
Стратегическое управление в инновационно активных организациях
Курс обязательный (Управление исследованиями, разработками и инновациями в компании)
27.04.05. Инноватика
Кто читает:
Школа инноватики и предпринимательства
Где читается:
Школа инноватики и предпринимательства
Когда читается:
1-й курс, 2, 3 модуль
Формат изучения:
без онлайн-курса
Прогр. обучения:
Управление исследованиями, разработками и инновациями в компании
Контактные часы:
Course Syllabus
Introduction to Strategic Management. Strategy, vision, mission, values. Study: Harry Lindsol’s electronic textbook. Strategy and Strategic Environment. Group Case Study: Google. Corporate Resources and Capabilities. Group Case Study: Kodak and the Digital Revolution. Five generic strategies. Group Case Study: Biopure/ Apple. Further strategic options. Group Case Study: Airbus vs Boeing. International Markets. Group Case Study: Tata Motors. Organization and Execution of Strategy. Group Case Study: ZipCar/ Beta Golf. Corporate Culture and Leadership Group Case Study: Herman Miller
Learning Objectives
- The course provides students with different perspectives of the strategic management in the organizations engaged in the innovative business. The course will examine concepts, theoretical frameworks and techniques that are useful in understanding, formulating and implementing successful strategy in innovative companies. The course describes the origins and development of business strategy, the existing strategic paradigms, competing or alternative theoretical frameworks and their implications. In particular, this course addresses the concept of fit in strategy, the resource-based view of the firm, sustainable competitive advantage and emergent strategies of the innovative companies.
Expected Learning Outcomes
- Critical Judgment - Students will employ evidence-based approach to critically evaluate opinions and materials for decision making.
- Ethical and Social Understanding - Students will apply corporate ethical, social and civic responsibility in a global environment.
- PRME-Principles for Responsible Management Education - Students will develop responsible leadership principles to meet social and environmental responsibilities in a national, regional, global complex business environment.
- Creativity - Students will generate innovative business related ideas to solve problems enabling adaptation to a changing regional and global environment.
- Effective Communication - Students will evaluate appropriate communication tools suitable to be used for effective written and oral communication and interaction in any business environment.
- Team work - Students will collaborate with people of diverse perspectives to achieve goals.
- In depth Knowledge of Business Administration - Students will apply the theories and business related practices of business administration from a national, regional and global perspective
- Innovative Creativity - Student will develope personal and team skills to generate new ideas to solve strategic problems
Course Contents
- Introduction to Strategic ManagementGroup Case Study: Robin Hood (Warming Up Case)
- Strategy, vision, mission, valuesGroup Case Study: Harry Lindsol’s electronic textbook
- Strategy and Strategic EnvironmentGroup Case Study: Google
- Corporate Resources and CapabilitiesGroup Case Study: Kodak and the Digital Revolution
- Five generic strategiesGroup Case Study: Biopure/ Apple
- Further strategic optionsGroup Case Study: Airbus vs Boeing
- International MarketsGroup Case Study: Tata Motors
- Organization and Execution of StrategyGroup Case Study: Apple / ZipCar/ Beta Golf
- Corporate Culture and LeadershipGroup Case Study: Herman Miller
Assessment Elements
- On-line simulation game participation
- Individual Essay 1
- Individual Essay 2
- Group Company Project
- Activity in class discussions and case analysis
- Written ExaminationWord limit – 2000. Your answers should be organized as a well-structured legible fully integrated (all tables and graphs should be correctly imbedded in one file) text. You should write the number of a question before your answer. The same should be done with each question. The answers to the different questions should be visibly separated. The name of the file should include only the senior name (may be abbreviated) of a student. The file should be uploaded in the LMS.
Interim Assessment
- Interim assessment (2 module)0.2 * Activity in class discussions and case analysis + 0.2 * Group Company Project + 0.05 * Individual Essay 1 + 0.05 * Individual Essay 2 + 0.2 * On-line simulation game participation + 0.3 * Written Examination
- Interim assessment (3 module)0.2 * Activity in class discussions and case analysis + 0.2 * Group Company Project + 0.05 * Individual Essay 1 + 0.05 * Individual Essay 2 + 0.2 * Interim assessment (2 module) + 0.3 * Written Examination
Recommended Core Bibliography
- Попов С. А. - СТРАТЕГИЧЕСКИЙ МЕНЕДЖМЕНТ: АКТУАЛЬНЫЙ КУРС 2-е изд., пер. и доп. Учебник для бакалавриата и магистратуры - М.:Издательство Юрайт - 2019 - 481с. - ISBN: 978-5-534-09665-1 - Текст электронный // ЭБС ЮРАЙТ - URL: https://urait.ru/book/strategicheskiy-menedzhment-aktualnyy-kurs-428315
- Сидоров М. Н. - СТРАТЕГИЧЕСКИЙ МЕНЕДЖМЕНТ 2-е изд., испр. и доп. Учебник для СПО - М.:Издательство Юрайт - 2019 - 158с. - ISBN: 978-5-534-09247-9 - Текст электронный // ЭБС ЮРАЙТ - URL: https://urait.ru/book/strategicheskiy-menedzhment-442209
Recommended Additional Bibliography
- Лозик Н.Ф. - Стратегический менеджмент - Русайнс - 2015 - 150с. - ISBN: 978-5-4365-0234-2 - Текст электронный // ЭБС BOOKRU - URL: https://book.ru/book/917136