Управление логистическими рисками в цепях поставок
Курс обязательный (Стратегическое управление логистикой и цепями поставок в цифровой экономике)
38.04.02. Менеджмент
Где читается:
Высшая школа бизнеса
Когда читается:
1-й курс, 4 модуль
Формат изучения:
без онлайн-курса
Охват аудитории:
для своего кампуса
Гусев Денис Александрович
Прогр. обучения:
Стратегическое управление логистикой и цепями поставок в цифровой экономике
Контактные часы:
Course Syllabus
The main purpose of the discipline is to teach students the methodology and methods of construc-tion and the practical application of the models representing the economic risks, methods of analysis and comparison of alternatives in terms of risk, economic risk management methods, using traditional and modern technologies in the format of the supply chain. Discipline is read for Master's student in the first year of the specialty. The course program in-cludes conducting seminars. Topics of the studies are given in the relevant thematic terms. In these classes students practice skills in the use of risk management techniques based on the knowledge of the relevant theoretical material. The program provides a student's control work. Independent work of the student also includes: learning the theoretical material at a level sufficient for understanding the topics and sections of the course, and to participatie in the seminars, which will consolidate the skills of risk management tech-niques.
Learning Objectives
- The main purpose of the discipline is to teach students the methodology and methods of construc-tion and the practical application of the models representing the economic risks, methods of analysis and comparison of alternatives in terms of risk, economic risk management methods, using traditional and modern technologies in the format of the supply chain.
- Based on current requirements needed to consider the logistics risks in the supply chain as a result of the discipline, the students must: - be able to freely navigate in applied research on the analysis and management of risks in the supply chain; - know and use in their future activities of the appropriate methods and models in the format of the problems of analysis and economic risk management in supply chains, including – • methods of risk analysis and management based on the classical approach of the theory of risk; • methods of risk analysis and management based on the concept of utility; • methods of analysis and risk management through the use of a decision tree; • methods of market risk management; • methods of redistribution of logistics risks; • methods of logistics risks based on their diversification; • methods of logistics security risks. - understand of the assessment of the adequacy of the models - to establish the possibility of their application, to correctly interpret the findings of these in terms of the modeling tasks of logistics systems.
Expected Learning Outcomes
- Ability to compar and select the alternatives in terms of risk to the supply chain
- Ability to use method of decision tree for risk management in supply chains
- Ability to use methods and models of risk diversification in the supply chain
- Ability to use methods and models of risk redistribution to the supply chain
- Ability to use risk management of financial leverage in the supply chain
Course Contents
- Topic 1 Selecting the best solutions in terms of risk in supply chain management Topic 1.1 Comparing the alternatives in terms of risk to the supply chain
- Topic 1.2 Method of decision tree for risk management in supply chains
- Topic 2 Methods of risks dissipation in supply chain management Topic 2.1 Methods and models of risk redistribution to the supply chain
- Topic 2.2 Methods and models of risk diversification in the supply chain
- Topic 3 Risk management of financial leverage in the supply chain
Interim Assessment
- 2021/2022 4th module0.5 * Exam + 0.25 * Control Work + 0.25 * Activity (Work on seminars, аnalitical note and other homeworks)
Recommended Core Bibliography
- Elements of financial risk management, Christoffersen, P. F., 2003
Recommended Additional Bibliography
- Financial institutions management : a risk management approach, Saunders, A., 2018
- Heiko A., Vennemann C. R., & Darkow I. L. (2010). Corporate foresight and innovation management: A portfolio-approach in evaluating organizational development. Futures, 42(4), 380-393.
- Minh-Thu Tran-Nguyen, Le-Diem Bui, & Thanh-Nghi Do. (2019). Decision trees using local support vector regression models for large datasets. Journal of Information and Telecommunication, (0), 1. https://doi.org/10.1080/24751839.2019.1686682
- Rachev, S. T., Fabozzi, F. J., & Stoyanov, S. V. (2008). Advanced Stochastic Models, Risk Assessment, and Portfolio Optimization : The Ideal Risk, Uncertainty, and Performance Measures. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=219812
- Smirnov Alexander D. (2018). Stochastic Logistic Model of the Global Financial Leverage. The B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics, (1), 1. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsrep&AN=edsrep.a.bpj.bejtec.v18y2018i1p20n3