Базовый курс японского языка
Лучший по критерию «Полезность курса для Вашей будущей карьеры»
Лучший по критерию «Полезность курса для расширения кругозора и разностороннего развития»
Лучший по критерию «Новизна полученных знаний»
Курс обязательный (Программа двух дипломов НИУ ВШЭ и Университета Кёнхи «Экономика и политика в Азии»)
41.03.01. Зарубежное регионоведение
Кто читает:
Факультет мировой экономики и мировой политики
Где читается:
Факультет мировой экономики и мировой политики
Когда читается:
1-й курс, 1-4 модуль
Формат изучения:
без онлайн-курса
Охват аудитории:
для своего кампуса
Контактные часы:
Course Syllabus
This course is designed to provide practical skills and knowledge in the Japanese language to the students who have no background in Japanese, to acquire knowledge of the linguistic aspects of the language needed to communicate in Japanese. At the same time, the course provides students with the opportunities to develop sufficient competency in Japanese to use it in a variety of ways to achieve the communicative objectives. The course will focus on the four skills: speaking, listening, writing and reading. It is expected that students will reach the A2 level according to CEFR by the end of the course. Students are also expected to acquire basic speaking and listening comprehension skills, a considerable body of basic grammar, reading and writing skills within the topics covered in class.
Learning Objectives
- communicative competence – developing communicative skills through speaking, listening, reading and writing in communicative scenarios and topics chosen for the course
- language competence – learning new language units (orthographic, phonetic, lexical, grammar) related to communicative scenarios and topics of the course; learning about language phenomena in the foreign language, about various ways of expressing ideas using the native and foreign languages
- socio-cultural competence – introducing students to the culture, traditions, and realia of the country whose language they are learning; developing skills of presenting their country and its culture when communicating with foreigners
- cognitive competence – developing general and special academic skills; familiarizing students with available ways of autonomous learning of a foreign language and culture, ICT included
Expected Learning Outcomes
- Students will demonstrate the knowledge of Japanese kana and will be able to write and read words in hiragana and katakana. 2. Students will demonstrate the knowledge of basic etiquette phrases
- Students will demonstrate the knowledge of the active vocabulary of Unit 1, 2 2. Students will demonstrate the knowledge of the grammatical constructions of Units 1, 2 and use it accurately 3. Students will be able to talk on the following topics: New Friends , Shopping 4. Students will demonstrate the knowledge of hieroglyphs from Units 1,2,3
- Students will demonstrate the knowledge of the active vocabulary of Unit 6,7. Students will demonstrate the knowledge of the grammatical constructions of Units 6,7 and use it accurately 3. Students will be able to talk on the following topics: A Day In Roberts Life, Family Picture. 4. Students will demonstrate the knowledge of hieroglyphs from Units 8,9,10
- Students will demonstrate the knowledge of the active vocabulary of Unit 3,4. 2. Students will demonstrate the knowledge of the grammatical constructions of Units 3, 4 and use it accurately 3. Students will be able to talk on the following topics: Making A Date , The First Date. 4. Students will demonstrate the knowledge of hieroglyphs from Units 4,5.
