Научно-исследовательский семинар "Экономика, бизнес и общество"
Курс по выбору (Социология и социальная информатика)
39.03.01. Социология
Кто читает:
Департамент социологии
Где читается:
Санкт-Петербургская школа социальных наук
Когда читается:
4-й курс, 1-3 модуль
Формат изучения:
без онлайн-курса
Охват аудитории:
для всех кампусов НИУ ВШЭ
Арлашкина Ольга Владимировна,
Крупец Яна Николаевна,
Немировская Анна Валентиновна,
Савинова Анна Николаевна
Контактные часы:
Course Syllabus
The research seminar “Business. Economy. Society” will include two specializations this year: The first specialization: “HR and organizational studies”, it will be focused on the inner environment of the organization. Students will learn about current areas of qualitative and quantitative research in organizations, including Employee Experience, Employer Branding, product approach, People Analytics, and others, and discuss the prospects for developing these areas from different perspectives. As the practical project the case of IT startup will be analyzed. The curators: Anna Nemirovskaya – the Head of the Sociology Department, associate professor, senior research fellow in the Laboratory for Comparative social research. https://www.hse.ru/en/org/persons/54306879 Olga Arlashkina – senior HR consultor, https://www.bitobe.ru/team/2485/ Nadezhda Orlova – visiting lecturer, https://www.hse.ru/staff/orlova The second specialization: “The market research: sociological and marketing approach”. In this specialization, we will discuss the external environment of organizations – the rules, practices and specificities of different markets in Russia and abroad. Students will learn about current areas of qualitative and quantitative research of the markets, including target audience studying, mystery shopping, consumers’ survey, customer’s journey map (CJM). As the practical project students will choose the firm and use the method of CJM creating the maps for the organization. The curators: Yana Krupets – associate professor, deputy director of the Centre for youth studies https://www.hse.ru/org/persons/37040471 Anna Savinova – market researcher https://www.hse.ru/data/2021/04/14/1368512940/CV_%D0%A1%D0%B0%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0%20%D0%90%D0%9D.pdf Both specializations will be following the same course structure: Module 1. Academic reading Module 2. Methods of research and practice Module 3. Development of the students’ research proposals Module 4 (for 2nd and 3d year students): practical research projects The course consists of tutorials (30 hours). The tutorials include Mini-lectures/discussions and practical tasks
Learning Objectives
- Research Seminar is aimed at discussing academic research in the field of economic sociology, and at the formation of professional competences in studying business, economy, and society. Students will also learn how to write and read academic papers.
- The purpose of the course is to develop students’ research skills, academic competences, and professional competences in studying business, economy, and society.
Expected Learning Outcomes
- Able to conduct sociological research
- Able to read and to analyze academic books
- Able to study business and economic with sociological methods
- Able to use qualitative methods of data collection and analysis
- Know the methods and principles of academic and applied research
- Know the specificity of sociological approach to studying economy
- Understand the principles of doing academic research
Course Contents
- Academic reading and the basics of student scientific work
- Methods of applied research
- Student’s academic work
- Project: implementations of research skills
Assessment Elements
- In-class participation
- Homework 1Presentation of the individual research proposal
- Homework 2Presentation of the research design and piloting of instrument
- ExamЭкзамен проводится в письменной форме. Экзамен проводится асинхронно: студенты загружают письменные работы (reaction paper) в папку на платформе MS teams в Общем канале по курсу (https://teams.microsoft.com/l/channel/19%3ae74e358aa762442e8709575318dee103%40thread.tacv2/%25D0%259E%25D0%25B1%25D1%2589%25D0%25B8%25D0%25B9?groupId=c41ab207-0c30-42a7-8815-eec9a360e2eb&tenantId=21f26c24-0793-4b07-a73d-563cd2ec235f) не позднее даты и времени экзамена, указанного в расписании. Для участия в экзамене студент обязан: предоставить письменный текст выполненной работы (reaction paper). Во время экзамена студентам запрещен плагиат. Во время экзамена студентам разрешено пользоваться любыми необходимыми источниками для написания работы. Процедура пересдачи аналогична процедуре сдачи.
- Homework 1
- Homework 2
- Homework 3
- In-class participation - in the 1st module
- Homework 1Reaction paper on the academic source - the 1st Module
- Homework 2Participation in the fieldwork - the 2nd Module
- Homework 3Fieldwork paper - the 2nd Module
- Homework 4The presentation of the student's research project - the 3d Module
- In-class participation - in the 2nd module
- In-class participation - in the 3d module
- In-class participation - in the 4th module
- Homework 5Homework: students have to make a short video (3-5 minutes), reviewing the discussed book, its critics and strengths.
Interim Assessment
- 2019/2020 4th module0.2 * Homework 2 + 0.2 * Homework 1 + 0.3 * In-class participation + 0.3 * Exam
- 2020/2021 4th module0.125 * Homework 1 + 0.1 * Homework 2 + 0.075 * Homework 5 + 0.075 * In-class participation - in the 2nd module + 0.125 * In-class participation - in the 3d module + 0.125 * In-class participation - in the 1st module + 0.175 * In-class participation - in the 4th module + 0.075 * Homework 3 + 0.125 * Homework 4
- 2021/2022 3rd module0.33 * Homework 1 + 0.34 * Homework 3 + 0.33 * Homework 2
Recommended Core Bibliography
- Aspers, P., & Dodd, N. (2015). Re-Imagining Economic Sociology. Oxford: OUP Oxford. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=1200997
Recommended Additional Bibliography
- Portes, A. (2010). Economic Sociology : A Systematic Inquiry. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=329852
- Stark, D. (2010). Ambiguous Assets for Uncertain Environments: Heterarchy in Postsocialist Firms.
- Tittenbrun, J. (2011). Economy in Society : Economic Sociology Revisited. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=524366