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Бакалавриат 2022/2023

Иностранный язык (испанский)

Лучший по критерию «Полезность курса для Вашей будущей карьеры»
Лучший по критерию «Полезность курса для расширения кругозора и разностороннего развития»
Лучший по критерию «Новизна полученных знаний»
Направление: 41.03.06. Публичная политика и социальные науки
Когда читается: 4-й курс, 1-3 модуль
Формат изучения: без онлайн-курса
Охват аудитории: для своего кампуса
Язык: английский
Кредиты: 8
Контактные часы: 224

Course Syllabus


The program, built on the principle of integrating the teaching of the Spanish language for the formation of research skills, the Spanish language for special purposes, the Spanish language for business communication, provides for the development of the necessary academic skills. Along with the linguistic and speech skills proper, which form the basis of communicative competence, academic skills in various types of speech activity are gradually formed, primarily the skills to work with the structure of oral and written text. The entire course of students' language training is conditionally divided into two stages - the initial stage (I - II courses) and the advanced stage of training (III-IV courses). The stages are distinguished by the complexity of the materials (from simple to complex) and the ratio of the general literary language (dominates at the initial stage) and the professional language for special purposes (prevails at an advanced stage). Both stages are inextricably linked and subordinated to the common goal of achieving the final program requirements.
Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

  • Speech competence - the development of communication skills in the four main types of speech activity (speaking, listening, reading, writing) in the framework of the selected subject content and communication situations.
  • The purpose of the “Spanish Language” course at an advanced stage (4 year of study) is the development of general cultural competence, the formation and development of intercultural foreign-language professionally-oriented communicative competence.
  • copying the text and writing down its key words, key collocations, key sentences as required by the communicative task; compiling glossaries; making the plan of the text in question;
  • to build coherent statements, including arguments and expression of their attitude to the information received
  • to develop of communicative skills in four main types of speech activity (speaking, listening, reading, writing) within the selected subject content and communication situations
  • Developing skills of reading to oneself and skills of understanding simple authentic texts of various genres and register: reading for gist; reading for details; reading for complete comprehension of the text.
  • Foreign-language professional-communicative competence is the willingness and ability to carry out foreign-language communication in the context of intercultural professional communication (B2-C1 level on the Common European Framework of Reference, CEFR). The achievement of communicative competence in the range of these levels underlies the implementation of the principle of academic mobility in the global educational space, provides the opportunity to master any educational programs and educational disciplines in a foreign language, both within the framework of direct full-time interaction with teachers and with application of remote technologies.
  • Linguistic competence - mastery of new linguistic means (spelling, phonetic, lexical, grammatical) within the framework of the subject matter and corresponding communication situations; mastering knowledge of the linguistic phenomena of the language being studied about different ways of expressing thoughts in the native and studied language.
  • to familiarize students with the culture, traditions and realities of the Hispanic world
  • to make reports and reports in a foreign language on socio-cultural and professionally relevant topics
  • In direct communication: understanding what has been said by the professor and other students; providing verbal or non-verbal feedback to what has been said.
  • Sociocultural competence - introducing students to the culture, traditions and realities of the countries / countries of the studied foreign language; the formation of the ability to represent your country, its culture in a foreign language intercultural communication.
  • The ultimate goal is students to pass the Spanish language exam, the format of which complies with the requirements and structure of the international exams Diplomas de Español como Lengua Extranjera (DELE) and Servicio International de Evaluación de la Lengua Española (SIELE).
  • to read and understand texts of different genres with different levels of penetration into the content
  • to understand the rules of speech behavior (speech etiquette) in the conditions of professional intercultural communication
  • Can understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in their field of specialization.
  • Cognitive competence - the development of universal and special educational skills; familiarization with the methods and techniques available to students for independent study of foreign languages and cultures, including using new information technologies.
  • Developing conversational skills: initiating and maintaining small talk, giving instructions / orders, conducting interviews; initiating and maintaining conversations that feature various types of dialogues (small talk, instructions / orders, interviews).
  • to acquire sufficient vocabulary in order to solve social and communicative tasks in various fields of everyday life
  • to understand lectures in a foreign language
  • Can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party.
  • to carry out analytical and synthetic processing of information received from oral, written and electronic sources
  • to read authentic materiales and analyze them
  • Can produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.
  • to develop universal and special educational skills
Expected Learning Outcomes

