Мировая политика и международная политическая экономия
Лучший по критерию «Полезность курса для Вашей будущей карьеры»
Лучший по критерию «Полезность курса для расширения кругозора и разностороннего развития»
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Курс обязательный (Международные отношения в Евразии)
41.04.05. Международные отношения
Кто читает:
Магистерская программа "Международные отношения в Евразии", направление подготовки "Международные отношения" (Кент)
Где читается:
Факультет мировой экономики и мировой политики
Когда читается:
2-й курс, 1 модуль
Формат изучения:
без онлайн-курса
Братерский Максим Владимирович
Прогр. обучения:
Международные отношения в Евразии
Контактные часы:
Course Syllabus
This course will introduce students to the broad questions motivating the academic field of international political economy: Whose interests are served by the liberalization of trade and finance? What impact can multilateral organizations like the World Bank, International Monetary Fund and World Trade Organization have on the economic policies of member states and the functioning of the global economy? What determines the policies or rules promoted by these organizations? What motivates foreign aid policies? What is “globalization”? How can we assess its impacts on different countries and populations? How international environment of GPE shapes policies and reactions of international companies? The course is designed to: (1) provide a general introduction to central issues treated by GPE, (2) survey existing interpretations of social, political and economic developments in the world with a focus on Russia’s interests and participation, and (3) examine these developments within the framework of the contemporary literature in international political economy. Students will be required to understand and analyze the academic literature, and then apply academic insights to some of the most pressing policy debates. Should government offset the welfare costs of globalization and if so, how? Which priorities should be protected despite free trade liberalization? Is free trade fair trade? How should the World Bank and IMF be reformed to meet the needs of the international political economy in the 21st century? How should the international community address the current financial crisis? How should the international community address the current food crisis? What is the appropriate balance between government regulation and market freedom?
Learning Objectives
- Knowledge and Understanding A. Knowledge and understanding of: 1. historical and theoretical issues at the forefront of the discipline of international political economy, together with familiarity with appropriate bibliographical sources; 2. the epistemological and methodological principles in their application to the study of IPE; 3. key ontological, theoretical, and methodological problems of IPE; 4. current challenges to international order, cooperation, identity, social formations, and global issues, and possible strategies to address them; 5. the changing role of the state in the context of globalization and regional integration and the implications for international peace and security; 6. how to carry out an independent research project and write in a scholarly manner demonstrating familiarity with academic conventions deal with complex issues both systematically and creatively, make sound judgments in the absence of complete data, and communicate their conclusions clearly; 7. advanced knowledge of International Relations and politics as ap
Expected Learning Outcomes
- he epistemological and methodological principles in their application to the study of IPE;
- key ontological, theoretical, and methodological problems of IPE
- current challenges to international order, cooperation, identity, social formations, and global issues, and possible strategies to address them
- historical and theoretical issues at the forefront of the discipline of international political economy, together with familiarity with appropriate bibliographical sources
- applying concepts, theories and methods used in the study of international relations, the analysis of political events, ideas, institutions and practices
- the changing role of the state in the context of globalization and regional integration and the implications for international peace and security
- Marxism vs Modernization Theory Economic Determinism vs. Politics Geographic Determinism vs Politics
- Sanctions and general policies A tool in political arsenal Forms of sanctions History of sanctions Legitimacy of sanctions Political objectives of sanctions Limitations on sanctions
- Globalization and Environment New approaches to Globalization National Policy Autonomy
- advanced knowledge of International Relations and politics as approached in a different academic environment and from a different intellectual tradition
Course Contents
- International Political Economy
- Research Agenda of IPE: 1970 – 2010. IPE in Russia
- International Trade. Political regulation of International Trade. Russia’s Accession to WTO.International Trade and its Effects; The economics of trade; Comparative Advantage; The Heckscher-Ohlin model The economics of trade protection Tariffs and quotas Domestic pressures – societal or institutional International political or economic factors International economics International politics and institutions Protection vs. trade liberalization Trade and domestic income distribution International institutions, unilateralism, and regionalism Trade-related measures toward the environment, social and labor policy Trade-related policies, i.e. exchange rates
- World Financial System. Origins of International Currencies and International Financial Systems. Imbalances accumulating in the Current International Financial System.Monetary systems Base or standard The operation of an international monetary system The gold standard Floating rates The political economy of exchange rate policy The regime Explaining exchange rate outcomes The collapse of the classical liberal order The decline of the United Kingdom World War I as a turning point Reconstruction of the international economic system The Rise of Bretton Woods and a new liberal order Explaining the new order: four perspectives
- Prospect for the Reform of International Financial Institutions. Russia’s interests in the International Financial SystemPolitical Responses to Financial Crises: Rescues v. Bailouts, Letting it Burn, Regulation, etc. How can governments prevent financial crises? How should governments respond to financial crises? How are the World Bank and IMF controlled? What should they be doing today? How should they be reformed? What is the best way to accomplish that reform? Are international institutions infringing on state sovereignty?
- Global Production. Value added Chains and Policies of StatesGlobal networks of production, R&D and logistics, and cluster dynamics as a source of advantage Latecomer firms: the processes of resource leverage that enable firms to diversify and enter new markets, and in particular enable latecomer firms to break into advanced industries like semiconductors National competitive advantages, particularly as applied to the case of Asia-Pacific countries; Strategic Trade theory
- Globalization, Regionalization. Criticism of GlobalizationGlobalization and its discontents Globalization and income distribution Globalization, global problems, and global management Globalization and national sovereignty The crisis Origins of the crisis Course and effects of the crisis International Trade and the Developing Countries The typical economic growth path and its trade policy implications Import substituting industrialization (ISI) Policies and Effects Export-oriented Industrialization (EOI) The turn toward EOI and “globalization” Explaining the policies and the changes
- Growth, Inequality, Development, Aid, Debt and DevelopmentWhy are there poor countries? Three perspectives What should be done? Marxism vs Modernization Theory Economic Determinism vs. Politics Geographic Determinism vs Politics
- Trade and Economic Sanctions: their efficiency in the Modern World. Economic War. Political Management of International Investment: Keeping the Gates of Domestic Financial Market.Sanctions and general policies A tool in political arsenal Forms of sanctions History of sanctions Legitimacy of sanctions Political objectives of sanctions Limitations on sanctions Ethics of sanctions Effectiveness of sanctions Political Management of the Export of Capital Political Influence on International Financial and Trade Institutions Political Aspects of Currency Reg
- .Globalization and Current Problems in International Political EconomyInequality Globalization and Environment New approaches to Globalization National Policy Autonomy
- The Future of the World Political, Economic and Financial Order.
Recommended Core Bibliography
- Frieden, J. A., & Lake, D. A. (2000). International Political Economy : Perspectives on Global Power and Wealth (Vol. 4th ed). London: Routledge. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=83119
- Global Political Economy : Contemporary Theories Ronen Palan
- The Emergence of the Global Political Economy. William Thompson and Jeremy Black
Recommended Additional Bibliography
- Rethinking Global Political Economy : Emerging Issues, Unfolding Odysseys Burch, Kurt; Denemark, Robert A.;and more Routledge 2003
- The Palgrave Handbook of Contemporary International Political Economy edited by Timothy M. Shaw, Laura C. Mahrenbach, Renu Modi, Xu Yi-chong. (2019). Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edswao&AN=edswao.51626463X