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Бакалавриат 2020/2021

Иностранный язык (английский язык)

Лучший по критерию «Полезность курса для Вашей будущей карьеры»
Направление: 41.03.01. Зарубежное регионоведение
Когда читается: 1-й курс, 1-4 модуль
Формат изучения: без онлайн-курса
Охват аудитории: для своего кампуса
Язык: английский
Кредиты: 8
Контактные часы: 216

Course Syllabus


The main goal of the course is to enable students to use English in their further academic studies in the Economics and Politics in Asia BA HSE-Kyung Hee University Programme and develop their language and communication skills in English to the B2-B2+ level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) in multiple contexts, such as reading and listening comprehension, written and oral expression, communicative interaction. At the same time, the course is aimed at promoting autonomous learning, self-assessment, peer-correction and critical thinking. The course provides authentic and culturally enriching materials on a wide variety of topics for discussion.
Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

  • To master various language skill as well as social and exam skills
  • to practice English in a semi-authentic environment
  • to hone students’ critical thinking and critical reading skills
  • to develop lifelong knowledge and skills which will enable students to apply their knowledge in professional, scientific and interpersonal communication in today’s globalised world.
Expected Learning Outcomes

Expected Learning Outcomes

  • Demonstrate proficiency in English at the B2 - B2+ level (CEFR).
  • Develop the listening skills of understanding general and professional conversations, discussions, lectures and applying specific information from the input.
  • Develop the reading skills of skimming a text for the main idea, scanning it for specific information, interpreting the text for inferences, attitudes and styles, deducing meanings from the context, making a summary of the text.
  • Develop the speaking skills of using general, social and professional language in discussions, debates, dialogues and presentations.
  • Enrich academic and subject-specific vocabulary and extend their grammar range to enable students to discuss a variety of topics related to economics, politics, business, international relations and Oriental studies.
  • Familiarize themselves with different online and offline resources for further acquisition of the language for in-class activities and independent learning.
  • Raise awareness in intercultural communication and develop the skills of critical thinking.
Course Contents

