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Магистратура 2020/2021

Теория и практика межкультурной коммуникации

Лучший по критерию «Полезность курса для Вашей будущей карьеры»
Лучший по критерию «Полезность курса для расширения кругозора и разностороннего развития»
Лучший по критерию «Новизна полученных знаний»
Направление: 45.04.02. Лингвистика
Когда читается: 2-й курс, 1, 2 модуль
Формат изучения: с онлайн-курсом
Прогр. обучения: Иностранные языки и межкультурная коммуникация
Язык: английский
Кредиты: 3
Контактные часы: 20

Course Syllabus


This discipline can help students further develop a deeper understanding of foreign languages and cultures, avoid stereotypes when perceiving someone else’s reality and the right tactics and strategy for communicating with representatives of the countries of the language being studied.
Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

  • The purpose of the discipline is the formation of students' competencies in the field of intercultural communication, intercultural consciousness and intercultural understanding of speakers of other cultures in everyday linguistic, sociocultural, business and professional environments, based on which future masters will be able and ready to communicate with representatives of different cultures, showing understanding, respect and tolerance, diagnose errors of intercultural interaction, manage the processes of intercultural communication, build s strategy and tactics of communication with representatives of various national and ethnic cultures on the basis of ownership of the theoretical foundations and practical tools of intercultural communication.
Expected Learning Outcomes

Expected Learning Outcomes

  • Students acquire the principles of cultural relativism and ethical standards, implying a rejection of ethnocentrism and respect for the originality of a foreign language culture and value orientations of a foreign language community
  • Students master the skills of sociocultural and intercultural communication ensuring the appropriateness of social and professional contacts
  • Students acquire the system of knowledge of the values and ideas inherent in the cultures of the countries of the studied foreign languages, of major differences between the conceptual and linguistic pictures of the world of native speakers of the state language of the Russian Federation and the languages studied
  • Students master the conventional basics of verbal communication in a foreign language community, the rules and traditions of intercultural and professional communication with native speakers of the studied language
  • Students are able to overcome the influence of stereotypes and carry out intercultural dialogue in general and professional spheres of communication
  • Students acquire ethical and moral norms of behaviour recognized in a foreign culture community
  • Students develop the ability to organize and manage multilateral (including intercultural) communication
  • Students develop the ability to conduct professional, including research, activities in the international environment
  • Students acquire the ability to take into account social and intercultural differences to solve problems in professional and social activities
  • Students know the principles of cultural relativism and ethical standards, implying a rejection of ethnocentrism and respect for the originality of a foreign language culture and value orientations of a foreign language community
  • Students master the skills of sociocultural and intercultural communication, ensuring the appropriateness of social and professional contacts
  • Students acquire the system of knowledge on the values and ideas inherent in the cultures of the countries of the studied foreign languages, on major differences between the conceptual and linguistic pictures of the world of native speakers of the state language of the Russian Federation and the languages studied
  • Students are able to overcome the influence of stereotypes and carry out intercultural dialogue in conventional and professional areas of communication
  • Students master ethical and moral norms of behaviour recognized in a foreign culture and community
  • Students acquire the ability to conduct professional activities in an international environment with research activities included
  • Students acquire the ability to consider social and intercultural differences in order to solve problems in professional and social activities
  • Students learn the conventions of verbal and non-verbal communication in a foreign language society, the rules and traditions of intercultural and professional communication with native speakers of the studied language
  • Students develop the ability to conduct professional activities in intercultural settings
  • Students develop the ability to distinguish different national and ethnic cultures based on parametric dimensions and make decisions for appropriate intercultural communication based on those differences
  • acquires the principles of cultural relativism and ethical standards, implying a rejection of ethnocentrism and respect for the originality of a foreign language culture and value orientations of a foreign language society
  • owns the skills of sociocultural and intercultural communication, ensuring the adequacy of social and professional contacts
  • owns a system of knowledge about the values and ideas inherent in the cultures of the countries of the studied foreign languages, about the main differences between the conceptual and linguistic pictures of the world of native speakers of the state language of the Russian Federation and the languages studied
  • owns the conventions of verbal communication in a foreign language society, the rules and traditions of intercultural and professional communication with native speakers of the studied language
  • able to overcome the influence of stereotypes and carry out intercultural dialogue in the general and professional areas of communication
  • owns ethical and moral norms of behavior accepted in a foreign culture society
  • owns the ability to organize and manage multilateral (including intercultural) communication
  • owns the ability to conduct professional, including research, activities in an international environment
  • owns the ability to take into account social and intercultural differences to solve problems in professional and social activities
  • knows the principles of cultural relativism and ethical standards, implying a rejection of ethnocentrism and respect for the originality of a foreign language culture and value orientations of a foreign language society
  • Students develop the skills and competences of intercultural communication providing for the appropriateness and efficiency of social and professional contacts
  • Students acquire ethical and moral norms of behaviour recognized or adopted in different culture communities
  • Students develop the ability to conduct professional activities in international settings as well as to do cross-cultural research
Course Contents

