Коммуникации в цифровой эре
Курс по выбору
41.03.06. Публичная политика и социальные науки
Кто читает:
Факультет мировой экономики и мировой политики
Где читается:
Факультет мировой экономики и мировой политики
Когда читается:
3-й курс, 3, 4 модуль
Формат изучения:
без онлайн-курса
Охват аудитории:
для своего кампуса
Варпаховскис Эрикс
Контактные часы:
Course Syllabus
Nowadays digital communication is challenged by a number of specific issues. Recent social changes and the importance of the digital world in the day to day operations have changed the rules of game for companies interested in reaching customers. The corporate social reputation in companies has to start to be based on a series of issues that directly affect it.
Learning Objectives
- Upon completion of this course, students should be able to critically analyze the role digital communication in our society in different contexts (personal, corporate and political). Through the course readings and participation in the class discussions students will increase their understanding and critical thinking about the role of digital media (especially social media and social networks) for a variety of social issues. Moreover, thanks to the task design students will be able to understand the various methodological approaches that can be used to study digital media (primarily social media).
Expected Learning Outcomes
- By the end of the course student will become familiar with: - The impact of digital media on social issues; - Major concepts and theories that explain and describe the role of digital media in modern society in various contexts; Students will gain/improve the following skills: - Critical analysis of events and policies addressed, represented and broadcasted via digital media; - Presentation skills; - Qualitative and quantitative analysis of digital content; - Team work.
Assessment Elements
- Participation
- Weekly Response PaperWeekly response papers: students should read all required articles before the class and submit a short reflection (150-350 words, not including references) that will include the most important arguments as well from the assigned reading in the first part and critical reflection/comments on the reading material in the second part. Personal comments should be supported either by personal/professional experience knowledge/expertise or by other materials (newspaper, academic articles, data, etc). Argumentation, formatting (avoid exceeding assigned wordcount, structuring, identification), referencing and use of additional materials will impact the WRPs grade.
- Individual PresentationИндивидуальная презентация. Prior to weekly topic discussion the themes for individual overview/presentation will be distributed. Each student at least once is supposed to deliver an up to 10 minutes speech/presentation that introduces one of the weekly topics and critically discuss it. The discussion not only describe the activity of communicating actors but also critically assess and outline possible mistakes and shortcomings. In the end of the presentation the student should introduce a mind-stimulating question to open a discussion with the group.
- Group presentation of the research resultsFor the final task (exam) the students will be asked to present results of the small research devoted to the influence of digital media. Students will be separated into working groups and should decide the topic and methods of the research. The research methods may vary and can include ethnography, digital ethnography, survey, in-depth interviews, content analysis, experiment, and others. As for topic they can focus on the digital media impact on personal/individual behavior, personal/corporate/nation identity building in digital context (digital media, preferably social media), communal behavior in digital context and others. The final presentation should include explicitly stated research question, hypothesis (-es), research background (reasoning why this topic should be studied and brief overview of previous students aka literature review), description of methods and explanation of the dataset, outcomes/findings, description of research shortcomings, a question to the audience that would engage them into discussion. If necessary a group may consult course instructor for topic confirmation, methodology advice etc. The research project should not be submitted as a research paper. The presentation should last for up to 15 minutes. It will be followed by the Q&A session; fellow students are encouraged to participate and share their opinions critically and respectfully. Participation in the Q&A sessions counts as participation in the discussion activity. The approximate time reserved for the Q&A session is 5-10 minutes. Depending on the number of participating students each group will have 3-4 students in it. Final grade for the presentation will be given to all group members and will be based on overall presentation multiplied to the average coefficient of the participation given by each member confidentially. E.g. in the group of three each member will be asked to submit assessment of individual participation in the project and the scale is from 0.1 to 1.0. If student A reports that students C’s participation in group work was poor, for example, 0.3, and students B reports that student C contribution equaled 0.5, and student C reports that his/her contribution was perfect (1) then average coefficient for student C will be 0.6 ((0.3+0.5+1)/3). And if the final project was given 35%, student C will receive 21% for the final assignment (0.6 *35).