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Бакалавриат 2023/2024

Международный бизнес

Направление: 41.03.01. Зарубежное регионоведение
Когда читается: 4-й курс, 1, 2 модуль
Формат изучения: без онлайн-курса
Охват аудитории: для своего кампуса
Преподаватели: Остроухова Вера Аркадьевна, Шапошников Сергей Вячеславович
Язык: английский
Кредиты: 4
Контактные часы: 60

Course Syllabus


The “International Business” course provides an opportunity for the students to acquire knowledge of various international business aspects and to trace how entrepreneurs and managers apply them in their practice while making business decisions. The course demonstrates holistic approach towards international business theory by discussing the phenomenon of globalization and its influence on the economies of the countries all over the world. Additionally, the course develops the understanding of international monetary and financial environment, the role of regulators as well as political, legal, socio-cultural and ethical peculiarities that vary from one country to another. To the large extent, the course focuses on building students’ critical thinking tools in such areas as organizational structures and market entry strategies, human resource management, corporate social responsibility, financial management and accounting, regional and international business regulating bodies. This is an interdisciplinary course that integrates the concepts developed in international marketing, strategic management, economic integration, finance, cultural and political studies. Number of credits for this course – 4. Pre-requisites The course requires the preliminary (basic) knowledge in such disciplines as Economics, International Relations, The History of International Relations, Principles of Marketing, and Business Finance.
Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

  • to provide education and training in international business
  • to form a holistic view onto the historical and current challenges of the international business
  • to build up an understanding of the issues that businessmen cope with, including the necessity to take into consideration the diversified approaches towards business in different countries of the globe
  • to deepen knowledge of various areas of international business for purpose of becoming well-informed and well-qualified to make managerial decisions in future
  • to extend outlook and improve learning skills by obtaining new information and being engaged in different forms of interactive classwork
  • to learn to use critical thinking filters of the mind
  • to practice a professional oral presentation of the project
  • to enhance team-work and leadership skills
Expected Learning Outcomes

Expected Learning Outcomes

  • to demonstrate an expanded theoretical base in the international business field
  • to describe, analyze, interpret and assess international business events, trends and issues
  • to compare economic, legal, financial, socio-cultural and ethical aspects of business in different jurisdictions
  • to apply country-wise approach towards strategy and structure of the business
  • to analyze existing trade and investment environment in a particular country for proposed business needs
  • to explain the reasons for ethical challenges and sustainability trends in the modern world
  • to use enhanced soft skills and empathy while becoming an international business actor
  • to apply improved business writing skills in further work
Course Contents

Course Contents

  • 1. Introduction to International Business
  • 2. Globalization and International Business
  • 3. Cultural Aspects of International Business Management
  • 4. Business Ethics, Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility
  • 5. Global Trade and Investment Environment
  • 6. National Differences in Political, Economic and Legal Systems
  • 7. International Business Strategy
  • 8. International Business Structure
  • 9. Global Production and Supply Chain Management. International Logistics.
  • 10. Global Marketing and R&D (Research and Development)
  • 11. Global Human Resource Management
  • 12. The Role of Reputation in International Business. Anti-Fraud Management.
Assessment Elements

Assessment Elements

  • non-blocking Attendance
  • non-blocking Participation
  • non-blocking Group Project #1
  • non-blocking Group Project #2
  • non-blocking Final Exam
Interim Assessment

Interim Assessment

  • 2023/2024 2nd module
    0.1 * Attendance + 0.4 * Final Exam + 0.15 * Group Project #1 + 0.25 * Group Project #2 + 0.1 * Participation


Recommended Core Bibliography

  • Golo, J. (2015). International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace. Economic Horizons / Ekonomski Horizonti, 17(1), 71–73. https://doi.org/10.5937/ekonhor1501073G
  • Jovana Golo. (2015). Book review: Hill, C. W. L. (2014). International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace. https://doi.org/10.5937/ekonhor1501073G

Recommended Additional Bibliography

  • Ghemawat, P. (2007). Redefining Global Strategy : Crossing Borders in a World Where Differences Still Matter. Harvard Business Review Press.
  • Ghemawat, P. (2011). World 3.0 : Global Prosperity and How to Achieve It. Harvard Business Review Press.