
Английский язык для общих коммуникативных целей. Начальный курс
Лучший по критерию «Полезность курса для Вашей будущей карьеры»
Лучший по критерию «Полезность курса для расширения кругозора и разностороннего развития»
Лучший по критерию «Новизна полученных знаний»
Кто читает:
Школа иностранных языков
Когда читается:
1-4 модуль
Контактные часы:
Программа дисциплины
The discipline refers to the variable educational tracks offered to students of the curricula for bachelor's and master's degree at choice while mastering the optional course of English in accordance with the Concept of developing English-speaking communicative competence of students of Higher School of Economics — National Research University https://www.hse.ru/docs/381549301.html English for General Communication Purposes (Elementary) takes an intelligent approach to building the confidence and skills students need to succeed in academic study and use English in a globalised world. The course stretches students' ability to understand real English and develops students’ language skills, communicative competences to the B1 level in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (HSE Scale 30-39). The course is designed to assist students in achieving the level of independent users through enhancing reading, listening, writing and speaking skills, attaining excellence in vocabulary management and grammatical accuracy. A variety of authentic materials, contemporary topics and issues, real English expressions and scenarios stimulate students' minds and develop critical thinking skills as well as digital literacies. The course develops a solid general English base for further success in learning English for academic or special purposes, taking international examinations, future academic studies and research. English for General Communication Purposes (Elementary) is available to the first-year students if there is not a mark in English course in their high school diploma.
Цель освоения дисциплины
- To improve interpersonal and intercultural communication in English
- To develop the listening, reading, writing and speaking skills in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), B1 level (HSE Scale 30-39)
- To promote communicative language competences (vocabulary range and grammatical accuracy)
- To raise sociocultural awareness
- To develop digital literacy
Планируемые результаты обучения
- Applies the range of vocabulary for places in a city
- Uses words and phrases for jobs and places for work
- Scans and skims different texts
- Talks about a film in general, types of film and express personal tastes in film
- Practises comparative adjectives to compare different forms of transport
- Talks about the tastes in food and healthy/unhealthy diet
- Speaks about shopping habits
- Speaks about ancient cities and civilisations
- Asks for and gives opinions; does an opinion survey
- Discusses past travel experiences
- Practises listening for specific details and note-taking
- Gets specific information from listening for gist
- To develop skills of using basic reading techniques skimming and scanning (predicting, understanding main ideas, understanding details)
- To produce presentations (informative/descriptive/argumentative/persuasive speech)
- To produce monologues (informative/descriptive/argumentative/persuasive speech)
- To participate in dialogues on general and academic topics (active listening, questioning, responding to questions, emphasizing, discussion strategies)
- To form skills of note-taking
- To develop writing skills (email / summary / essay/CV)
- To develop understanding of lectures and learning context
- To develop skills of using basic listening techniques (predicting, understanding main ideas and details)
- To improve understanding of dialogues and polylogues on both familiar and unfamiliar topics
- To develop understanding of articles, reports, straightforward texts concerned with contemporary problems at the threshold level
- Writes a paragraph about the most important invention
- Speaks about preparing for and taking an examination
- Practises writing a paragraph
- To form understanding of text structure
Содержание учебной дисциплины
- CitiesBig cities: city facts/Places in a city/On the street Grammar: to be: affirmative, negative, question, short forms there is, there are: affirmative, negative, question, a lot of Prepositions, linkers: and Vocabulary: The names of capitals, cities, countries City adjectives/characteristics, places in a city Months, seasons, numbers Weather
- Work and StudyJobs and places of work / Studying; university Grammar: Present simple: affirmative, negative, question Capital letters Vocabulary: Office work Asking for information
- NatureWater in our lives/Wildlife jobs Grammar: Question words; adverbs of frequency Vocabulary: Verbs connected with water; adjectives Classroom language
- Leisure timeLeisure activities, sports / Types of film Grammar: Articles, can, can’t: ability and possibility, approximation Vocabulary: Types of film Holiday resorts and entertainment Fractions and percentages; approximation Answering politely
- TransportSpeed/City transport/ Buying a ticket Grammar: Comparative and superlative adjectives, linkers: 'but' Vocabulary: Transport Air travel
- FoodFood and drink / Health and nutrition Grammar: Count and uncountable nouns, 'some', 'any', 'much', 'many', 'a lot of'; 'how much?', 'how many?' Vocabulary: Food Requests / Offers
- ShoppingConsumer habits/Shopping trends Grammar: Present continuous contrasted with present simple Vocabulary: Things we buy US English Giving advantages and disadvantages