Expected Learning Outcomes

  • conduct a conversation on a given topic
  • Language skills. Phonetic, lexical and grammatical side of speech.
  • Listening. Listening comprehension of teacher and student speech and verbal / non-verbal reaction to what they hear.
  • maintain an informal discussion, taking into account features of national culture of the interlocutor
  • make short reports in a foreign language
  • pick up speaking skills which can allow students to use general language, to explain ideas and express opinions regarding different topics in a simple way
  • Reading. The development of the ability to read to oneself and understand simple authentic texts of different genres and styles with different depths of penetration into their contents, depending on the communicative task.
  • Speaking: the development of communicative skills of dialogic speech.
  • summarize and comment adapted texts
  • to ask and exchange information about other people including their names, ages, physical and personal characteristics, professions, preferences, etc
  • to be able to describe different people
  • to be able to make summaries
  • to be able to prepare team presentations
  • to be able to prepare team projects
  • to collect and analyze the collected data
  • to communicate, express thoughts orally and in writing, lead a simple discussion in a foreign language
  • to conduct a conversation with native and non-native speakers
  • to conduct a conversation with native and non-native speakers
  • to describe different situations of everyday life
  • to distinguish different accents of Spanish
  • to extract implicit information while speaking to a native speaker
  • to get acquainted with some pre-Columbian cultures
  • to have a good command of Spanish grammar and vocabulary (at the A2 level)
  • to interact in a simple way with native and non-native speakers of Spanish
  • to introduce him/herself and be able to ask and answer questions about personal details
  • to learn more about places of interest of Spain and Latin America
  • to learn more about Spain's customs and traditions
  • to learn the map of Spain
  • to maintain an informal discussion, taking into account features of national culture of the interlocutor
  • to make reports on a given topic
  • to make short reports in a foreign language
  • to pick up speaking skills which can allow them to use general language, to explain ideas and express opinions regarding different topics in a simple way
  • to possess reading skills which can enable students to skim the text for main idea, to scan the text for specific information, and to deduce meanings from the context
  • to possess reading skills which can enable them to skim the text for main idea, to scan the text for specific information, and to deduce meanings from the context
  • to present a reasoned opinion on a given issue
  • to read adapted and non-adapted texts
  • to read and understand texts of different genres with different levels of penetration into the content
  • to summarize and comment adapted texts
  • to understand and process the main content of oral mono-logical texts received from various sources of information (including the media)
  • to understand emotionally charged information in direct communication with a native speaker
  • to understand sentences and frequently used spoken expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance
  • to understand sentences and frequently used spoken expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance
  • to understand sentences and frequently used spoken expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance (basic personal and family information, shopping, employment, leisure activities, preferences, etc.)
  • to work with information: to find, evaluate and use information from various sources
  • write informal letters and e-mails
  • Writing. Writing Skills Development.
  • Comprensión lectora: analytical reading and abstracting Comprensión auditiva: make multiple choices based on the information you listen to Expresión oral: start, support and end a conversation, express wishes, thank, politely ask again, express consent / refusal
  • Comprensión lectora: fully and accurately understand the content of an unfamiliar text, built on the passed lexical and grammatical material Comprensión auditiva: perceive dialogical speech in audio recordings when presented twice Expresión oral: in a dialogue show a reaction to the partner’s remarks and carry out self-correction
  • Comprensión lectora: make a message in connection with the information read Comprensión auditiva: perceive monologue speech in audio recordings at an average pace of speech Expresión oral: the ability to communicate verbally to meet the challenges of interpersonal and intercultural interaction
  • Comprensión lectora: read authentic texts with full understanding based on their information processing (language guesses, word-formation analysis, use of a bilingual dictionary). Comprensión auditiva: perceive information obtained from audiovisual sources Expresión oral: dialogue of etiquette character, dialogue-inquiry, dialogue-motivation to action.
  • Comprensión lectora: read texts with a focus on facts and events, highlighting the theme and main idea of the text Comprensión auditiva: listening to an expert interview with understanding of specific information Expresión oral: participating in a discussion to find a solution to a problem.
  • Comprensión lectora: read texts with a selective understanding of relevant or relevant information. Comprensión auditiva: perceive monologue speech in audio recordings at an average pace of speech Expresión oral: a summary of what is read. The pace of speech is close to the average heat of speech in the native language.
  • Comprensión lectora: reading with pros and cons Comprensión auditiva: listening to an expert interview with understanding of specific information Expresión oral: Participate in a discussion to work out a solution to a problem.
  • Comprensión lectora: selective reading and summarization Comprensión auditiva: based on the information listened, enter the missing information, give a short answer Expresión oral: speak briefly about facts and events using value judgments
  • Comprensión lectora: state the content of the reading without communicatively significant lexical and grammatical errors Comprensión auditiva: perceive and process various information in accordance with the intended purpose Expresión oral: in a dialogue show a reaction to the partner’s remarks and carry out self-correction
  • Comprensión lectora: transmit content, the main idea of what you read based on text Comprensión auditiva: to perceive (with varying degrees of completeness and accuracy) the statements of interlocutors in the process of communication in audio recordings Expresión oral: conversation in the scope of the topic covered without communicatively significant lexico-grammatical and phonetic errors, demonstrating adequate speech behavior and etiquette
Course Contents

