
Сравнительное банковское право
Курс по выбору (Корпоративный юрист)
40.04.01. Юриспруденция
Кто читает:
Департамент частного права
Где читается:
Факультет права
Когда читается:
2-й курс, 1 модуль
Формат изучения:
без онлайн-курса
Охват аудитории:
для своего кампуса
Вишневский Александр Александрович
Прогр. обучения:
Корпоративный юрист
Контактные часы:
Программа дисциплины
This course aims to describe the main segments of modern banking law in a comparative perspective, therefore it covers the fundamentals of modern banking regulations in international, regional and national levels, as well as private – contract regulations of the main bening transactions.
Цель освоения дисциплины
- The objective of the course is familiarise the students with modern banking regulation both at national and international levels, including soft law of international bodies (Basel Committee, IADI and others), EU Directives, national banking laws of selected countries; contracts involved in banking transactions, bank customer (consumer) protection.
Планируемые результаты обучения
- Students are expected to gain professional understanding of regulatory (registration, licensing, reporting, competition, etc.) rules and requirements with regard to banking activities;
- Students are expected to gain professional understanding of the customer protection and alternative dispute resolution schemes in banking;
- Students are expected to gain professional understanding of the legal status of credit institutions, their managing bodies and shareholders;
- Students are expected to gain professional understanding of the legal status of regulatory bodies in modern banking;
- Students are expected to gain professional understanding of the main rules regulating banking transactions;
- Students are expected to gain professional understanding of the main sources and institutions of modern banking law;
Содержание учебной дисциплины
- General Features of Modern Banking Law
- Credit Institution in Modern Banking Law
- The Bank and the Client, Customer Protection in Modern Banking Law
- Regulation and Supervision over the Banking Activities
- Deposit-Taking in Modern Banking Law
- Loans in Modern Banking Law
- Payment Services in Modern Banking Law
Элементы контроля
- Attendance of lectures and participation in seminars
- Case analysis – written knowledge assessment during the seminars
- Written exam - essay
Промежуточная аттестация
- 2021/2022 учебный год 1 модуль0.2 * Attendance of lectures and participation in seminars + 0.4 * Case analysis – written knowledge assessment during the seminars + 0.4 * Written exam - essay
Список литературы
Рекомендуемая основная литература
- Diamanta Sojeva. (2018). Similarities and Differences between the Credit Contract and the Loan Contract in the Banking Law. Acta Universitatis Danubius: Juridica, (2), 25. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsdoj&AN=edsdoj.53c41606fe864695a3763fae46c29124
- Maphuti David Tuba. (2017). Lodhi 5 Properties Investments CC v FirstRand Bank Limited [2015] 3 All SA 32 (SCA) and the Enforcement of Islamic Banking Law in South Africa. Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal, 1. https://doi.org/10.17159/1727-3781/2017/v20n0a1308
Рекомендуемая дополнительная литература
- Sbarbaro Ferruccio Maria. (2018). The Italian Regulation of the Intra-Group Financial Support Agreement in a Comparative Perspective. Управленец, (1), 24. https://doi.org/10.29141/2218-5003-2018-9-1-4
- Silvia Lucia Cristea. (2015). Juridical Regime of the Interest in the Romanian Law. Particular Case. Comparison between the Regulations of the Remuneratory Interest Versus the Penalizing Interest, in the Romanian Banking Law. Perspectives of Business Law Journal, (1), 121. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsdoj&AN=edsdoj.0ecd753091aa4af1b014caf929e37304