
Маркетинг в цифровой экономике
Курс обязательный (Международный менеджмент / Master in International Management)
38.04.02. Менеджмент
Кто читает:
Департамент маркетинга
Где читается:
Высшая школа бизнеса
Когда читается:
1-й курс, 2 модуль
Формат изучения:
без онлайн-курса
Ребязина Вера Александровна
Прогр. обучения:
Международный менеджмент
Контактные часы:
Course Syllabus
The course “Marketing in the Digital Age” is a compulsory course for the students at the master level degree programs offered by the Higher School of Economics (5 ETCS, 40 hours of lectures and 150 hours of guided independent self-study). The overall objective of the “Marketing in the Digital Age” course is to provide students with the basic understanding of the main concepts and contemporary marketing theories and to show the students the main marketing tools, used in the digital age. The course has strategic approach to marketing, which means that marketing is not only understood within the framework of traditional 4P model, but also in terms of relationship marketing, CRM, and value co-creation. Course includes the major topics of classical marketing, such as strategic marketing, relationship marketing, consumer behavior, and marketing communications including digital marketing tools, and marketing management as well as specific digital topics, such as Customer Journey Mapping (CJM), value co-creation, and sharing economy as a new digital business model. The course includes several case studies dealing with marketing decision making in the contemporary digital world. Teaching methods include lectures, guest lecture, individual and group projects, case studies, and class assignments.
Learning Objectives
- The overall objective of the course is to provide students with understanding of the key contemporary marketing concepts, theories, and tools in order to apply them to real-world scenarios in the age of digital transformation
Expected Learning Outcomes
- to know the main concepts and terminology, used during the course
- to know the logic of the STP model (Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning)
- to know the basics of Customer co-creation
- to know the main stages of a «Customer Journey Map»
- to be able to build the model «Customer Journey Map»
- to know the key aspects of the external environment that are necessary for analysis in Marketing Plan
- to know the place of the product strategy within the Marketing Mix model
- to know the specifics of strategic and tactical goals
- to know the structure of the Marketing Plan
- to know the basic concepts of Sharing Economy
- to learn the basics of conducting online experiments
- to be able to develop online experiments to study digital customer
- to know the specifics of a marketing strategy in the Digital Age
- to know the role of AI in marketing strategy
- to be able to define a segment profile
- to be able to describe the consumer's portrait
- to be able to apply STP model
- to be able to develop a Customer Journey Map
- to know the main Digital Marketing tools
- to be able to choose appropriate Digital Marketing tools
- to be able to develop the marketing plan
Course Contents
- Introduction to the “Marketing in the Digital Age” course. The role and understanding of marketingKey points: - Course introduction. Presentation of main course topics. Explanation of the intended learning outcomes of the course. - Defining Marketing in the Digital Age. What is marketing / marketing process? - What is digital transformation? - Key Marketing in Digital Age principles
- Strategic Marketing: Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning (STP)Key points: - Specifics of marketing strategy in the Digital Age - Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning - Value co-creation process
- Customer Journey Mapping. Customer Experience Management.Key points: - The concept of Customer Journey Mapping - The principles of effective Customer Journey Mapping - The examples of CJM in the digital world - The Customer Experience Management concepts
- Segmenting consumer and business marketsKey points: - STP process - Segmentation bases and descriptors - Cluster analysis
- Developing Marketing Strategy and Marketing Plan. Marketing Mix4.1 The product mix 4.2 The price mix 4.3 The distribution mix 4.4. The communication mix Key points: - The Marketing mix principle - Products, services, and branding decisions - Price decisions - Channel management and retailing - Marketing communications: tools and techniques