Course Contents

  • 1.1. El alma de un pueblo. Componentes y elementos de una fiesta popular. Expresiones coloquiales con las nacionalidades. 1.2. España: La infraestructura natural de la economía española. Fundamentos de la economía española. Influencia de os fenómenos meteorológicos en la economía. América Latina: Argentina. Fundamentos de la economía argentina. Rasgos culturales del hombre y la mujer de negocios en Argentina.
  • 2.1. El clima cambiante. Climatología y fenómenos meteorológicos. El clima de los países hispanos. Zonas climáticas. El uso de -se. Las perífrasis verbales. 2.2. España: Pnorama de la población. Sectores de población. Sectores laborales. Perfil de la población española. Futuro del nuevo empleo. Gerontología profesional. América Latina: Uruguay. Fundamentos de la economía uruguaya. El liderazgo, el estatus y el estilo de comunicación.
  • 3.1. Los intercambios de estudiantes. La universidad, las becas y los intercambios. Universidades hispanas de mayor prestigio. Intercambios universitarios. Aunque con indicativo y subjuntivo. 3.2. España: El sector agropecuario. Agricultura y ganadería; el vino y el aceite. América Latina: Chile. Fundamentos de la economía chilena. Aspectos socioculturales de Chile.
  • 4.1.Tengo mis derechos. Derechos y deberes cívicos. Premios Nobel a la Paz hispanos. Oraciones temporales en futuro. 4.2. España:El sector pesquero. La capita europea de la pesca. América Latina: Brasil. Fundamentos de la economía brasileña. La organización, la gestión del tiempo y las reuniones en la empresa.
  • 5.1. Destino, el mundo hispano. Lugares de interes turístico. Lugares Patrimonio de la Humanidad hispanos. Oraciones temporales en futuro. 5.2. España:El sector industrial y la construcción. Las constructoras y las fábricas. PYMEs, empresas multinacionales y transnacionales. América Latina: Perú. Fundamentos de la economía peruana. Rasgos culturales del negociador peruano.
  • 6.1.La televisión hispana. Programas de televisión. Los verbos sentimiento y juicio. Expresiones coloquiales con formas de mirar y oír. 6.2. España:Tipos de sociedades. Paralelos y contrastes societarios entre dos países. América Latina: Colombia. Fundamentos de la economía colombiana. Rasgos culturales del negociador colombiano.
  • 7.1. Tendencias del arte hispano moderno. Obras y artistas hispanos contemporáneos. Personas de la historia hispana. Oraciones relativas y relativos. Oraciones de finales y uso de por y para. 7.2. . España: El sistema financiero. La Banca española. Las instituciones crediticias españolas. América Latina: Venezuela. Fundamentos de la economía venezolana. Rasgos culturales del negociador venezolano.
  • 8.1. ¿Qué me pasa, doctor? Tipos de medicinas y terapias. Oraciones modales. Ser, estar,parecer con indicativo y subjuntivo. 8.2. España: El sector turístico.Turismo nacional y paradores. Transportes e infraestructuras. Iberia y RENFE. América Latina: México. Fundamentos de la economía mexicana. Rasgos culturales del hombre y la mujer de negocios en México
  • 9.1. El mundo laboral. Encontrar el trabajo. Empresas españolas. Documentos para encontrar trabajo. 9.2. España: Comercio interior, comercio exterior e inversiones. El comercio y la distribución en España, el sector exterior y las inversiones. Cualidades, valores y estilo de negociación de los directivos españoles. América Latina: Cuba y Panamá. Fundamentos de la economía cubana y panameña.
  • 10.1. Puro teatro. el teatro y los epectáculos. Festivales de teatro. La música hispana. Estilo indirecto en pasado. 10.2. España: Las empresas españolas y sus dificultades en Latinoamérica. La franquicia. América Latina: La integración económica en América Latina. El papel económico de los hispanohablantes en Estados Unidos.
Assessment Elements

