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Бакалавриат 2020/2021

Английский язык

Лучший по критерию «Полезность курса для Вашей будущей карьеры»
Направление: 38.03.05. Бизнес-информатика
Когда читается: 1-й курс, 1-4 модуль
Формат изучения: без онлайн-курса
Язык: английский
Кредиты: 14
Контактные часы: 250

Course Syllabus


Increasingly volatile and fast-developing contemporary labour market requires rigid competencies from potential young employees. Graduates of the NRU HSE are provided with a possibility to polish their English language skills obtaining a competitive edge in the international job market. The course in question is taught at the HSE and University of London Parallel Degree Programme in Management and Digital Innovation. The programme is designed in accordance with the concept of foreign language teaching at NRU HSE, mandatory requirements and standards applied in the Russian Federation and according to NRU HSE Business Informatics (38.03.05) educational standard. Students are expected to use the competence approach to learning the discipline when special emphasis is laid on the student's own rigorous and conscientious self-study process.
Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

  • further improvement of foreign language competence in accordance with international standards and requirements, which means mastering basic discursive skills that allow a student to participate in discussions, make presentations in a foreign language environment; work with a variety of authentic textual materials; listen to lectures and participate in seminars conducted by foreign experts.
  • improvement of a student's educational and cognitive competence-the ability to independently acquire knowledge and skills for domestic and professional communication in a foreign language, including the use of advanced information technologies.
  • development of compensatory competence, that is developing abilities of students that enable them to cope with the situation in conditions of lack of language resources whilst receiving or transferring information.
  • formation of socio-cultural competences necessary for successful adaptation of graduates in the labor market and communication in a foreign environment.
Expected Learning Outcomes

Expected Learning Outcomes

  • Use topical vocabulary: the language of education, the language of learning, school and university subjects, synonyms, describing trends, collocations.
  • Use grammar: prefixes, word formation; tenses.
  • Analise and describe line graphs.
  • Answer topic related questions.
  • Use topical vocabulary: social vocabulary, environmental vocabulary, animals, production, places, academic words, written and spoken vocabulary, process verbs.
  • Use grammar: Passive Voice, relative clauses; sequencing with prepositions and adverbs.
  • Describe diagrams and processes.
  • Produce topic-related monologues.
  • Use topical vocabulary: leasure vocabulary, medical vocabulary, food vocabulary, academic collocations, idiomatic phrases for problems and solutions.
  • Use grammar: real and unreal conditionals, other ways to express conditionality, modal forms, degrees pf certainty, adverbs of attitude.
  • Write solution to problem essays.
  • Produce monologues expressing opinions. Maintain discussions expressing personal opinion.
  • Use topical vocabulary: shopping vocabulary, environmental vocabulary, business vocabulary; academic words for thoughts and beliefs, signposting words.
  • Use grammar: form clauses, subordinate clauses, expressing opinion with that, pronoun referencing.
  • Write opinion essays. Discuss both views and express your opinion.
  • Produce monologues expressing reasons. Take part in discussions expressing reasons.
  • Use topical vocabulary: technology vocabulary, the language of invention and innovation, expressing agreement and disagreement, expressing quantity, noun phrases.
  • Use grammar: reported speech patterns.
  • Be able to escribe graph/diagram, analysing visual prompts, interpret tables/charts.
  • Produce monologue to describe processes.
  • Use topical vocabulary: criminal and law vocabulary, verbs for argument and opinion Use grammar: cleft sentences, pronouns.
  • Use grammar: cleft sentences, pronouns.
  • Write for and against essays.
  • Produce monologues describing causes and consequences.
  • Use topical vocabulary: travel and transport vocabulary, word families, collocations with plan.
  • Use grammar: sentence fragments and run-on sentences, prepositions, punctuation.
  • Describe pie charts and bar charts.
  • Produce monologues expressing concern and doubt.
  • Use topical vocabulary: vocabulary related to community, academic collocations, describing emotions, cause and effect linking words.
  • Use grammar: Future tenses, noun phrases.
  • Write cause and efect essays.
  • Maintain dialogues expressing agreement/disagreement.
  • Use topical vocabulary: vocabulary related to talent, collocations for success and talent, personal qualities, estimation and indication.
  • Use grammar: articles and pronouns.
  • Describe tables and multiple set graphs.
  • Ask questions and produce responses.
  • Use topical vocabulary: nouns for hypothesizing, phrases for speculation.
  • Use grammar: past modal verbs, verb patterns, unreal conditional.
  • Describe maps. Write two-question essays.
  • Produce a monologue giving a balanced point of view.
Course Contents