- Students will demonstrate the knowledge of the active vocabulary of Unit 4,5. 2. Students will demonstrate the knowledge of the grammatical constructions of Units 4, 5 and use it accurately 3. Students will be able to talk on the following topics: The First Date , A Trip To Okinawa. 4. Students will demonstrate the knowledge of hieroglyphs from Units 6,7
- Students will demonstrate the knowledge of the active vocabulary of Unit 10,11. Students will demonstrate the knowledge of the grammatical constructions of Units 10,11 and use it accurately 3. Students will be able to talk on the following topics: Winter Vacation Plans, After the Vacation. 4. Students will demonstrate the knowledge of hieroglyphs from Units 14,15,16
- 1. Students will demonstrate the knowledge of the active vocabulary of Unit 12,13. 2. Students will demonstrate the knowledge of the grammatical constructions of Units 12,13 and use it accurately. 3. Students will be able to talk on the following topics: Feeling Ill, Looking for a Part-time Job. 4. Students will demonstrate the knowledge of hieroglyphs from Units 17,18,19
- Students will demonstrate the knowledge of the active vocabulary of Unit 14,15. 2. Students will demonstrate the knowledge of the grammatical constructions of Units 14,15 and use it accurately 3. Students will be able to talk on the following topics: Valentine’s Day, A Trip to Nagano. 4. Students will demonstrate the knowledge of hieroglyphs from Units 20,21,22
- Students will demonstrate the knowledge of the active vocabulary of Unit 8,9. Students will demonstrate the knowledge of the grammatical constructions of Units 8,9 and use it accurately 3. Students will be able to talk on the following topics: Barbecue, Kabuki. 4. Students will demonstrate the knowledge of hieroglyphs from Units 11,12,13
- Students will demonstrate the knowledge of the active vocabulary of Unit 16,17. 2. Students will demonstrate the knowledge of the grammatical constructions of Units 16,17 and use it accurately 3. Students will be able to talk on the following topics: Lost and Found, Grumble and Gossip. 4. Students will demonstrate the knowledge of hieroglyphs from Units 23,24,25
- Students will demonstrate the knowledge of the active vocabulary of Unit 18,19. 2. Students will demonstrate the knowledge of the grammatical constructions of Units 18,19 and use it accurately 3. Students will be able to talk on the following topics: Johns Part-time Job, Meeting the Boss. 4. Students will demonstrate the knowledge of hieroglyphs from Units 26,27,28
- . Students will demonstrate the knowledge of the active vocabulary of Unit 20,21. 2. Students will demonstrate the knowledge of the grammatical constructions of Units 20,21 and use it accurately 3. Students will be able to talk on the following topics: Mary’s Shopping,Burglar. 4. Students will demonstrate the knowledge of hieroglyphs from Units 29,30
- Students will demonstrate the knowledge of the active vocabulary of Unit 22,23. 2. Students will demonstrate the knowledge of the grammatical constructions of Units 22,23 and use it accurately 3. Students will be able to talk on the following topics: Education in Japan , Goodbye. 4. Students will demonstrate the knowledge of hieroglyphs from Units 31,32
- Students will pass the Final Examination
Course Contents
- 1. WEEK 1-2 Japanese Kana & PronunciationLearning Objectives Writing and reading skills Japanese Kana, reading rules. Speaking skills Pronunciation Greetings