Assessment Elements

  • non-blocking Oral control, written control, attestation, independent work, winter/summer exam
    The final exam consists of two parts: written and oral. The written test is performed in Socrative and Zoom simultaneously, the oral part is held in Zoom. The student is required to have a stable Internet connection and a working webcam.
  • non-blocking Exam
    The exam will be conducted via Zoom (oral part) in specified period of session.
  • non-blocking Essay, tests
  • non-blocking Exam
    The final exam consists of two parts: written and oral. The written test is performed in Socrative and Zoom simultaneously, the oral part is held in Zoom. The student is required to have a stable Internet connection and a working webcam.
  • non-blocking лексико-грамматический тест
  • non-blocking устная и письменная форма экзамена
    The final exam consists of two parts: written and oral. The written test is performed in Socrative and Zoom simultaneously, the oral part is held in Zoom. The student is required to have a stable Internet connection and a working webcam.
  • non-blocking Team presentation
  • non-blocking Test
  • non-blocking Essay, tests
  • non-blocking Exam
    The final exam consists of two parts: written and oral. The written test is performed in Socrative and Zoom simultaneously, the oral part is held in Zoom. The student is required to have a stable Internet connection and a working webcam.
  • non-blocking лексико-грамматический тест
  • non-blocking устная и письменная форма экзамена
    The final exam consists of two parts: written and oral. The written test is performed in Socrative and Zoom simultaneously, the oral part is held in Zoom. The student is required to have a stable Internet connection and a working webcam.
  • non-blocking Team presentation
  • non-blocking Test
Interim Assessment

Interim Assessment

  • 2019/2020 2nd module
    O interim = 0.2*o.c.e. + 0.2*w.c.e. + 0.1*att. + 0.1*ind.work + 0.4w.ex.
  • 2019/2020 4th module
    O final = 0.2*o.c.e. + 0.2*w.c.e. + 0.1*att. + 0.1*ind.work + 0.4w.ex.
  • 2020/2021 2nd module
    O final = 0.2*o.c.e. + 0.2*w.c.e. + 0.1*att. + 0.1*ind.work + 0.4*w.ex.
  • 2020/2021 4th module
    O final = 0.2*o.c.e. + 0.2*w.c.e. + 0.1*att. + 0.1*ind.work + 0.4*w.ex.
  • 2021/2022 2nd module
    0.2*o.c.e. + 0.2*w.c.e. + 0.1*att. + 0.1*ind.work + 0.4*w.ex.
  • 2021/2022 4th module
    0.2*o.c.e. + 0.2*w.c.e. + 0.1*att. + 0.1*ind.work + 0.4*w.ex.
  • 2022/2023 2nd module
    O final = 0.2*o.c.e. + 0.2*w.c.e. + 0.1*att. + 0.1*ind.work + 0.4w.ex.
  • 2022/2023 3rd module
    O final = 0.2*o.c.e. + 0.2*w.c.e. + 0.1*att. + 0.1*ind.work + 0.4w.ex.


Recommended Core Bibliography

  • Center for Applied Linguistics, W. D. C. for L. E. and R. (1989). Selected Elementary and Secondary Spanish Language Materials: Language Arts. CLEAR Annotated Bibliography Series. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=eric&AN=ED311697
  • Centre for Information on Language Teaching, L. (England). (1969). Spanish Recorded and Audio-Visual Materials. Centre for Information on Language Teaching. Teaching Materials 3. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=eric&AN=ED038069
  • Orozco, R., & Thoms, J. J. (2014). The future tense in Spanish L2 textbooks. Spanish in Context, 11(1), 27–49. https://doi.org/10.1075/sic.11.1.02oro

Recommended Additional Bibliography

  • Jorge Marcelo Ayzum Echeverría. (2015). The Spanish Language textbook in Chile and Cuba. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsbas&AN=edsbas.194CF83F