Course Contents

  • Studying. School and university. Professional education. Learning applications and strategies. Libraries.
    Intelligence and its types. How to manage your time. What learning applications are used in academic studies. Types of libraries and their role in society. How the Internet is used in studies. Types of school education in different countries and their comparison. Higher education in different countries. The importance of higher education. School subjects. Methods of learning. Language skills. Reading: completing tables and sentences/summaries/notes. Listening: multiple-choice questions, choosing answers from the list. Speaking: monologue, dialogue. Writing: describing graph/diagram, analysing visual prompts.
  • History. Human development. A world of change. Locations. The natural world. Animal world.
    A changing world. Living standards. Personal and social development. Life in the past. Important historical events. An alternative world. Humans and nature. Architecture. Cities and towns. Roaming. Production processes. Whereabouts. Favourite places. Animal world. Animal extinction. Natural disasters. Environmental issues. Exotic places. Language skills. Reading: true/false/not given statements, short-answer questions. Listening: labelling a map, completing forms. Speaking: monologue - description. Writing: describing graph/diagram, describing processes.
  • Human body. Appearance. Health. Diseases and treatment. Eating habits. Healthy lifestyle.
    Today’s teenagers. Diseases and their treatment. Mental health. Positive and negative thinking. Fast food. Stress. Social issues. Problems of modern society. Active lifestyle. Daily routine. Sport in our life. Language skills: Reading: matching paragraph headings, choosing answers from the list. Listening: completing sentences/summaries, short-answer questions. Speaking: monologue - opinion, dialogue – discussion, expressing personal opinions. Writing: problem and solution essay, choosing arguments, developing and linking ideas.
  • A consumer society. Economics issues. Ecology.
    Consumerism. Types of economy. Recycling. A sharing economy. Mobile phones. Modern gadgets. Upcycling. Presents and gifts. Shopping. Brands and trademarks. Possessions and belongings. Language skills. Reading: matching, completing sentences/summaries/notes. Listening: completing tables, completing notes. Speaking: dialogue – expressing reasons, monologue – expressing opinions. Writing: opinion essay, choosing arguments, developing and linking ideas.
  • Our future. Homes of the future. Technologies of the future.
    Prediction of the future. Innovations and inventions. Robotic technology. Artificial intellect. Technological advances. Threats posed by technological development. Replacing humans with robots. Gadget addiction. Ocean exploration. New habitats. Space exploration. Underwater living. Language skills. Reading: matching, completing sentences/summaries/notes. Listening: labelling a diagram, matching, true/false/not given statements. Speaking: monologue - description. Writing: describing graph/diagram, analysing visual prompts, interpreting tables/charts.
  • Law and order. Crime and punishment. Law enforcement. Legal system.
    Types of crimes. Punishment. Legal procedures. Justice. Surveillance. Public safety. Personal safety. Crime prevention. Employment of technology by police. The future of the crime. Crime investigation. Language skills: Reading: completing flow charts, completing sentences/summaries/notes. Listening: completing sentences/summaries, multiple-choice questions. Speaking: monologue – expressing opinions. Writing: for and against essay, comparing and contrasting, choosing arguments.
  • Means of transport. Infrustructures. Travelling.
    Means of transport. Private and public transport. Pedestrians and motorists. Traffic in cities. Places to live in. Different clubs community activities. Types of travelling. Holidays. Transport of the future. Language skills. Reading: matching sentence fragments, completing sentences/summaries/notes. Listening: completing forms, multiple-choice questions. Speaking: monologue - description, dialogue - questioning. Writing: describing graph/diagram, analysing visual prompts, interpreting tables/charts, writing introductions for graph description, writing conclusions for graph description.
  • Social networks. Communication.
    Communities. Altruism. Teamwork. Social networks. Types of communication. Hobbies. People and animals.Internet addiction. Language skills. Reading: true/false/not given statements, choosing answers from the list, multiple-choice questions. Listening: completing tables, matching, multiple-choice questions. Speaking: monologue - description, dialogue. Writing: cause and effect essay, writing essay introductions, writing essay conclusions, using cohesive devices, writing topic hypothesis, developing and linking ideas.
  • Being successful. Work and career. Skills and abilities. Multitasking.
    Successful people. A recipe for success. Multitasking. Talented people. Jobs. Professionalism. TV shows. Business issues. Start-ups. Workplace. Employers and employees relations. The sharing economy. Language skills. Reading: multiple-choice questions, true/false/not given statements. Listening: completing sentences/summaries, multiple-choice questions. Speaking: dialogue - questioning. Writing: describing processes, describing graph/diagram, analysing visual prompts.
  • Entertainment. Culture. Arts. Science and technology.
    Great inventions. Creativity. The science of imagination. Music. Reading. Cinematography. Innovations. The nature of scientific progress. Entertainment. Language skills. Reading: matching sentence fragments, multiple-choice questions, true/false/not given statements. Listening: completing notes, completing tables. Speaking: monologue - description, monologue - opinion, dialogue - discussion. Writing: opinion essay, expressing a point of view, choosing arguments.
Assessment Elements

Assessment Elements

  • non-blocking module test
    0.6(Gaccum)+0.4G(mock exam). Final control (Gfinal) is an independent examination at a certified center upon the completion of the course. The calculation of Gfinal is done as follows: G maxIELTS (8-9 in accordance with IELTS criteria, or 10 in accordance with the grading system in HSE); or 0.5(Gaccum1-4 modules)+0.5(GIELTS)
  • non-blocking speaking test
  • non-blocking writing: graph description
  • non-blocking writing: essay
Interim Assessment

Interim Assessment

  • Interim assessment (4 module)
    0.4 * module test + 0.2 * speaking test + 0.2 * writing: essay + 0.2 * writing: graph description


Recommended Core Bibliography

  • Wyatt, R. (2012). Check Your English Vocabulary for IELTS : Essential Words and Phrases to Help You Maximise Your IELTS Score (Vol. 3rd ed). London: A&C Black Business Information and Development. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=435132

Recommended Additional Bibliography

  • Cambridge vocabulary for IELTS advanced with answers : self-study vocabulary practice, Cullen, P., 2012
  • Writing for IELTS, Williams, A., 2011