Практикум по культуре речевого общения
Курс обязательный (Иностранные языки и межкультурная коммуникация)
45.03.02. Лингвистика
Кто читает:
Школа иностранных языков
Где читается:
Школа иностранных языков
Когда читается:
3-й курс, 1-4 модуль
Формат изучения:
с онлайн-курсом
Охват аудитории:
для всех кампусов НИУ ВШЭ
Апальков Валерий Геннадиевич,
Бадрызлова Юлия Геннадьевна,
Виноградова Екатерина Александровна,
Кирсанова Мария Александровна,
Михеева Наталья Дмитриевна,
Терентьева Ирина Юрьевна,
Федотова Идалия Вячеславовна,
Хаджихасанхансари Ламия,
Цыгунова Мария Михайловна,
Широкова Светлана Юрьевна
Контактные часы:
Course Syllabus
The «Speech Practice» course for 3 rd year students aims to develop students' communicative competence in the area of English for Specific and Academic Purposes and is connected to students' specialisation. The students will develop their communicative competence in all skills and aspects beyond the C1 level. The skills developed in the course include extralinguistic ones such as establishing connections between ideas, interpreting numerical data, providing and applying feedback. Students will be required to actively participate in class discussions, submit graded tasks and present oral performances.
Learning Objectives
- The principle goal of is formation of professional and academic competencies (including instrumental and social and personal competencies), defined in the Education Standard of HSE in the field of study 45.03.02 “Linguistics”. The main goal is the formation of: ● Foreign language communicative competencies at the C1+ level, including sub-competencies: ● Linguistic competence (lexical items and grammar rules knowledge); ● Sociolinguistic competence (skills of using and interpretation of linguistic forms according to the situation/context); ● Discursive competence (skills of understanding and logical composing of certain statements for the purpose of notional communication); ● Strategic competence (skills of using verbal and nonverbal strategies for compensation of lack of knowledge; ● Sociocultural competency (certain degree of sociocultural context knowledge); ● Social competence (willing and readiness to cooperate with others, skills of situations control). It’s important to mention, that the main goal of the 3rd-year course is the acquisition of foreign language communicative competence components in the field of English for Specific and Academic Purpose in order to create the basis for further professional disciplines and the use of the English language for research.
Expected Learning Outcomes
- - Employ cause-and-effect language in a variety of context at the basic and advanced levels;
- - Express their opinion upon ways to teach foreign languages;
- - Make longer presentations upon problems and issues of language and the brain.
- - Paraphrase implementing various strategies
- - Participate in a job interview;
- - Predict the meaning of a word based on its origin.
- - Recognise the functions of modal verbs and their equivalents.
- - Speak about habits using a variety of structures;
- - Structure a problems-and-solutions presentation and prepare slides for it
- - Summarize the text and express the opinion about the ideas presented in the text.
- - Understand job requirements in terms of hard and soft skills;
- - Understand what makes a text cohesive.
- - Use a range of advanced vocabulary in writing and speaking.
- - Use a range of strategies to make one’s writing cohesive.
- - Use a range of unreal verb forms;
- - Use a variety of modal verbs and their equivalents in speaking.
- - Use advanced comparative and superlative structures.
- - Use appropriate negative suffixes and prefixes.
- - Use relative clauses in speaking and writing;
- - Use reporting verbs and structures in writing
- - Use some uncountable nouns with the indefinite article.
- - Use storytelling when giving a presentation.
- - Use structures for comparison and contrast in writing and speaking.
- - Use tentative and emphatic language in speaking and writing.
- - Use the passive voice for various purposes.
- - Use topic-related vocabulary appropriately;
- - Use vocabulary guessing strategies
- - Vary sentence length in writing
- - Vary vocabulary and use descriptive language in storytelling.
- - Write a letter of reference/ a covering letter.
- - Write a problem-solution proposal
- - Write a short story on a topic specified in the programme.
- - Write a summary of a chapter from an academic book.
- - Write an evaluation essay.
