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Обычная версия сайта
Магистратура 2020/2021

Компьютерные измерительные технологии

Лучший по критерию «Полезность курса для расширения кругозора и разностороннего развития»
Лучший по критерию «Новизна полученных знаний»
Статус: Курс по выбору (Инжиниринг в электронике)
Направление: 11.04.04. Электроника и наноэлектроника
Когда читается: 1-й курс, 3, 4 модуль
Формат изучения: без онлайн-курса
Прогр. обучения: Инжиниринг в электронике
Язык: английский
Кредиты: 5
Контактные часы: 68

Course Syllabus


The course aims at introducing modern computer-based measurement technologies including practical aspects of software development for measurement tasks. The course topics cover hardware and software components of computer-based measurement technologies. The course includes lecture and practical parts. The practical part is realized in a form of laboratory works based on technologies provided by National Instruments Corp. Particular attention is paid to gaining the skills of software development for different stages measurement process: instrument control, acquisition, processing, visualization, transmission and storage of measurement information. The base environment is National Instruments LabVIEW, which is recognized as a standard de-facto for software development in measurement sphere. The knowledge and skills gained through mastering the course can be used for the work on an interdisciplinary term paper and a thesis.
Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

  • The course aims at forming and developing knowledge and practical skills for design and application of modern computer-based measurement technologies for solving various engineering tasks. As a result, students gain competencies:
  • ability to present a modern scientific world-picture, identify the natural science essence of problems, determine ways to solve them and evaluate the effectiveness of the choice made;
  • ability to develop and apply specialized mathematical software to solve engineering problems;
  • ability to use the physics and mathematics to develop methods and conduct theoretical and experimental studies of electronic products, interpret and present their results;
  • ability to organize and conduct experimental research based on information-measuring systems using modern means and methods;
  • ability to develop mathematical models, and research processes and products of electronic equipment, develop and apply specialized mathematical software for research and solving engineering problems.
Expected Learning Outcomes

Expected Learning Outcomes

  • Knowledge: basic interpretations of the terms “measurement”, “measurement technologies”, “virtual measuring instrument”; main trends of modern measurement technologies; computer-based measurement technologies (CMT) background, purpose and advantages.
  • Skills: identification of the professional engineering problems of measuring kind, which to be solved by CMT; analysis and generalization of CMT trends and solutions.
  • Knowledge: basic features of measuring systems; measuring system components; main requirements for measuring system modules; various aspects of compatibility in measuring systems; differences in measuring system design approaches; standard interfaces of measuring systems.
  • Skills: the reasoned selection of approaches, hardware and interfaces for organizing and performing of experimental research; qualified CMT hardware implementing for research purposes; structure design and well-founded selection of measuring system components for applied task solving.
  • Knowledge: general tasks solved by CMT software; CMT software requirements and choice criteria; CMT software market leaders and their key products; general classes of CMT software; main CMT application software development tools; NI LabVIEW development environment.
  • Skills: the reasoned selection of CMT software components necessary for experimental research; the reasoned selection of comprehensive solutions of engineering problems using modern CMT software tools; qualified interpretation applied software algorithm descriptions; application software-realized measurement information processing methods for experimental research; CMT application for processes and equipment simulation.
  • Knowledge: main interfaces for stand-alone instruments systems; features, advantages, disadvantages and application fields of various interfaces; measuring system operating procedures.
  • Skills: the reasoned selection of appropriate interface for building stand-alone instrument measuring system; instrument interface connection testing; implementing of software tools for working with instruments within a measuring system; software development for remote controlling of measuring instruments through standard interfaces.
  • Knowledge: main interfaces for modular instrument systems; design and main components of modular measuring systems; features, advantages, disadvantages and application fields of various modular platforms.
  • Skills: the reasoned selection of appropriate software-hardware modular platform for building measuring system; structure design and modeling of modular measuring system.
  • Knowledge: main CMT development challenges and possible ways of their solution; purpose and features of the LXI interface; system architecture, possible form factors of LXI equipment; advantages and applications of LXI; various ways to organize remote network access to measuring systems or devices.
  • Skills: organizing remote network access to measuring instruments, system or its components; testing of LXI-connected measuring system; using and development software tools to work with measuring instruments connected through LAN.
  • Knowledge: general structure, components and features of data acquisition (DAQ) systems; main elements and parameters of analog input, analog output, digital input / output, timing input / output channels; basic ways to synchronize DAQ tasks; structure and main components of DAQ software.
  • Skills: the reasoned selection of DAQ system components for applied tasks solution; the reasoned and correct selection of input / output channels parameters; selection and implementing of appropriate software tools to create measuring channels; development DAQ software applications to solve various measurement tasks.
  • Knowledge: market leaders of test and measurement (T&M) industry; main fields and key CMT products of leading vendors.
  • Skills: forming an actual state-of-art picture of the T&M industry; recognizing prospective and effective ways and products for solving professional tasks using modern measuring technologies; analyzing and generalizing information on the T&M industry, its key companies, products and trends.
Course Contents