- WEEKS 3-5. Unit 1 NEW FRIENDS. Unit 2. SHOPPINGUnit 1 NEW FRIENDS Learning Objectives Topics: 1) Introducing yourself 2) Asking people their names and what they do 3) Asking/telling people times, phone number, etc. Grammar - XはYです - Question Sentences - Nounのnoun Unit 2. SHOPPING Learning Objectives Topics: 1) Asking and answering how much things cost 2) Going shopping 3) Ordering food in restaurant Grammar: - これ、それ、あれ、どれ - この、その、あの、どの - ここ、そこ、あそこ、どこ - だれの - も - じゃないです - ね/よ Kanji: 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 百 千 万 円 口 目 日 月 火 水 木 金 土 曜 本 人 今 寺 時 半 分 上 下 中 外 右 左 前 後 午 門 間 東 西 南 北
- WEEKS 6-8. Unit 3. MAKING A DATE. Unit 4. THE FIRST DATEUnit 3. MAKING A DATE Learning Objectives Topics: 1) Talking about daily activities and customs 2) Extending invitations 3) Accepting and refusing invitations Grammar: - Verb Conjugation - Verb Types and the “Present Tense” - Particles - Time Reference - ませんか - Word Order - Frequency Adverbs - The Topic Particle は Unit 4. THE FIRST DATE Learning objectives Topics: 1) Asking and describing where things are 2) Talking about the things that happened in the past 3) Talking about habitual actions in the past Grammar: - Xがあります/います - Describing where things are - Past tense of です - Past tense of verbs - も - 一時間 - たくさん - と Kanji: 田 力 男 女 子 学 生 先 何 父 母 年 去 毎 国 見 行 米 来 良 食 飲 会 耳 聞 言 話 立 待 周 週 大 小 高 安 新 古 元 気 多 少 広 早 長 明 好 友
- WEEK 9-11. Unit 5. A TRIP TO OKINAWA. Unit 6. A DAY IN ROBERT’S LIFEUnit 5. A TRIP TO OKINAWA Learning Objectives Topics: 1) Talking about travel 2) Making offers and invitations 3) Asking the postage cost and buying stamps at the post office 4) Talking about likes and dislikes Grammar - Adjectives - 好き(な)/嫌い(な) - ましょう - Counting Unit 6. A DAY IN ROBERT’S LIFE Learning Objectives Topics: 1) Requests 2) Asking for and giving permission 3) Talking about rules and regulations 4) Offering to help 5) Giving reasons for doing /not doing something Grammar: - てください - てもいいです - てはいけません - から - ましょう Kanji: 入 出 市 町 村 雨 電 車 馬 駅 社 校 店 銀 病 院 休 走 起 買 売 読 書 帰 勉 強 持 名 語 春 夏 秋 冬 朝 昼 夕 方 晩 夜 心 手 足 体 首 道
- WEEK 12-15. Unit 7. FAMILY PICTURE. Unit 8. BARBECUE. Grammar & Kanji reviewUnit 7. FAMILY PICTURE Learning Objectives Topics: 1) Talking about family and friends 2) Describing how people are dressed and how they look Grammar: - ている - て-forms for joining sentences - Verb stem + に行く - Counting people Unit 8. BARBECUE Learning Objectives Topics: 1) Expressing thoughts and opinions 2) Reported speech 3) Planning a trip or party Grammar: - Short forms - Informal speech - と思います/と言っています - ないでください - Verbのが好きです - が - 何か/何も Kanji: 山 川 林 森 空 海 花 天 赤 青 白 黒 色 魚 犬 料 理 飯 牛 豚 鳥 肉 茶 野 菜 切 作 味 音 楽 歌 自 転 乗 写 真 台 映 画 洋 服 着
- WEEK 16-18. Unit 9. KABUKI. Unit 10. WINTER VACATION PLANS.Unit 9. KABUKI Learning Objectives Topics: 1) Expressing thoughts and opinions 2) Reported speech 3) Ordering food in a restaurant or shop 4) Giving reasons Grammar: - Past tense short forms - Qualifying nouns with verbs and adjectives - まだ...ていません Unit 10. WINTER VACATION PLANS Learning Objectives Topics: 1) Talking about future plans 2) Talking about means of transportation and the time required 3) Making reservations at the travel agency Grammar: - Comparison between two items - Comparison among three or more items - Adjective/ noun + の - つもりだ - Adjective + なる - どこかに/どこにも - で Kanji: 家 族 親 兄 姉 弟 妹 私 夫 妻 住 紙 教 室 習 漢 字 式 試 験 宿 題 文 英 質 問 説 遠 近 者 暑 寒 重 軽 低 弱 悪 暗 太 短 光 風
- WEEK 19-21. Unit 11. AFTER THE VACATION. Unit 12. FILLING ILLUnit 11. AFTER THE VACATION Learning Objectives Topics: 1) Talking about what you did after vacation 2) Introducing friends to each other 3) Asking where somebody comes from and talking about hometowns 4) Asking about childhood dreams and ambitions Grammar: - たい - たり...たりする - ことがある - NやN Unit 12. FILLING ILL Learning Objectives Topics: 1) Describing symptoms of illness 2) Giving advice 3) Forecasting the weather Grammar: - んです - すぎる - ほうがいいです - ので - なければいけません/なきゃいけません - でしょう Kanji: 運 動 止 歩 使 送 洗 急 開 閉 押 引 思 知 考 死 医 始 終 石 研 究 留 有 産 業 薬 働 員 仕 事 図 館 昔 借 貸 地 世 界 度 回 用 民 注 意
