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Английский язык для общих коммуникативных целей. Продвинутый курс - 2

Статус: Факультатив
Когда читается: 3, 4 модуль
Преподаватели: Алёшина Юлия Валерьевна, Антонова Юлия Владимировна, Баранова Татьяна Александровна, Билмэс Леонид, Борисова Лада Вячеславовна, Бородкина Елена Владимировна, Будникова Алина Александровна, Букина Анна Викторовна, Бывалина Валентина Юрьевна, Вайсман Анна Сергеевна, Варкан Анна Петровна, Василюк Ксения Юрьевна, Виклова Анна Валерьевна, Володяева Елизавета Владимировна, Германович Анастасия Андреевна, Гриднева Екатерина Михайловна, Данилова Елизавета Андреевна, Добровольская Марьяна Игоревна, Дошлыгина Анна Владимировна, Замковая Мария Александровна, Ильченко Ольга Алексеевна, Казачкова Александра Викторовна, Калашников Александр Владимирович, Колесникова Светлана Владимировна, Конова Маргарита Анатольевна, Кошелева Виктория Павловна, Красильникова Елена Михайловна, Кузнецова Виктория Максимовна, Левина Анастасия Алексеевна, Левитская Галина Юрьевна, Лучкина Татьяна Васильевна, Макаренко Виктор Петрович, Медведева Екатерина Павловна, Мирзаева Дарья Улхановна, Мироненко Екатерина Александровна, Мироненко Наталья Викторовна, Мостачева Елена Юрьевна, Нургалеева Татьяна Галинуровна, Пелевина Ирина Анатольевна, Питра Татьяна Георгиевна, Плетнева Марина Анатольевна, Попова Анна Игоревна, Ракитин Павел Юрьевич, Рой Вера Вадимовна, Савицкая Наталия Александровна, Свириденко Ольга Юрьевна, Семина Нелли Владимировна, Сенникова Ксения Георгиевна, Сергеева Ольга Николаевна, Соболянова Екатерина Александровна, Соколова Александра Вячеславовна, Стогниева Ольга Николаевна, Трибис Ксения Валентиновна, Тюлин Дмитрий Александрович, Хавронич Алина Алексеевна, Хлебникова Ирина Николаевна, Хоч Елена Петровна, Черемных Анна Евгеньевна, Швец Лидия Сергеевна, Шустова Елена Дмитриевна
Язык: английский
Кредиты: 5
Контактные часы: 88

Course Syllabus


The discipline refers to the variable educational tracks offered to students of the curricula for bachelor's and master's degree at choice while mastering the optional course of English in accordance with the Concept of developing English-speaking communicative competence of students of Higher School of Economics — National Research University https://www.hse.ru/docs/381549301.html “English for General Communication Purposes. Advanced level” course is originally designed for the students of B2 CEFR level aspiring to excel their knowledge. Completing the course enables learners to boost their English language competences and skills up to the C1 level. Touching upon various life spheres from theatrical art to entrepreneurial success, the course builds up a student’s image as a thriving personality able to successfully communicate in diverse environments. Advanced vocabulary units and grammatical structures are acquired and applied throughout the course, which makes undergraduates feel comfortable in the multicultural atmosphere of the university. The use of assorted modes of working in the process of study contributes to the development of soft skills including time-management, teamwork, presentation skills and others. The course employs exclusively authentic materials such as articles, reviews, essays, podcasts and videos (e.g. TedTalks) as well as games and web-based platforms to build strong reading, listening, speaking and writing skills. The adaptability and saturation of the course provides each student with an opportunity to tailor the program to suit their individual interests and needs. By the end of the course you will have gained the skills and confidence to communicate effectively in English at C1 level (HSE Scale 80-89).
Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

  • The complex development of skills and competences for general communication of the C1 level (according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), HSE Scale 80-89 points);
  • The improvement of students’ command of English for interpersonal and intercultural communication;
  • The enhancement of receptive and productive skills related to general purposes;
  • The expansion of vocabulary on a variety of topics;
  • The expansion of grammar structures in use.
Expected Learning Outcomes