Course Contents

  • English for General and Academic Purposes. What makes a good communicator? Are good communicators born or made? Outstanding orators. Learning to speak in public. How to give an effective presentation.
    The aim is to discuss the characteristics of an effective communicator and focus on the ways of improving how you communicate in different situations.
  • English for General and Academic Purposes. Gender differences in communication.
    The aim is to point out the distinguishing features of men's and women's communication.
  • English for General and Academic Purposes. What is culture? Aspects of a national culture. National stereotypes. Culture shock: stages, causes and ways to overcome it.
    The aim is to define culture, focus on the aspects of various national cultures, and discuss personal experiences of foreign cultures.
  • English for General and Academic Purposes. Cultural diversity. Cultural awareness. Ways to avoid cultural mistakes. Typical features of Korean / Chinese / Japanese cultures.
    The aim is to look at differences between cultures, how they may lead to misunderstanding and social gaffes, and have a debate about cultural awareness.
  • English for General and Academic Purposes. Globalisation: causes and effects. Is globalisation a force for good or bad? The impact of globalisation on developed and developing countries.
    The aim is to discuss different opinions on causes and effects of globalisation.
  • English for General and Academic Purposes. Technological advances in communication. The Internet and social networking: benefits and downsides.
    The aim is to look at how the Internet is affecting our lives.
  • English for General and Academic Purposes. Global role models. Celebrities as international role models: their role in crossing cultural boundaries.
    The aim is to debate whether global role models are a good or bad phenomenon.
  • English for General and Academic Purposes. Consumer society and waste pollution. Recycling and my ecological footprint. Global health.
    The aim is to focus on the environmental impact of consumerism and the acute health issues which affect broader society.
  • English for General and Academic Purposes. Urban sprawl and traffic congestion. Causes of traffic accidents. Ways to improve road safety. Transport of the future.
    The aim is to discuss the pros and cons of living in an urban environment, focusing on the transport problems of big cities; talk about the ways to eradicate road fatalities and characterize the major approaches to transport development.
  • English for Economic Studies. What is economics? Economics vs economy.
    The topic gives the definition of economics and the economy, focuses on major economic problems, factors of production and the main branches of economics.
  • English for Economic Studies. Economic systems.
    The topic gives the general idea about the main features of three major economic systems: planned, market and mixed ones.
  • English for Economic Studies. Role and challenges of entrepreneurs.
    The topic explains why entrepreneurs are considered the most valuable resource in any productive system, then it gives the overview of the major challenges that enterprisers can face in the course of their business activities.
  • English for Economic Studies. What is small business?
    The topic tackles the issue of small business. It provides different approaches to defining a small business and outlines the main benefits of small business sector to economies.
  • English for Economic Studies. Sole Proprietorship. Limitations to the Size of Proprietorship.
    The topic gives the definition of sole proprietorship, outlines its advantages and disadvantages and provides the information about the limitations to the size of proprietorship.
  • English for Economic Studies. Partnership.
    The topic gives the definition of partnership, outlines different types of partners and their rights and liability, and provides the information about the limitations to the size of a partnership.
  • English for Economic Studies. Corporation. Organization of Corporation. Becoming a Shareholder.
    The topic gives the notion of a corporation, its classification and all the major legal peculiarities of this type of business. Then it focuses on the issues of organization of a corporation and on the rights, obligations and advantages that shareholders have.
  • English for Economic Studies. Capital. Corporate Finance.
    The topic deals with two major sources of raising funds, which are share capital (equity finance) and loan capital (debt finance) and their advantages and disadvantages.
  • English for Economic Studies. Types of Securities.
    The topic gives details about common stocks, preferred stocks and bonds and about the distinctive features of each of them.
  • English for Economic Studies. Stocks Basics: Introduction.
    The topic provides the necessary information that should be considered before buying securities, such as levels of ownership rights, risks and rewards, corporate governance, etc.
  • English for Economic Studies. Investment Banks.
    The topic deals with the notion, functions and the peculiarities of investment banks.
  • English for Economic Studies. Securities Regulation.
    The topic gives the general information about the securities regulation in the USA and the role of the Securities and Exchange Commission.
  • English for Economic Studies. Stock Market.
    The topic deals with two major types of stock market: over-the-counter market and the organized stock exchanges. It gives the overview of their functions and then provides the information about indexes.
  • English for Economic Studies. Company organisation. Board of directors: role, structure, executive vs non-executive directors.
    This topic outlines the functions of one of the most important organs of a corporation: the board of directors. It also gives the difference between executive and non-executive directors and their role in the management of the company.
  • English for Economic Studies. Annual shareholders’ meeting: role, structure, types of voting.
    The topic describes the operation of the primary organ in a corporation - the annual shareholders’ meeting. It also gives the general information about the process of voting that is held at the meetings.
  • English for Economic Studies. Levels of management in a corporation.
    The topic outlines the roles and responsibilities of three main levels of management in a company: top, middle and first-line.
  • English for Economic Studies. Areas of management: marketing, human resource, operations. Kinds of managers: administrative, public relations managers, research and development managers.
    The topic gives the general description of different departments in a company outlining the role, importance and main duties of the managers in each of them.
  • English for Political Studies. What is Politics?
    The aim is to learn the meanings of ‘politics’ and the vocabulary related to ‘politics’; to discuss various types of politics; to learn to summarise the main ideas of the text; to learn to read and listen for details.
  • English for Political Studies. Defining Policy
    The aim is to learn the meanings of ‘policy’ and the vocabulary related to ‘policy’; to discuss the difference between ‘politics’ and ‘policy’, and various policies.
  • English for Political Studies. The State, Statehood and Sovereignty.
    The aim is to discuss the difference between ‘country’, ‘nation’ and ‘state’; to learn the vocabulary related to ‘state’, ‘statehood’, ‘sovereignty’; to identify the functions of a state, various types of a state; features of statehood, various types of sovereignty.
  • English for Political Studies. Political Regimes.
    The aim is to discuss types of regimes: their features; to learn the vocabulary related to political regimes.
  • English for Political Studies. Government.
    The aim is to learn the meanings of ‘government’ and the vocabulary related to ‘government’; to discuss types of government, functions of government, the difference between ‘government’ and ‘governance’; to identify advantages and disadvantages of a small / big government; to learn to express your opinion supported with arguments
  • English for Political Studies. Types of Democracy.
    The aim is to discuss types of democracy (direct and representative): their features; to learn the vocabulary related to ‘democracy’.
  • English for Political Studies. Liberal Democracy.
    The aim is to discuss features of liberal and illiberal democracies; to learn the vocabulary related to ‘liberal democracy’ and ‘illiberal democracy’.
  • English for Political Studies. Transition to Democracy.
    The aim is to discuss ways of democratization; to learn the vocabulary related to ‘freedom’
  • English for Political Studies. Parliamentary Systems.
    The aim is to identify the features of parliamentary systems; to use the UK system as an example; to learn the vocabulary related to parliamentary systems; to learn to comment on a quote (explain it, agree/disagree and provide arguments to support your view).
  • English for Political Studies. Presidential Systems.
    The aim is to identify the features of presidential systems; to use the US system as an example; to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a two-party / multi-party systems; to learn the vocabulary related to presidential systems.
  • English for Political Studies. Bureaucracy.
    The aim is to identify the features of bureaucracy, its types, its functions; its limitations and its role in the policy process; to learn the vocabulary related to bureaucracy
  • English for Political Studies. Conflict vs. Peace.
    The aim is to identify the features of a conflict; types of conflict; to discuss conflict management (causes and solutions); to learn the vocabulary related to ‘conflict’ and ‘peace’; to learn to read for the gist.
  • English for Political Studies. Armed Conflict.
    The aim is to learn the vocabulary related to armed conflicts; to identify the types of war; its reasons; to discuss the just war theory; to learn about laws of war, about types of warfare; to discuss the role of relief organizations.
Assessment Elements

Assessment Elements

  • non-blocking Oral tasks
  • non-blocking Revision tasks
  • non-blocking Written tasks
  • non-blocking Mid-term exam
    Platforms: Zoom, LMS и Google Forms
  • non-blocking Final exam
Interim Assessment

Interim Assessment

  • Interim assessment (2 module)
    0.4 * Mid-term exam + 0.2 * Oral tasks + 0.2 * Revision tasks + 0.2 * Written tasks
  • Interim assessment (4 module)
    0.4 * Final exam + 0.2 * Oral tasks + 0.2 * Revision tasks + 0.2 * Written tasks


Recommended Core Bibliography

  • The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Politics. Edited by Carles Boix and Susan C. Stokes. Oxford University Press, 2009.
  • Якушева И. В., Демченкова О. А. - АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК (B1). INTRODUCTION INTO PROFESSIONAL ENGLISH 3-е изд., испр. и доп. Учебник и практикум для академического бакалавриата - М.:Издательство Юрайт - 2019 - 148с. - ISBN: 978-5-534-07026-2 - Текст электронный // ЭБС ЮРАЙТ - URL: https://urait.ru/book/delovoy-angliyskiy-yazyk-introduction-into-professional-english-433852

Recommended Additional Bibliography

  • Иванова О.А. - English Grammar in use - Издательство "ФЛИНТА" - 2016 - 142с. - ISBN: 978-5-9765-2712-6 - Текст электронный // ЭБС ЛАНЬ - URL: https://e.lanbook.com/book/83785