- Digital marketing toolsKey points: - The main Digital Marketing tools - guest lecture
- Understanding digital customer – conducting online experimentsKey points: - Experimental designs in digital channels - Definition and tools for A/B Testing - Implementation of A/B Testing in organizations
- Customer co-creation as one of contemporary trendsKey points: - The idea of co-creation - The impact of co-creation on contemporary marketing - The co-creation matrix
- Marketing Strategy and AIKey points: - Targeting “right” customers using AI - Analytics-driven organizations - Strategy and AI
- Sharing Economy as a new digital business-modelKey points: - The concept of the Sharing Economy - The factors stimulating development of Sharing Economy in Russia - The impact of the Sharing Economy on the businesses
- Final presentationPresentation of final project on Consumer Journey Mapping and Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning
Assessment Elements
- Participation and contribution (class assignments)Participation: To a large extent, learning in this class is related to your willingness to expose your insights and viewpoints to the critical judgment of your classmates. Thus, each one of you is expected to contribute to class discussions. This includes preparation for class by doing the assigned reading, thoroughly preparing any assigned problems, and presenting your opinions or summaries of material covered in class. The basis for class participation is quality, not quantity. Attendance is a necessary but not sufficient condition for participation. If you do not actively participate, you will receive a very low participation grade even if you attend every class. We will assess participation and engagement during synchronous sessions using following points: - Consistently using video on your MS Teams - Offer ideas via MS Teams chat box - Voluntarily propose to share your screen with examples, analyses, or other content - Add links to the relevant online resources to the chat box - Use “raise hand” function to jump into conversation - Participate in polls and surveys - Be curious and raise clarifying questions - Consistently participate in class-related online conversations and activities If you think that above list is not exhaustive, you may suggest other activities that will help to facilitate learning in this course. For each student, we will estimate engagement by counting points from above list. Per session, you may make up to four engagement points with grade using the following scale: -1. Detracted from discussion, arrived late, or left class 0. Not present 1. Present, did not contribute 2. Average participation 3. Above average participation 4. Outstanding participation
- Practicums (case discussions)Practicums are in the form of oral group discussions during the case discussions and guest lectures of the companies.
- Group project (Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning, Customer Journey Mapping)Group project is in the form of group final presentation (5-6 students in the group). Each group should choose a company / brand / product to take as an example, work out the Marketing Strategy for the chosen company , and make a presentation with the findings (20 min).
- Final examФорма экзамена: Экзамен проводится в письменной форме (тест) с использованием асинхронного прокторинга. Асинхронный прокторинг означает, что за всеми действиями студента во время проведения экзамена будет “наблюдать” компьютер. Процесс проведения экзамена записывается, анализируется искусственным интеллектом и человеком (проктором). Пожалуйста, будьте внимательны и чётко следуйте инструкциям! Платформа проведения: Экзамен проводится на платформе StartExam, онлайн платформе для проведения тестовых заданий различного уровня сложности. Ссылка на прохождение экзаменационного задания будет доступна студенту в РУЗ. К экзамену необходимо подключиться за 15 минут до начала. Компьютер студента должен удовлетворять требованиям: https://eduhseru-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/vsukhomlinov_hse_ru/EUhZkYaRxQRLh9bSkXKptkUBjy7gGBj39W_pwqgqqNo_aA?e=fn0t9N Для участия в экзамене студент обязан: Подготовить документ, удостоверяющий личность (паспорт, разворот с именем и фотографией) для идентификации перед началом выполнения экзаменационного задания; Проверить работу видеокамеры и микрофона, скорость работы сети Интернет (для наилучшего результата рекомендуется подключение компьютера к сети через кабель); Подготовить необходимые для выполнения экзаменационных заданий