Expected Learning Outcomes

  • To develop understanding of articles, reports, straightforward and specialised texts concerned with contemporary problems at the threshold/vantage/effective operational proficiency level
  • To form understanding of text structure
  • To develop skills of using basic reading techniques skimming and scanning (predicting, understanding main ideas, understanding details)
  • To improve understanding of dialogues and polylogues on both familiar and unfamiliar topics
  • To develop understanding of lectures and learning context
  • To develop skills of using basic listening techniques (predicting, understanding main ideas and details)
  • To form skills of note-taking
  • To develop writing skills (email / summary / essay)
  • To participate in dialogues on general, academic and professional topics. (active listening, questioning, responding to questions, emphasizing, discussion strategies)
  • To produce monologues (informative/descriptive/argumentative/persuasive speech)
Course Contents

Course Contents

  • Technology and change
    Attitudes to technology. A new generation of robot companions. Robot in the house. Transport development. Living on another planet. Advantages and disadvantages of using machines like robots. Predictions about the future. Grammar: The passive; Complex noun phrases. Vocabulary: describing technology; collocations. Word-formation: collocations (noun+noun, adj+noun), prepositional phrases, clauses, to-infinitive.
  • People and ideas
    A definition of creativity. Great thinkers of the past and of the present. Sharing good ideas. Managing a city. Old ideas relevant nowadays. Grammar: expressions of quantity, conditionals. Vocabulary: idioms with hand. Word-formation: irregular plurals.
  • Journalism and media
    Modern trends in journalism.The influence of large media organizations. The most important medium for people in a country. Newspapers nowadays. The impact media has on children. Grammar: Verb patterns; Prepositional verbs. Vocabulary: The media. Word-formation: verb (+object) + to-infinitive; verb (+object) + infinitive without to; verb + -ing; verb + preposition + -ing; verb + ob + preposition + -ing.
  • Law and society
    ‘Unwritten rules’ in the society. Social behaviour of teenagers. Juvenile crime. Minimum age of criminal responsibility. Types of punishment. When in Rome, do as Romans do. Grammar: Adverbs of degree; Reporting using nouns. Vocabulary: Idiomatic verb phrases; Justice systems; Noun conversion. Word-formation: suffixes for noun-formation.
  • Business and economics
    What makes a business successful. How to boost the economies of developing countries. A win-win negotiation. Saving lives at sea. Grammar: Phrasal verbs. Vocabulary: alternatives to if, business and economic terms, confusing words. Word-formation: noun-forming suffixes.
  • Arts and entertainment
    Artistic performance. The power of music. Digital technology and private life. Reality show production. Body language. Grammar: Non-finite clauses. Vocabulary: academic verbs, conversational english linkers. Word-formation: compound adjectives.
  • Science and nature
    Space exploration. A human colony on Mars.Wise plastic consumption. Insects and animals as symbols. The impact of farming on the future. Grammar: Cohesion (substitution); Nominalisation. Vocabulary: Geological terms; Collective nouns. Word-formation: suffixes -al, -ment, -ness, -ion.
Assessment Elements

Assessment Elements

  • non-blocking Written assessment
    Written assessment includes: • 1 reading test, • 1 listening test, • 3 vocabulary and grammar tests • 2 written works (a paragraph and an essay).
  • non-blocking Oral assessment
    Oral assessment includes a monologue on a given topic and a discussion. The elements of oral assessment cannot be retaken
  • non-blocking Independent work assessment
    Independent work includes activities that students do at home, activities that students do in the classroom and online work. The elements of independent work cannot be retaken.
  • non-blocking Final assessment
    The final test is held in class within 10 days before the exam period. The final test includes one reading test, one listening test and one written work (an essay). The test tasks can be of different types. The final grade is equal to the mean of the grades for a listening test, reading test, and essay.
Interim Assessment

Interim Assessment

  • Interim assessment (4 module)
    0.3 * Final assessment + 0.25 * Independent work assessment + 0.2 * Oral assessment + 0.25 * Written assessment


Recommended Core Bibliography

  • New language leader: advanced : coursebook, , 2015

Recommended Additional Bibliography

  • Berry, R. (2018). English Grammar : A Resource Book for Students (Vol. 2nd edition). [Place of publication not identified]: Routledge. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=1753147
  • Качалова, К.Н. Практическая грамматика английского языка с упражнениями и ключами : учебник / К. Н. Качалова, Е. Е. Израилевич. — Санкт-Петербург : КАРО, 2018. - 608 с. - ISBN 978-5-9925-0716-4. - Режим доступа: https://new.znanium.com/catalog/product/1047576