- History and culturePast times/Building Grammar: Past simple: 'to be', 'could', 'couldn’t' Vocabulary: Verbs + preposition Describing objects Polite requests / Responding to polite requests
- InventionsMarvellous minds/Medical inventions Grammar:Past simple: affirmative, negative, questions Vocabulary: Inventions and machines Giving reasons
- MoneyKeeping it safe / Business loans Grammar: should, shouldn’t, have to, don’t have to Vocabulary: Verbs and phrases connected with money Asking for and giving opinions
- HomesMy home, my castle/Smart home/Finding a flat Grammar:will, won’t: prediction be going to: plans Vocabulary: Compound nouns Exams and tests Checking understanding
- TravelJourneys of a lifetime Grammar: Present perfect (regular / irregular verbs) and past simple Vocabulary: Adjectives Linkers, sequencers and fillers
- Human planetWeather forecast / Adventure holidays Grammar: Present simple and present continuous: state and action verbs and adverbs of frequency Vocabulary: Extremes Customers Describe some places / a guidebook Agreeing and disagreeing
- PeoplePersonality/Creative lives/Sharing a flat Grammar: Past simple: time expressions past; continuous Vocabulary: Personality adjectives / Nationality adjectives Asking about people
- The mediaThe internet/World news Grammar: Relative pronouns Vocabulary: TV and radio / Newspapers and magazines / Computers and the Internet Names for people and fields Making suggestions
- HealthDoctors without borders/Brain food/Health and wellbeing issues Grammar: Present perfect: time expressions; for and since Vocabulary: Food and nutrition Giving advice Giving reasons
- Natural WorldIslands/Animals Grammar: Comparison; expressions of quantity Vocabulary: Giving reasons and making choices Landscapes
- Society and familyFamily and birth rates/Family matters Grammar: will, might and may: predictions; first conditional Vocabulary: Ages Negative adjectives Express opinions, agreement/disagreement
- ScienceCrime Lab/A brief history of Stephen Hawking Grammar: 'must' and 'have to'; 'had to' and 'could' Vocabulary: Nouns, adjectives and verbs with prepositions Developing an argument
- The nightThe night shift/Social activities Grammar: Verb patterns; future intentions: 'going to', 'hoping to', 'would like to' Vocabulary: -ed/-ing adjectives Time expressions Expressing preferences
- Work and IndustryEmployment/Deal or no deal Grammar: 'used to'; present simple passive Vocabulary: Import-export Compound nouns Negotiating
- Global affairsPeople and organisations/The UN/The Olympics Grammar: Present continuous for future arrangements; past simple passive Vocabulary: Adverbs, adjectives Linkers
- The environmentClimate change/Waste not, want not Grammar: Present perfect continuous; phrasal verbs Vocabulary: Materials, containers Asking for confirmation: question tags
- SportMinority sports/Big sport, big business Grammar: Second conditional; too and enough Vocabulary: Personality types Conversation fillers
Элементы контроля
- Written assessmentSUMMARY ASSESSMENT CRITERIA max 10 points TASK RESPONSE: 3 - All key points are mentioned; 2 - Most key points are mentioned and/or some crucial supporting information is omitted and/or the author’s ideas are partly reflected; 1- Very few key points are mentioned and/or little supporting information is provided and/or very few of the author’s ideas are mentioned, 0 - Only the topic is mentioned and/or no supporting information is provided and/or the author’s ideas are not reflected. VOCABULARY: 3 – Without mistakes; 2 - The original expressions are paraphrased. A wide range of vocabulary is used. 1-2 lexical mistakes are made; 1 - The original expressions are partly paraphrased and/or an adequate range of vocabulary is used and/or 3-4 lexical mistakes are made; 0 - The original expressions are copied and/or a limited range of vocabulary is used and/or more than 4 lexical mistakes are made. GRAMMAR: 3 – Without mistakes; 2 - A variety of complex grammar structures is used. No more than 1 punctuation and/or 1-2 grammar mistakes are made; 1 - An attempt to use complex grammar structures is made and/or 3-4 grammar mistakes are made; 0 - Elementary grammar structures are used and/or more than 4 grammar mistakes are made. STRUCTURE: 3 - The text is logically organized. A wide range of transitions is used appropriately; 2 - The text is mostly logically organized and/or an adequate range of transitions is used; 1 - The text may have serious breaches in logic and/or transitions may be over- or underused; 0 - There is no sequence of ideas and/or transitions are used inappropriately or not used at all.
- Oral assessment
- Independent work assessment
- Final assessment
Промежуточная аттестация
- Промежуточная аттестация (2 модуль)The final grade for the course is calculated as a weighted total of the assessment elements. Written assessment x 0.25 + oral assessment x 0.2 + self-study activities x 0.25 + final test x 0.3
- Промежуточная аттестация (4 модуль)The final grade for the course is calculated as a weighted total of the assessment elements. Written assessment x 0.25 + oral assessment x 0.2 + self-study activities x 0.25 + final test x 0.3
Список литературы
Рекомендуемая основная литература
- Grammar for IELTS with answers : self-study grammar reference and practice, Hopkins, D., 2010
Рекомендуемая дополнительная литература
- Essential grammar in use : a self-study reference and practice book for elementary students of English: with answers, Murphy, R., 2001
- Grammar: pre-intermediate, Bourke, K., 2006