- - Write an extended synthesis essay.
- Analyse and synthesise information;
- Contrast and compare information;
- Distinguish between fact and opinion;
- Distinguish between the main idea and supporting details.
- Identify cause and effect relationships;
- Identify logical connections;
- Identify problems and suggest possible solutions;
- Listen to authentic texts of various genres (radio shows, academic lectures, interviews, etc.) for gist, for detail and for specific information;
- Make notes when reading authentic texts;
- Manage time and resources;
- Participate in a dialogue using phrases for emphasis and reinforcement, agreement and disagreement, asking for information, expressing opinion, backtracking and correcting, etc.;
- Plan, execute, and control independent work;
- Plan, structure, create and edit a range of written products such as various types of essays, summaries, proposals according to academic conventions;
- Present research findings supporting them with visual aids;
- read authentic texts of various genres (newspaper and journal articles, blogs, etc.) for gist, for detail and for specific information;
- Refer to sources correctly to avoid plagiarism;
- Summarise information from one or various sources;
- Support an opinion with evidence, examples and statistics;
- Take notes when listening to authentic texts;
- Use advanced and academic vocabulary and structures to produce written and spoken texts;
- Use annotation techniques when reading;
- Use assessment criteria when executing a task;
- Use background knowledge;
- Use fair academic practices;
- Use graphical devices to present information.
- Use linking devices for coherence and cohesion.
- Use monolingual dictionaries, thesauruses, and dictionaries of collocations to enlarge the vocabulary range;
- Use samples for writing and speaking;
- Use self- and peer-assessment, give feedback;
Course Contents
- 3rd year. Speech Culture. Topic 1. Education.
- 3rd year. Speech Culture. Topic 2. Language and mind.
- 3rd year. Speech Culture. Topic 3. Culture.
- 3rd year. Speech Culture. Topic 4. Impact of information technologies
- 3rd year. Speech Culture. Topic 5. Past and future.
- 3rd year. Speech Culture. Topic 6. Labour market.
Assessment Elements
- AuditoryThe teacher assesses the students’ work in class: participation in dialogues and discussions, role-plays, other tasks fulfilment, active vocabulary and grammar acquisition tasks, quizzes etc. The teacher also assesses homework completion, and classroom participation. The grades for these types of activities are recorded in the register (decimal system: 0-10), and the mean is calculated at the end of the year. If a student is absent , he/she get 0
- Exam
- OnlineThe students take an online course (https://ru.coursera.org/learn/conjunctions-connectives-adverb-clauses) and, based on the knowledge from the course, do an online test.
- ProductiveThe grade for productive tasks is calculated as the mean of the 12 task marks (one oral and one written task within each unit) О productive = Ʃ О productive i /n (n=12). the student. The written tasks are to be submitted via SmartLMS. Written papers are awarded a “0” in the following cases: - violation of the deadline; - cheating and copying from another student; - plagiarism (originality < 80%). If a student does not submit the assignment or refuse to fulfil a written task on a due date, they may submit it within 3 days after the due date, but they will lose three points off their final grade for this assignment.
- TestThe grade for tests is calculated as the mean of the 6 tests (one after covering each unit): О test = Ʃ О test i /n (n=6).
Interim Assessment
- 2021/2022 4th module0.1 * Online + 0.15 * Test + 0.3 * Exam + 0.2 * Productive + 0.25 * Auditory
Recommended Core Bibliography
- Поплавская Т. В., Сысоева Т. А. - АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК. ПРОБЛЕМЫ КОММУНИКАЦИИ. Учебное пособие для вузов - М.:Издательство Юрайт - 2019 - 175с. - ISBN: 978-5-534-07461-1 - Текст электронный // ЭБС ЮРАЙТ - URL: https://urait.ru/book/angliyskiy-yazyk-problemy-kommunikacii-442210
Recommended Additional Bibliography
- Bowell, T., Cowan, R., & Kemp, G. (2020). Critical Thinking : A Concise Guide (Vol. Fifth edition). Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=2240045