инструментов (ручка, листы бумаги, калькулятор и т. д.); Отключить в диспетчере задач компьютера иные приложения, кроме браузера, в котором будет выполняться вход на платформу StartExam. В случае, если одно из необходимых условий участия в экзамене невозможно выполнить, необходимо за 7 дней до даты проведения экзамена проинформировать об этом преподавателя или сотрудника учебного офиса для принятия решения об участии студента в экзаменах. Во время экзамена студентам запрещено: Выключать видеокамеру, микрофон; Пользоваться конспектами, учебниками, прочими учебными материалами; Покидать место выполнения экзаменационного задания (выходить за угол обзора камеры); Отводить взгляд от экрана компьютера, рабочего стола; Пользоваться умными гаджетами (смартфон, планшет и др.); Привлекать посторонних лиц для помощи в проведении экзамена, разговаривать с посторонними во время выполнения заданий; Вслух громко зачитывать задания. Во время экзамена студентам разрешено: Использовать бумагу, ручку для ведения записей, расчетов; Использовать калькулятор для расчетов. Нарушения связи: Кратковременным нарушением связи во время экзамена считается потеря сетевой связи студента с платформой StartExam не более 5 минут (за все время проведения экзамена). Долговременным нарушением связи во время экзамена считается потеря сетевой связи студента с платформой StartExam более 5 минут. Долговременное нарушение связи во время экзамена является основанием для принятия решения о прекращении экзамена и выставление оценки “неудовлетворительно” (0 по десятибалльной шкале. В случае долговременного нарушения связи с платформой StartExam во время выполнения экзаменационного задания, студент должен уведомить об этом преподавателя, зафиксировать факт потери связи с платформой (скриншот, ответ от провайдера сети Интернет) и обратиться в учебный офис с объяснительной запиской о случившемся для принятия решения о пересдаче экзамена.
Interim Assessment
- Interim assessment (2 module)0.4 * Final exam + 0.3 * Group project (Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning, Customer Journey Mapping) + 0.2 * Participation and contribution (class assignments) + 0.1 * Practicums (case discussions)
Recommended Core Bibliography
- Kotler, P. T., & Armstrong, G. (2017). Principles of Marketing, Global Edition (Vol. 17th). Harlow, United Kingdom: Pearson. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=1594475
Recommended Additional Bibliography
- Aric Rindfleisch, & Alan J. Malter. (2019). Marketing in a Digital World: Vol. First edition. Emerald Publishing Limited.
- Barton, D., & Court, D. (2012). Making Advanced Analytics Work For You. Harvard Business Review, 90(10), 78–83.
- Brandt, A. (2005). Cluster analysis for market segmentation /.
- Chaffey, D. (2015). Digital Marketing (Vol. 0006). [N.p.]: Pearson. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=1419421
- Davenport, T. H., Harris, J. G., Jones, G. L., Lemon, K. N., Norton, D., & McCallister, M. B. (2007). The Dark Side of Customer Analytics. Harvard Business Review, 85(5), 37–48.
- Eckhardt, G. M., Houston, M. B., Jiang, B., Lamberton, C., Rindfleisch, A., & Zervas, G. (2019). Marketing in the Sharing Economy. Journal of Marketing, 83(5), 5–27. https://doi.org/10.1177/0022242919861929
- Heidenreich, S., Wittkowski, K., Handrich, M., & Falk, T. (2015). The dark side of customer co-creation: exploring the consequences of failed co-created services. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 43(3), 279–296. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11747-014-0387-4
- Kohavi, R., & Thomke, S. (2017). The Surprising Power of Online Experiments: Getting the Most out of A/B and Other Controlled Tests. Harvard Business Review, 95(5), 74–82.
- Manrai, A. K. (2019). New Research on Designing Elements of an International Marketing Mix. https://doi.org/10.1080/08911762.2019.1620457
- Moon, H., Han, S. H., Chun, J., & Hong, S. W. (2016). A Design Process for a Customer Journey Map: A Case Study on Mobile Services. Human Factors & Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, 26(4), 501–514. https://doi.org/10.1002/hfm.20673
- Ron Kohavi, Randal M. Henne, & Dan Sommerfield. (2007). Practical guide to controlled experiments on the web: Listen to your customers not to the HiPPO.
- Sheil, B. (1987). Thinking about artificial intelligence. Harvard Business Review, 65(4), 91–97.
- Weinstein, A. (2004). Handbook of Market Segmentation : Strategic Targeting for Business and Technology Firms, Third Edition: Vol. 3rd ed. Routledge.