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Спецкурс по экономике

Статус: Дисциплина общефакультетского пула
Когда читается: 3, 4 модуль
Язык: русский
Кредиты: 3
Контактные часы: 32

Программа дисциплины


Pre-requisites: Students are supposed to be competent in basic Calculus. Abstract: Economic Thinking is a one-semester course for first year students. In the course students are expected to deepen their understanding of the concepts they have studied in the Introduction to Microeconomics course add develop their skills in apply-ing theory to economic problems. In its turn, the concepts discussed in the course will help better understand the material of the course Microeconomics I.
Цель освоения дисциплины

Цель освоения дисциплины

  • to expand the students’ knowledge in the field of microeconomics and develop skills for analysis of real economic situations
  • to provide students with the knowledge of non-trivial application and extensions of the topics discussed in their previous course
Планируемые результаты обучения

Планируемые результаты обучения

  • Analyse PPF and trade with non-linear technologies. Analyse the con-sequences of technological advancement on trade and welfare
  • Ability to analyse markets with non-trivial interventions. Applying partial equilibrium model to international trade. Understanding market dynamics in the cobweb model
  • Explaining how a firm maximises profit with non-trivial price discrimination (inter-temporal etc.). Applying monopoly and discrimination model to the exporting firm.
  • Solving static and dynamic games. Under-standing mixed strategies. Ability to use matching algorithms. Comparing equilibrium and efficiency: traffic regulation examples. Understanding equilibria with externalities and public goods.
  • Using oligopoly and oligopsony models, models with location 9goods and labour market). Calculating equilibria under mergers and collusions
  • Ability to model choice with natural en-dowments. Understanding connection of Inter-temporal choice model and investment decisions.
Содержание учебной дисциплины

Содержание учебной дисциплины

  • Comparative Advantage and Exchange
    PPF and trade with non-linear technologies. Technological advancement and trade
  • Supply and Demand
    Market with non-trivial interventions (vouchers, non-linear taxes etc.). Partial equilibri-um with international trade. Cobweb model.
  • Monopoly
    Non-trivial price discrimination (inter-temporal etc.), monopoly and foreign markets
  • Game Theory and Market Failures
    Static and dynamic games. Mixed strategies. Matching. Equilibrium and efficiency: traf-fic regulation examples. Equilibria with externalities and public goods. Market for lem-ons and other issues with information
  • Oligopoly
    Oligopoly and oligopsony models. Models with location. Mergers and collusions
  • Choice
    Choice with natural endowments. Inter-temporal choice and investment decisions
Элементы контроля

Элементы контроля

  • неблокирующий Quizzes-2
    in-class quizzes in module 4
  • неблокирующий Quizzes-1
    in-class quizzes in module 3
  • неблокирующий Olympiad (final exam)
Промежуточная аттестация

Промежуточная аттестация

  • Промежуточная аттестация (4 модуль)
    0.7 * Olympiad (final exam) + 0.15 * Quizzes-1 + 0.15 * Quizzes-2
Список литературы

Список литературы

Рекомендуемая основная литература

  • Intermediate microeconomics : a modern approach, Varian, H. R., 1999

Рекомендуемая дополнительная литература

  • Microeconomics : an intuitive approach with calculus, Nechyba, T. J., 2011