
Иностранный язык (английский язык)
Лучший по критерию «Полезность курса для Вашей будущей карьеры»
Факультатив (Программа двух дипломов НИУ ВШЭ и Университета Кёнхи «Экономика и политика в Азии»)
41.03.01. Зарубежное регионоведение
Кто читает:
Факультет мировой экономики и мировой политики
Где читается:
Факультет мировой экономики и мировой политики
Когда читается:
2-й курс, 1-3 модуль
Формат изучения:
без онлайн-курса
Охват аудитории:
для своего кампуса
Контактные часы:
Course Syllabus
The course is aimed at preparing students for the International Language English Testing System (IELTS) examination. The main aim and objective of the course is to form general competences in knowledge and skills necessary for passing the international examination, namely linguistic competence, sociolinguistic competence and pragmatic competence. For achieving the objective students are supposed to be involved into the following language activities: reception (listening and reading), production (spoken and written), and interaction (spoken and written). The skills and knowledge gained upon finishing the course enable students to gain the IELTS (Band 6) certificate and higher.
Learning Objectives
- To master various language skill as well as social and exam skills
- The course is aimed at providing training in all parts of the IELTS test, improving scores and building language proficiency.
- to practice English in a semi-authentic environment
- to hone students’ critical thinking and critical reading skills
- to develop lifelong knowledge and skills which will enable students to apply their knowledge in professional, scientific and interpersonal communication in today’s globalised world.
Expected Learning Outcomes
- Advance speaking skills such as providing information in a formal interview context; giving an extended talk on a given topic and taking part in a formal discussion.
- Demonstrate proficiency in English at the B2 - B2+ level (CEFR).
- Develop skills of target listening and extracting information from texts of various types (lectures, interviews, discussions, etc).
- Develop test-taking strategies such as time management, skimming and scanning for general or specific information, listening for cues (such as word emphasis, speaker intonation, and tone of voice), prioritizing questions, brainstorming, and organizing ideas.
- Develop the listening skills of understanding general and professional conversations, discussions, lectures and applying specific information from the input.
- Develop the reading skills of skimming a text for the main idea, scanning it for specific information, interpreting the text for inferences, attitudes and styles, deducing meanings from the context, making a summary of the text.
- Develop their skills of interpreting and comparing data; describing charts, tables, graphs, and processes.
- Develop their skills of reading comprehension; processing information from literary and informational texts in a wide variety of academic and general subjects; distinguishing between fact and opinion, and summarizing.
- Enrich academic and subject-specific vocabulary and extend grammar range to be able to discuss a variety of topics, such as Education, Science and Technology, Law, and Social Issues.
- Familiarize themselves with different online and offline resources for further acquisition of the language for in-class activities and independent learning.
- Master their skills of articulating their opinions about various social issues in written form; stating and developing arguments; discussing problems and offering solutions; presenting information logically, coherently and cohesively; using signaling devices; proof–reading and editing.
- Raise awareness in intercultural communication and develop the skills of critical thinking.
- Develop the speaking skills of using general, social and professional language in discussions, debates, dialogues and presentations.
- Enrich academic and subject-specific vocabulary and extend their grammar range to enable students to discuss a variety of topics related to economics, politics, business, international relations and Oriental studies.
Course Contents
- English for General and Academic Purposes. What makes a good communicator? Are good communicators born or made? Outstanding orators. Learning to speak in public. How to give an effective presentation.
- English for General and Academic Purposes. Higher education. Studying at university
- English for General and Academic Purposes. Gender differences in communication.
- English for General and Academic Purposes. Aims of education. Lifelong learning.
- English for General and Academic Purposes. What is culture? Aspects of a national culture. National stereotypes. Culture shock: stages, causes and ways to overcome it.
- English for General and Academic Purposes. Success and personal development. Ambition and assertiveness.
- English for General and Academic Purposes. Cultural diversity. Cultural awareness. Ways to avoid cultural mistakes. Typical features of Korean / Chinese / Japanese cultures.
- English for General and Academic Purposes. Science and Technology. Our changing world. Information-oriented society and the modern lifestyle.
- English for General and Academic Purposes. Globalisation: causes and effects. Is globalisation a force for good or bad? The impact of globalisation on developed and developing countries.
- English for General and Academic Purposes. Growing concerns. Social Issues: their causes and solutions.
- English for General and Academic Purposes. Technological advances in communication. The Internet and social networking: benefits and downsides.
- English for General and Academic Purposes. Law and order. Security vs Privacy. Juvenile crime.
- English for General and Academic Purposes. Global role models. Celebrities as international role models: their role in crossing cultural boundaries.
- English for Economic Studies. Management
- English for General and Academic Purposes. Consumer society and waste pollution. Recycling and my ecological footprint. Global health.
- English for Economic Studies. Work and Motivation.
- English for General and Academic Purposes. Urban sprawl and traffic congestion. Causes of traffic accidents. Ways to improve road safety. Transport of the future.
- English for Economic Studies. Managing Across Cultures
- English for Economic Studies. What is economics? Economics vs economy.