Course Contents

  • Communication theory of identity
    Intercultural communication as interaction of identities. Concepts of identification and identity. Value systems and hierarchies of values ​​of one's own and other cultures. Types of identities and their characteristics. Cultural, national, ethnic, physiological, psychological, social and other types of identity. The relation of identity to social, ethnic, confessional and cultural differences. Components of social identity (gender, age, class, property, status, etc.). Parametric models of psychological identity: "Individualism vs Collectivism", "Agentivity vs Non-agentivity", "Rationality vs Emotionality", "Competition vs Cooperation", "Optimism vs Pessimism", "Tolerance vs Patience", "Closedness vs Openness". Identity clash of cultures. Hierarchy of cultural identity: monocultural (intracultural) - multicultural - intercultural (transcultural or global).
  • Business cultures classification by Richard Lewis
    Classification of cultures according to the dominant type of activity: monoactive, polyactive, reactive. Characterization and typical representatives of monoactive, polyactive, reactive cultures. Orientation of cultures to the task, people, maintaining respect. Introvert and extrovert. Relation to the time of representatives of monoactive, polyactive, reactive cultures. Attitude to facts and information of monoactive, polyactive, reactive cultures. Relation to people of monoactive, polyactive, reactive cultures. Attitude to "loss of face" in monoactive, polyactive, reactive cultures. Non-verbal communication in monoactive, polyactive, reactive cultures. Culture (cultures) of Russia by the dominant type of activity.
  • The concept of "cultural grammar" by Edward Hall
    Categories of culture: context, time, space. The concept of context in communication. Context as information surrounding and accompanying a cultural event. Kinds of context. Types of culture by context parameter. The concepts of high and low context. Definition of high-context and low-context cultures. High-context and low-context communication. Culture parameter: “Attitude to time”. Monochronous and polychronous cultures. Monochronous and polychronous time. Culture parameter: “Attitude to space”. Contact and distant cultures.
  • Intercultural communication in the field of business and management
    Cultural diversity of multinational companies. Corporate and national culture of multinational corporations. Working in an international team. Culture-specific behavior, attitudes, and values. Cultural susceptibility and tolerance. Tolerant perception of social, ethnic, religious and cultural differences. Leadership and decision-making in a multicultural environment. Team-building and team leadership, motivation, feedback. Organization of business meetings and negotiations. Cross-cultural management of business communication in the leading economies of the world: Russia, USA, Great Britain, Germany, France, Italy, Japan, China, Brazil, India. Intercultural communication in the sphere of travel and tourism business. Features of business communication and business etiquette in various cultures. Russia as a business partner.
  • Intercultural communication in the field of education
    Cultural tradition in education. Family and education. Cultural diversity in education systems. Multicultural education: challenges and problems. Cultural traditions of learning and learning in different countries. Learning priorities in different cultures. Teaching styles in different cultures. Styles of motivation for learning and education. Language education in different cultures. Linguistic diversity in multicultural education. Language, self-awareness and identity. English in the system of multicultural education. Multicultural class as a community. Multicultural communication strategies in education. Linguistic policy of a country in the context of intercultural communication. Teachers' multicultural competence: self-identification and understanding of diversity.
  • Theory of cultural dimensions by Geert Hofstede
    Criteria of cultural value differences: identity, hierarchy, gender, truth, virtue. Indicators of cultural measurements in the theory of cultural dimensions by G. Hofstede. "Individualism vs Collectivism" dimension. "Power Distance (high vs low)" dimension. "Masculinity vs Femininity" dimension. "Uncertainty Avoidance (Strong vs Weak) dimension. "Orientation (long-term vs short-term)" dimension. Culturally specific and individual levels of cultural dimensions.
  • Intercultural competence
    The concept of intercultural competence. Components of intercultural competence. Linguistic, communicative, cultural, conceptual competence. Translation competence of a language mediator and cultural broker. Theories of intercultural competence. Theory of cultural literacy by Eric Hirsch. Levels of cultural competence according to E. Hirsch. Ways, forms, methods and conditions for the formation of intercultural competence. Verification of intercultural competence. Tolerance as an element of intercultural competence. Tolerant thinking, consciousness and behavior in relation to cultural differences in professional activities. Intercultural training for the formation of intercultural competence.
  • Research methods in intercultural communication
    Communication science as a special field of research. Scientific criteria. Conducting studies of intercultural communication processes. National and ethnocultural characteristics of representatives of contacting cultures. Quantitative and qualitative methods. Combined methods. Data sources. Sampling. Description of research methods. Observation. Case method. Types of cases: deviant, critical, paradigmatic. Sources of cases. Ethnographic method. Content analysis. Rhetorical analysis. Semiotic analysis. Conceptual analysis. Narrative analysis. Discourse analysis. Conversion analysis. Ethics of intercultural communication research. The use of research methods in the sphere of intercultural communication with the manifestation of respect, tolerance, ethics of the researcher in the field of professional activity.
  • Intercultural communication in the sphere of health care
    Health care communication in a culturally diverse community. Diverse health care value and belief systems. Diverse cultural traditions in health care. Health care communication strategies. Intercultural competence in health care. Health care through the lens of language.
Assessment Elements

