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Бакалавриат 2020/2021

Анализ и компрессия текста

Направление: 45.03.02. Лингвистика
Когда читается: 2-й курс, 1-4 модуль
Формат изучения: без онлайн-курса
Преподаватели: Иванова Юлия Владимировна, Луткова Елена Сергеевна, Патрикеева Ирина Сергеевна, Путилина Наталья Александровна
Язык: английский
Кредиты: 6
Контактные часы: 70

Course Syllabus


This course aims to introduce students to basic concepts of text linguistics and literary analysis as well as to explore how these theoretical premises can be practically applied to identifying, analyzing and generating texts belonging to different functional styles and literary genres, as well as their implications for learning and teaching a foreign language. The course has a twofold practical goal of developing skills in analyzing and understanding academic and literary texts based on their semantic and textual features, structural components and context, and compressing them according to accepted formats (such as plot summary, abstract, introduction and literature review).
Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

  • Students will be able to write a thorough analysis of a literary text, present a literature review and introduction (in the form of a mini course paper) on a literary topic and present the results of their work in accordance with standard academic requirements.
  • Students will gain an understanding of basic concepts in text linguistics and apply them to the analysis of texts of different styles; examine the standards and requirements of the academic writing style, examine academic text types (dissertation, course paper, report, article, etc.), their structure and components; develop skills in understanding and producing written academic texts; develop the practical skills of writing a mini course paper based on literature analysis; survey basic concepts in literature as these are integrated into various genres, such as short fiction (stories, novella), the novel; understand the correlation between textual standards and literary elements; examine fundamentals of literary analysis (theme, plot, character, symbolism, etc.) and apply them to analysis of literary texts. Understand requirements to academic presentations that stem from textual and contextual standards and requirements; practice individual and group presentations on subjects connected to course topics. Understand the concept of text compression; examine different formats of text compression depending on context and purpose, acquire practical skills in text compression for the purpose of creating academic abstracts, executive summaries, elements of academic literature review and plot summaries.
Expected Learning Outcomes

Expected Learning Outcomes

  • Getting familiar with the course content and assessment criteria
  • using academic vocabulary, clichés, functional language
  • Understanding of LR components
  • Analyzing the main parts of an academic written work
  • Conducting comparative analysis of Russian and APA-style articles
  • Identifying the main components; producing the written literary review
  • Identifying different academic texts types
  • Identifying the main components of abstract
  • Producing the written abstract
  • Reviewing articles and bachelor’s theses on methods section
  • Studying the peculiarities of literary text and literary genres
  • Discussing various approaches to the fiction classification
  • Holding group research on the scope of stylistic devices used in literary works
  • Analyzing Maugham's style of writing; identify conflict, elements of Freytag's pyramid
  • Studying Munro's style of writing. Producing literary analysis of Sredni Vashtar (theme, setting, pace, point of view, descriptive language)
  • Producing group analysis of Ray Bradbury's short stories (theme, setting, pace, conflict)
  • Speculating on individual's style of writing; getting familiar with characterization
  • Conducting analysis of Roald Dahl’s short stories (theme, plot, setting, pace, conflict, characters, tone and mood)
  • Writing a test on literary part
Course Contents

Course Contents

  • Course overview and assessment criteria.
    Basic concepts: Text, discourse, and functional style. Their specific features and commonalities Practice: analysis of texts to find out their features.
  • Formal Style (academic vocabulary, grammar, clichés)
    Practice: the use of formal style with a special focus on linguistic features
  • Literature Review Structure, main components (Russian and APA)
    Practice: comparative analysis of literature review (APA style and Russian style)
  • Structure and main components of an academic written work
    Practice: comparative analysis of APA style and Russian style of writing
  • Literature Review Structure, main components (Russian and APA)
    Practice: comparative analysis of literature review (APA style and Russian style)
  • Article structure analysis
    Practice: comparative analysis of the structure of articles (Russian and APA)
  • Academic texts (different types: dissertation, coursepaper, report, article, essay)
    Practice: comparative analysis of different academic texts
  • Abstract Analysis
    Practice: analysis of three different thematic articles
  • Abstract Writing
    Practice: writing abstract of the articles under review
  • Overview of research methods
    Practice: review of articles and bachelor’s theses
  • Literary text. Introduction
    Peculiarities of literary text and literary genres. Classification. Peculiarities of language use: descriptive language, stylistic devices Practice: comparative analysis of extracts from different literary texts
  • Project class ‘Controversial issues of fiction classification’. Reports based on academic articles of Russian and English-speaking scholars.
    Discussion of controversial issues of fiction classification. Individual feedback in written form based on critical review of all the analysed materials.
  • Individual Style Peculiarities: The Use of descriptive language (stylistic devices)
    Practice: group research on the scope of stylistic devices used in literary works
  • S. Maugham’s Writing Literary text analysis: plot, Freytag’s pyramid
    Practice: group research on S. Maugham’s features of writing (peculiar traits, the use of stylistic devices, different themes, plot )
  • Hector Hugh Munro’s Writing
    Literary text analysis: time/place setting, structure of the plot. Pace.Point of view. Practice: literary analysis of Sredni Vashtar (theme, setting, pace, point of view, descriptive language)
  • Ray Bradbury's Writing
    Literary text analysis. General information about the text: conflict. Language analysis: symbols, idiomatic language Practice: group analysis of Ray Bradbury's short stories (theme, setting, pace, conflict).
  • Margaret Atwood’s Writing
    Literary text analysis. Language analysis: characterization. Practice: analysis of the short story “Happy Endings” (theme, plot, setting, pace, conflict, characters)
  • Roald Dahl’s Writing
    Literary text analysis: tone and mood. Practice: analysis of Roald Dahl’s short stories (theme, plot, setting, pace, conflict, characters, tone and mood)
Assessment Elements

Assessment Elements

  • non-blocking Tests (topics: functional styles, discourse, text; terms from academic part and literary part,etc)
  • non-blocking Project Work( group presentations/written work in the framework of academic and literary context)
  • non-blocking Current work (presentations, individual work, mini-quizzes)
  • non-blocking Mini-coursework
    Individual research based on the comparative analysis of two books in the format of academic coursework
  • non-blocking Classroom Activity
Interim Assessment

Interim Assessment

  • Interim assessment (4 module)
    0.1 * Classroom Activity + 0.2 * Current work (presentations, individual work, mini-quizzes) + 0.3 * Mini-coursework + 0.2 * Project Work( group presentations/written work in the framework of academic and literary context) + 0.2 * Tests (topics: functional styles, discourse, text; terms from academic part and literary part,etc)


Recommended Core Bibliography

  • Developing Short Story Writing Technique Book Based on Reader Response to Literature. (2019). Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsbas&AN=edsbas.BADCFAEB

Recommended Additional Bibliography

  • Pagliawan Dominador L. (2017). Feature Style for Academic and Scholarly Writing. Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2, 35.