- English for Economic Studies. Products
- English for Economic Studies. Economic systems.
- English for Economic Studies. Marketing
- English for Economic Studies. Role and challenges of entrepreneurs.
- English for Economic Studies. Advertising
- English for Economic Studies. What is small business?
- English for Economic Studies. Writing Exam Skills
- English for Economic Studies. Sole Proprietorship. Limitations to the Size of Proprietorship.
- English for Economic Studies. Partnership.
- English for Economic Studies. Corporation. Organization of Corporation. Becoming a Shareholder.
- English for Economic Studies. Capital. Corporate Finance.
- English for Economic Studies. Types of Securities.
- English for Economic Studies. Stocks Basics: Introduction.
- English for Economic Studies. Investment Banks.
- English for Economic Studies. Securities Regulation.
- English for Economic Studies. Stock Market.
- English for Economic Studies. Company organisation. Board of directors: role, structure, executive vs non-executive directors.
- English for Economic Studies. Annual shareholders’ meeting: role, structure, types of voting.
- English for Economic Studies. Levels of management in a corporation.
- English for Economic Studies. Areas of management: marketing, human resource, operations. Kinds of managers: administrative, public relations managers, research and development managers.
- English for Political Studies. What is Politics?
- English for Political Studies. Defining Policy
- English for Political Studies. The State, Statehood and Sovereignty.
- English for Political Studies. Political Regimes.
- English for Political Studies. Government.
- English for Political Studies. Types of Democracy.
- English for Political Studies. Liberal Democracy.
- English for Political Studies. Transition to Democracy.
- English for Political Studies. Parliamentary Systems.
- English for Political Studies. Presidential Systems.
- English for Political Studies. Bureaucracy.
- English for Political Studies. Conflict vs. Peace.
- English for Political Studies. Armed Conflict.
Assessment Elements
- Oral tasks
- Revision tasks
- Written tasks
- Mid-term examPlatforms: Zoom, LMS и Google Forms
- Final exam
- Oral tasksPlatforms: Zoom, LMS и Google Forms
- Revision tasksPlatforms: Zoom, LMS и Google Forms
- Written tasksPlatforms: Zoom, LMS и Google Forms
- Attendance and ParticipationAbsence policy: An excused absence is an absence due to a number of accepted reasons, such as a medical or personal issue beyond the student’s control, participation in a significant extracurricular university event, conference etc. If the absence is excused, the grade for class attendance will not be reduced.
- Cumulative Grade Module 1
- Cumulative Grade Module 2
- Cumulative grade Module 3
- Final testThis is a written exam conducted in Zoom by the link https://us04web.zoom.us/j/6128438728. The students should get to the exam room 5 minutes in advance. The students should be able to switch on their cameras and microphones during the exam when asked to do so. It is prohibited to use any resources other than the exam material. During the exam the students are allowed to ask the examiner questions in the chat. If some students experience problems with the Internet connection, they should notify the instructor immediately by email and the problem will be addressed accordingly. Short-term connection issues account for 5 minutes, while long-term connection issues account for a period longer than 5 minutes. The student will be able to re-sit the exam in September. The format will be the same.
Interim Assessment
- 2020/2021 2nd module0.2 * Written tasks + 0.2 * Oral tasks + 0.2 * Revision tasks + 0.4 * Mid-term exam
- 2020/2021 4th module0.2 * Revision tasks + 0.4 * Final exam + 0.2 * Written tasks + 0.2 * Oral tasks
- 2021/2022 3rd module0.25 * Attendance and Participation + 0.25 * Written tasks + 0.25 * Oral tasks + 0.25 * Revision tasks
Recommended Core Bibliography
- English for business studies : a course for business studies and economics students: student's book, MacKenzie, I., 2010
- Expert IELTS 7.5 : coursebook, Aish, F., 2017
- Ready for IELTS : coursebook: with key, McCarter, S., 2010
- The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Politics. Edited by Carles Boix and Susan C. Stokes. Oxford University Press, 2009.
- Якушева И. В., Демченкова О. А. - АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК (B1). INTRODUCTION INTO PROFESSIONAL ENGLISH 3-е изд., испр. и доп. Учебник и практикум для академического бакалавриата - М.:Издательство Юрайт - 2019 - 148с. - ISBN: 978-5-534-07026-2 - Текст электронный // ЭБС ЮРАЙТ - URL: https://urait.ru/book/delovoy-angliyskiy-yazyk-introduction-into-professional-english-433852
Recommended Additional Bibliography
- Gaitan, A. (2018). English Exam : Speaking Tips for IELTS, TOEFL, Cambridge.
- Иванова, О. А. English Grammar in use : учебно-методическое пособие / О. А. Иванова. — 2-е изд. — Москва : ФЛИНТА, 2016. — 142 с. — ISBN 978-5-9765-2712-6. — Текст : электронный // Лань : электронно-библиотечная система. — URL: https://e.lanbook.com/book/83785 (дата обращения: 00.00.0000). — Режим доступа: для авториз. пользователей.