Безопасность жизнедеятельности
Курс обязательный (Программа двух дипломов НИУ ВШЭ и Университета Кёнхи «Экономика и политика в Азии»)
41.03.01. Зарубежное регионоведение
Кто читает:
Факультет мировой экономики и мировой политики
Где читается:
Факультет мировой экономики и мировой политики
Когда читается:
1-й курс, 1 модуль
Формат изучения:
с онлайн-курсом
Казакова Марина Владимировна
Контактные часы:
Course Syllabus
Life safety is an introductory course aimed at familiarizing first-year students with the peculiarities of HSE (academic and extracurricular). This discipline also focuses on the rules of personal safety in the metropolis. Students can find videos on topics in their LMS account. Learning and evaluation is carried out in an electronic educational environment on digital materials; the course is accompanied by master classes of representatives of the University who are responsible for the thematic sections of the discipline program.
Learning Objectives
- to assist students in mastering the basic concepts and methods of ensuring the safety of human life
- to form a holistic view of modern mechanisms of influence on the most important spheres of security in public and educational
- to contribute to the acquisition of practical skills in the aspects of ensuring the safety of students in the framework of life at the University, in a big city (Moscow), as well as skills of personal safety in the information and psychological spheres
- to contribute to the acquisition by students of knowledge, skills and security necessary for social and professional activities
Expected Learning Outcomes
- The student calls the features of the structure of HSE
- The student names the values of HSE, including those recorded in the Declaration of values
- The student names and uses the ways of development of scientific and extracurricular competences of the student at HSE
- The student describes the features of the organization of social support and material and technical base at HSE
- The student calls the basic rules of life safety in the metropolis
- The student plans life activities in the city taking into account the requirements of labor protection and safety rules in transport and public spaces
- The student knows and takes into account the peculiarities of the educational process at HSE
Course Contents
- Topic 1: Structure of HSE University- History of the start of HSE University; - History of the University motto and symbol; - Structure of the University: who should I contact with questions? - Student teaching quality assessment, survey of student life evaluation. Self-study work: independent study of additional materials on the HSE University website.
- Topic 2: University ValuesDeclaration of the University values: - Striving for truth; - Collaboration and commitment to one another; - Honesty and openness; - Academic freedom and political neutrality; - Professionalism, self-discipline and accountability; - Community outreach and engagement; - Online-course “HSE University Academic Values”. Self-study work: independent study of additional materials on the HSE University website.
- Topic 3: Study Processes- features of ‘safe’ studies; - study models at HSE University; - degree programme’s documents; - points and credits; - academic development at HSE University; - practical modules; - inter-campus courses; - ratings; - Antiplagiarism system; - feedback mechanisms. Independent work: independent studies of internal bylaws and additional materials on HSE University website.
- Topic 4: Science for Students- Possibilities for the academic development of students; - Laboratories and research and study groups: types and opportunities for students; - Centre for Student Academic Development: projects and forms of interactions with students (NIRS, Science Republic, HSE Science Battles, etc.) - Project Fair. Self-study work: independent study of additional materials on the HSE University website.
- Topic 5: Legal Basics for HSE University Studentsstatus of HSE University students: rights and obligations; - HSE University students’ responsibilities; - break “About HSE University’s Business Reputation” - “Responsiblity for Violations Committed During Studies at HSE University” - feedback mechanisms and how to protect your rights.
- Topic 6: Extracurricular Activities- corporate culture and non-academic life; - student organizations; - adaptation track. HSE University Сurators; - corporate projects; - ‘Green HSE University’ Eco-Movement; - student self-government; - Volunteer Centre; - Student Initiative Support Centre. Independent work: Independent study of additional materials on the University’s website.
- Topic 7: Social Sphere- Scholarship and charity programmes; - Scholarship card; - Department of Military Training; - Medical aid for students; - Financial aid for students; - Vouchers for winter and summer holidays; - Psychological Counseling Centre. Self-study work: independent study of additional materials on the HSE University website.
- Topic 8: Social Sphere- scholarships and charitable programmes; - scholarship card and social card; - Military Training Centre; - medical assistance for learners; - financial help for learners; - vouchers for trips during winter and summer vacations; - Centre for Psychological Counseling. Independent work: independent study of additional materials on HSE University’s website.
- Topic 9: Student Safety in the Big City- general guidelines for emergency situations; - what to do around a suspicious object; - anti-terrorist precautions; - fire safety; - your personal safety when taking public transport; - a healthy lifestyle in the city; - averting viral diseases: key symptoms and how to protect yourself - safety at HSE University; - labour regulations: legal basis and recommendations.
Assessment Elements
- HomeworkEvaluation process is carried out in an online format, e.g., homework is available to students via the LMS system in the section for the relevant course, while the results of the coursework are uploaded into the system in accordance with the set deadline.
- ExamThe exam is conducted in the form of computer testing (with the right to use accessible information resources). The test may include multiple-choice questions that have one or more correct answers or a correlation of correct answers. The test includes 40 questions from the video course materials and regulations posted on the portal. Testing is carried out in the faculty-based computer classes. The managers of the programme offices of the degree programmes shall be responsible for conducting the exam. An appeal against results for the “Health and Safety” course is filed as per general rules. There is no special procedure for this course.
Recommended Core Bibliography
- Diment, E. (2008). A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO TENANT FIRE SAFETY: PART 1. (cover story). Journal of Housing & Community Development, 65(3), 6. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=f5h&AN=33871141
- Diment, E. (2008). A Practical Guide to Tenant Fire Safety: PART 2. Journal of Housing & Community Development, 65(5), 34–36. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=asn&AN=35009722
Recommended Additional Bibliography
- South Carolina Office of the State Fire Marshal. (2017). Fire and Life Safety Guide. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsbas&AN=edsbas.1B591084