- WEEK 22-24. Unit 13. LOOKING FOR A PART-TIME JOB. Unit 14. VALENTINE’S DAY.Unit 13. LOOKING FOR A PART-TIME JOB Learning Objectives Topics: 1) Using the telephone 2) Making appointments to meet 3) Giving reasons 4) Saying what you can or cannot do 5) Talking about part-time jobs Grammar: - Potential verbs - し - そうです - てみる - なら - 一週間に三回 Unit 14. VALENTINE’S DAY Learning Objectives Topics: 1) Seeking advice about presents 2) Talking about giving/receiving things 3) Speculating 4) Talking about special days Grammar: - ほしい - かもしれません - あげる/くれる/もらう - たらどうですか - Number+も/ number+しか+negative Kanji: 頭 顔 声 特 別 合 答 正 同 計 京 集 不 便 以 場 所 屋 堂 都 県 区 池 発 建 物 品 旅 通 進 熱 冷 甘 汚 果 卵 皿 酒 塩 付 片 焼 消 個
- WEEK 25-27. Unit 15. A TRIP TO NAGANO. LOST AND FOUND.Unit 15. A TRIP TO NAGANO Learning objectives Topic: 1) Inviting friends to do something with you 2) Making plans 3) Explaining about people or things in detail Grammar: - Volitional form - Volitional form+と思っています - ておく Unit 16. LOST AND FOUND Learning Objectives Topics: 1) Making requests 2) Apologizing 3) Talking about hopes and wishes 4) Explaining about something you have lost 5) Talking about special days Grammar: - てあげる/くれる/もらう - ていただけませんか - といい - 時 - てすみませんでした Kanji: 笑 泣 怒 幸 苦 痛 恥 配 困 辛 眠 残 念 感 情 覚 忘 決 定 比 受 授 徒 練 復 表 卒 違 役 皆 彼 全 部 必 要 荷 由 届 利 払 濯 寝 踊 活 末 宅 祭
- WEEK 28-30. Unit 17. GRUMBLE AND GOSSIP. Unit 18. JOHN’S PART-TIME JOB.Unit 17. GRUMBLE AND GOSSIP Learning Objectives Topic: 1) Grumbling 2) Gossiping 3) Conveying hearsay 4) Speculating 5) Likening people or things to someone/something else Grammar: - そうです - って - たら - なくてもいいです - みたいです - まえに - てから Unit 18. JOHN’S PART-TIME JOB Learning Objectives Topics: 1) Expressing regret 2) Giving advice 3) Describing the condition of things 4) Explaining about something you have lost 5) Talking about failures Grammar: - てしまう - と - ながら - ばよかったです Kanji: 平 和 戦 争 政 治 経 済 法 律 際 関 係 義 議 党 遊 泳 疲 暖 涼 静 公 園 込 連 窓 側 葉 景 記 形 結 婚 供 両 苦 老 息 娘 奥 将 祖 育 性 招
- WEEK 31-33. Unit 19. MEETING THE BOSS. Unit 20. MARY’S SHOPPING.Unit 19. MEETING THE BOSS Learning objectives Topics: 1) Speaking politely 2) Understanding conversations in polite situations 3) Expressing gratitude 4) Expressing satisfaction Grammar: - Honorific verbs - Giving respectful advice - てくれてありがとう - てよかったです - はずです Unit 20. MARY’S SHOPPING Learning Objectives Topics: 1) Speaking modesty\ 2) Understanding conversation in polite situations 3) Expressing gratitude 4) Expressing satisfaction Grammar: - ないで - やすい/にくい - Nameというitem - Questions within large sentences Kanji: 取 最 初 番 歳 枚 冊 億 点 階 段 号 倍 次 々 他 勝 負 賛 成 絶 対 続 辞 投 選 約 束 守 過 夢 的 飛 機 鉄 速 遅 駐 泊 船 座 席 島 陸 港 橋 交
- WEEK 34-36. Unit 21. BURGLAR.Unit 21. BURGLAR Learning Objectives Topics: 1) Talking about bad experiences or events 2) Describing things and situations 3) Telling somebody what you wish them to do Grammar: - Passive sentences - てある - 間に - Adjective+する - てほしいないで Kanji: 神 様 信 調 査 相 談 案 内 君 達 星 雪 降 直 危 険 拾 捨 戻 吸 旅 変 歯 髪 絵 横 当 伝 細 無
- Week 36. Grammar & Kanji review. ExaminationLearning Objectives Grammar Grammar review Kanji Kanji review
Assessment Elements
- In-Class Control (speaking - 0.4/quiz - 0.1/grammar test - 0.3/test kanji - 0.2)Thе Cumulative Semester Grade is calculated according to the following formulae: Gcumulative = 0, 4 *(0,4 *Goral+ 0,6 *Goral test ) + 0,6 * (0,4 *Gwritten + 0,6 *Gwritten test ) Gwritten - is the average of all the grades received by the student for participation in written assignments. Gwritten test - is the average of all the grades received by the student for participation in written tests. Goral - is the average of all the grades received by the student for participation in oral assignments. Goral test - is the average of all the grades received by the student for participation in oral tests.