Course Contents

  • Introduction to Computer-based Measurement Technologies
    Measurement – the term interpretations. Measurement technologies definition. Main trends of modern measurement technologies. Computer-based measurement technologies (CMT) background. CMT purpose and advantages. CMT application fields. CMT basis. Virtual measuring instruments. Virtual instrumentation technology.
  • CMT Hardware
    Measuring system and its components. Measuring channel. Requirements for measuring system modules. Compatibility in measuring systems. Measuring system design approaches. Stand-alone instrument measuring systems, modular systems and hybrid systems. Standard interfaces of measuring systems: classification and overlook.
  • CMT Software
    CMT software tasks. Software for measuring systems: requirements. CMT software choice criteria. CMT software market leaders and their products. Test management software. Software development environments and tools. Universal development tools. Specialized CMT development tools. NI LabVIEW technologies. Base CMT software. Instrument drivers. Virtual Instrument Software Architecture (VISA).
  • Stand-alone instruments interfaces
    IEEE-488 (GPIB) interface. Main features and characteristics. System configuration. Bus structure. Measuring system operating procedures. RS-XXX serial interfaces. RS-232, RS-422, RS-423, RS-485 interfaces: Characteristics, features, advantages and disadvantages. The interfaces comparison.
  • Interfaces for Modular Systems
    VME and VXI interfaces. Purpose, main characteristics and constructive features. Main components of VXI general system framework. VXI Standards. CompactPCI, PXI and PXIe interfaces. Purpose, hardware, features, benefits, development, applications. ATCA and AXIe interfaces. Hardware, features, interfaces, benefits, development, applications.
  • CMT Network Technologies
    CMT development challenges and possible ways of their solution. LXI interface. Purpose and features. System architecture. LXI equipment form factors. Instruments design, connections, functions, characteristics, benefits and applications.
  • Data Acquisition Technologies
    DAQ-based measuring systems. General structure, hardware components and features of data acquisition (DAQ) systems. DAQ devices. Form factor, components, interfaces, functions. DAQmx software. Channels, tasks, software instruments. Error sources.
  • CMT Leading Vendors
    Test & Measurement industry (T&M) market leaders. Main fields of work and key CMT products of leading vendors. Technological trends of the T&M industry.
Assessment Elements

Assessment Elements

  • non-blocking Mini-test
    Small (not more than 5 tasks) tests on previous classes contents. Mini-tests missed for a valid reason can be written during consultation hours.
  • non-blocking Practice Assessment
    The assessment control is not to be retaken, is not blocking, the element’s weight is less than 30%. Tasks of the practical lessons missed for a valid reason can be done during consultation hours.
  • non-blocking Report
    Report – a written paper in a form of a review of foreign and Russian sources on topical issues of computer-based measurement technologies; several sources are recommended by the lecturer, some are selected by students; the work is to be prepared in self-study hours. Written review, about 10-15 pages.
  • non-blocking Project
    Project related to the development of a prototype, model or simulation of measuring system or instrument, or software component of measuring system; the project is to be prepared in self-study hours; consultations and hours for working in the laboratory are provided if necessary.
  • non-blocking Exam
    Format: written exam (test). A number of questions in a test: 20. Time for completing the test: 40 minutes. The exam is held during the session of the fourth module. The test includes theoretical and applied questions based on the materials of the module.
Interim Assessment

Interim Assessment

  • Interim assessment (4 module)
    0.25 * Exam + 0.2 * Mini-test + 0.25 * Practice Assessment + 0.2 * Project + 0.1 * Report


Recommended Core Bibliography

  • Yang, Y. LabVIEW graphical programming cookbook. Packt Publishing Ltd, 2014, p. 272.
  • Блюм П. - LabVIEW: стиль программирования - Издательство "ДМК Пресс" - 2010 - 400с. - ISBN: 978-5-94074-444-3 - Текст электронный // ЭБС ЛАНЬ - URL: https://e.lanbook.com/book/1094
  • Трэвис Дж., Кринг Дж. - LabVIEW для всех - Издательство "ДМК Пресс" - 2011 - 904с. - ISBN: 978-5-94074-674-4 - Текст электронный // ЭБС ЛАНЬ - URL: https://e.lanbook.com/book/1100

Recommended Additional Bibliography

  • Alan S. Morris, Reza Langari. Measurement and instrumentation: theory and application. Academic Press, 2015, p. 727.
  • Nawrocki, W. Measurement systems and sensors. Artech House. 2005. p. 338.
  • Sumathi, Sai, P. Surekha, and P. Surekha. LabVIEW based advanced instrumentation systems. Vol. 728. Berlin: Springer, 2007.