Assessment Elements

  • non-blocking Continuous in-class activity (participation)
    Current classroom work involves individual answers and participation in discussions, including questions from the online course.
  • non-blocking Case study
    Decisions on cases prepared in the process of independent work are discussed and evaluated in class during group or pair work.
  • non-blocking Essay
    Essays are completed in the process of independent work and are evaluated by the teacher out of class, the results are announced in class.
  • non-blocking Project
    Projects are completed in the process of independent work, defended publicly in front of the group, involve a presentation report and answers to the questions from the audience.
  • non-blocking Exam
    The exam consists of a case study received at the exam and a project prepared at home and defended in class. The retake procedure involves the use of more complicated tasks (a more complicated case analysis and a test).
  • non-blocking Test (multiple choice test)
  • non-blocking Case Study
  • non-blocking Report
    Reports are completed in the process of independent work and are presented in class, or checked by the teacher out of class and the results are announced in class.
  • non-blocking Project
    Projects are carried out in the process of independent work, are defended publicly in front of the group, involve a presentation report and answers to questions from the audience.
  • non-blocking Mini-lecture
  • non-blocking On-line course final work and discussion
Interim Assessment

Interim Assessment

  • Interim assessment (2 module)
    Оценка итоговая = оценка за текущую аудиторную работу * 0,1 + оценка за онлайн-курс * 0,1 + оценка за кейсы, тесты * 0,1 + оценка за эссе (рефераты), доклады, презентации, мини-лекции * 0,1 + оценка за индивидуальные и групповые проекты * 0,2 + оценка за экзамен * 0,4


Recommended Core Bibliography

  • Chen, G.-M., & Dai, X. (2014). Intercultural Communication Competence : Conceptualization and Its Development in Cultural Contexts and Interactions. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=772084
  • Chen, L. (2017). Intercultural Communication. Boston: De Gruyter Mouton. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=1504955
  • Зинченко В.Г., Зусман В.Г., Кирнозе З.И. - Межкультурная коммуникация. От системного подхода к синергетической парадигме - Издательство "ФЛИНТА" - 2016 - 223с. - ISBN: 978-5-89349-472-3 - Текст электронный // ЭБС ЛАНЬ - URL: https://e.lanbook.com/book/84378

Recommended Additional Bibliography

  • Alistair Brisbourne. (2013). Intercultural Communication: A New Approach to International Relations and Global Challenges by Houman A. Sadri and Madelyn Flammia . London : Continuum , 2011 . 317pp., £22.99, ISBN 9781441103093. Political Studies Review, (1), 101. https://doi.org/10.1111/10.1111/psr.2013.11.issue-1
  • Коммуникология: основы теории коммуникации / Шарков Ф.И., - 4-е изд. - М.:Дашков и К, 2017. - 488 с.: ISBN 978-5-394-02089-6 - Режим доступа: http://znanium.com/catalog/product/414752
  • Марков, В.И. Межкультурная коммуникация : учеб. пособие по направлению подготовки 51.03.01 «Культурология», профиль «Социокультурное проектирование», квалификация (степень) выпускника «бакалавр» / В.И. Марков, О.В. Ртищева. - Кемерово : КемГИК, 2016. - 111 с. - ISBN 978-5-8154-0354-3. - Режим доступа: https://new.znanium.com/catalog/product/1041758
  • Таратухина Ю. В., Цыганова Л. А. - МЕЖКУЛЬТУРНАЯ КОММУНИКАЦИЯ. СЕМИОТИЧЕСКИЙ ПОДХОД. Учебник и практикум для академического бакалавриата - М.:Издательство Юрайт - 2019 - 199с. - ISBN: 978-5-534-08259-3 - Текст электронный // ЭБС ЮРАЙТ - URL: https://urait.ru/book/mezhkulturnaya-kommunikaciya-semioticheskiy-podhod-424712