics.
  • Section 11. Starting and Finishing your Candidate of Sciences Thesis.
Элементы контроля

Элементы контроля

  • неблокирующий Portfolio
  • неблокирующий Classwork
  • неблокирующий Oral exam
Промежуточная аттестация

Промежуточная аттестация

  • Промежуточная аттестация (I семестр)
    G course = G cumulative * 0.6 + G final exam * 0.4 G cumulative = G portfolio * 0.7 + G classwork * 0.3
Список литературы

Список литературы

Рекомендуемая основная литература

  • Cooperative Learning Approach to an English Academic Reading Course. (2019). Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsbas&AN=edsbas.4D41C0E0

Рекомендуемая дополнительная литература

  • Cook, V. J. (2004). The English Writing System. London: Routledge. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=327739