
Научно-исследовательский семинар "Постсоветская Евразия"
Курс обязательный (Международные отношения в Евразии)
41.04.05. Международные отношения
Кто читает:
Магистерская программа "Международные отношения в Евразии", направление подготовки "Международные отношения" (Кент)
Где читается:
Факультет мировой экономики и мировой политики
Когда читается:
2-й курс, 1-3 модуль
Формат изучения:
без онлайн-курса
Охват аудитории:
для своего кампуса
Братерский Максим Владимирович
Прогр. обучения:
Международные отношения в Евразии
Контактные часы:
Course Syllabus
This seminar is a dissertation seminar designed to help student prepare and complete their MA thesis on a broad range of topics related to various aspects of international relations in Eurasia. This seminar is a multi-disciplinary one and it deals with both the theoretical and practical aspects of designing dissertation and successfully defending it. The purpose of the course is to assist students through the proposal and dissertation writing processes. This seminar id central to the Program and builds on the following courses: Research Methods of International Relations and Foreign Policy World Politics and International Political Economy The student will explore the field of Research proposal development and the conduct of Research projects as applied to their dissertation topic. They will also review the literature relevant to their dissertation topic, design a conceptual framework, develop data analysis plan. Under the supervision of the instructor, students will present their own work to the seminar for discussion, critique, and advice. On occasion, students may also present brief summaries of articles or books from the reading list that they consider particularly relevant or useful. The research seminar aims both methodological and substantive goals. The first one is to provide students with analytical and research skills required for writing academic articles, essays, reviews, reports, course papers and dissertation research on the public policy analysis, human rights and democratic governance. The second goal is to teach to students contemporary approaches to the research of public policy and human rights issues. Students will learn, explore and practice relevant methods of organization of public policy analysis & monitoring in various fields. They will be able to present their research results in the form of individual course paper or master thesis.
Learning Objectives
- The course tasks are: 1) to help students specify the issues of their prospective research and formulate research topic by giving them the opportunity to get acquainted with the professors of the department, particularly with the scope of their research interests, publications, research papers themes of the department; 2) to familiarize students with the research and analysis methods, to introduce them the rules of drafting and developing of academic research texts of various genres clarifying the language peculiarities of academic writing; 3) to develop professional skills and competences required for the preparation of course papers, master's theses, academic papers, reviews, etc. on public policy & human rights issues; 4) to develop the students' skills of academic discussion, expert debate, presentation of the research work results to the expert community, critically reviewing the comments and defending their point of view; 5) to examine and discuss in the class the academic literature on the subject of the seminar, to help students choose proper academic references and data sources for their master's theses; 6) to teach students the techniques and skills of scientific analysis of empirical data needed for their further professional activities.
Expected Learning Outcomes
- the content of the required reading given by this program.
- the core questions associated with the choice of the research method applicable to public policy & human rights issues investigation
- the main theoretical approaches and methods used in public policy & human rights research; the basic theoretical conceptions and categories used for the monitoring preparation;
- the requirements to the content and drafting of academic and applied research (articles, essays, dissertations, etc.); the criteria of selection and principles of usage of the academic sources relevant to the research and interpretation of the research results;
- the requirements to the quality and quantity of research material/data; the requirements to the presentation of research results;
Course Contents
- Dissertation proposal structure
- Qualitative methods: Applications for the term paper
- presentations by students of their dissertation outlines, research question, choice of methodology, ideas on collecting data
- Academic writing: composition, structure and arguments
- Preparing for the research. Literature Review, Research Design, Working with Data
Assessment Elements
- seminars participation
- preparing the dissertation outline
- seminars participation
- preparing the dissertation outline