- examination
- In-Class Control (speaking - 0.4/quiz - 0.1/grammar test - 0.3/test kanji - 0.2)Thе Cumulative Semester Grade is calculated according to the following formulae: Gcumulative = 0, 4 *(0,4 *Goral+ 0,6 *Goral test ) + 0,6 * (0,4 *Gwritten + 0,6 *Gwritten test ) Gwritten - is the average of all the grades received by the student for participation in written assignments. Gwritten test - is the average of all the grades received by the student for participation in written tests. Goral - is the average of all the grades received by the student for participation in oral assignments. Goral test - is the average of all the grades received by the student for participation in oral tests.
- ExaminationThe exam is conducted in 2 parts: in writing and in oral forms (upon the course materials). The exam is held on the Zoom platform (https://www.zoom.us/). The written part is held for all students of the group at the same time. Students must connect to the exam according to the schedule sent by the teacher to their corporate e-mails on the day before the exam. The oral part is carried out on another day. Students need to connect to the oral part of the exam according to the schedule sent by the teacher to their corporate e-mails on the day before the exam. The student's computer must meet the requirements: the presence of a working camera and microphone, support for Zoom. In order to participate in the exam, students are obliged: to put their photo on the avatars, to appear for the exam according to the exact schedule, turn on camera and microphone during the examination. Students are forbidden to: turn off the camera, use notes and tips. A short-term communication disruption during the exam is considered a communication disruption of less than a minute. Long-term communication disruption during the exam is considered a violation of a minute or more. In case of a long-term communication disruption, students cannot continue to participate in the exam. The retake procedure involves the use of more complicated tasks.
Interim Assessment
- Interim assessment (2 module)Thе Cumulative Semester Grade is calculated according to the following formulae: Gcumulative = 0, 4 *(0,4 *Goral+ 0,6 *Goral test ) + 0,6 * (0,4 *Gwritten + 0,6 *Gwritten test ) Gwritten - is the average of all the grades received by the student for participation in written assignments. Gwritten test - is the average of all the grades received by the student for participation in written tests. Goral - is the average of all the grades received by the student for participation in oral assignments. Goral test - is the average of all the grades received by the student for participation in oral tests.
- Interim assessment (4 module)Thе Cumulative Semester Grade is calculated according to the following formulae: Gcumulative = 0, 4 *(0,4 *Goral+ 0,6 *Goral test ) + 0,6 * (0,4 *Gwritten + 0,6 *Gwritten test ) Gwritten - is the average of all the grades received by the student for participation in written assignments. Gwritten test - is the average of all the grades received by the student for participation in written tests. Goral - is the average of all the grades received by the student for participation in oral assignments. Goral test - is the average of all the grades received by the student for participation in oral tests.
Recommended Core Bibliography
- Kenneth G. Henshall, & Tetsuo Takagaki. (2013). Learning Japanese Hiragana and Katakana : Workbook and Practice Sheets. [N.p.]: Tuttle Publishing. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=1567872
Recommended Additional Bibliography
- Hamano, S., & Tsujioka, T. (2014). Basic Japanese : A Grammar and Workbook. London: Routledge. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=797728
- Kornfeld, M. (2006). japanese FOR BEGINNERS. Vegetarian Times, (340), 65. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=f5h&AN=20242276
- Richard S. Keirstead. (2016). Japanese Hiragana and Katakana Practice Pad : Learn the Two Japanese Alphabets Quickly & Easily with This Japanese Language Learning Tool. [N.p.]: Tuttle Publishing. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=1568900
- Timothy G. Stout. (2013). Japanese Hiragana & Katakana for Beginners : First Steps to Mastering the Japanese Writing System [Downloadable Content Included]. [N.p.]: Tuttle Publishing. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=1567871
- Timothy G. Stout. (2014). Japanese Katakana for Beginners : First Steps to Mastering the Japanese Writing System. [N.p.]: Tuttle Publishing. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=1567907
- Toyozato, S. (2008). Japanese for Beginners : Learning Conversational Japanese - Second Edition (Includes Downloadable Audio). North Clarendon, Vt: Tuttle Publishing. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=1569009