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Бакалавриат 2022/2023

Современные и исторические процессы в лексической системе английского языка

Направление: 45.03.02. Лингвистика
Когда читается: 1-й курс, 3, 4 модуль
Формат изучения: без онлайн-курса
Охват аудитории: для всех кампусов НИУ ВШЭ
Язык: английский
Кредиты: 3
Контактные часы: 26

Course Syllabus


The vocabulary of any language is an inventory of elements connected by various kinds of relations. This system, developing over time and experiencing the impact of society, is an important component of the worldview displayed in the language. The research seminar, which uses the latest achievements of Russian and foreign cognitive linguistics, synchronic and diachronic lexicology and lexicography, aims to familiarize students with particularities of the lexical system of the English language and give an idea of etymological, semantic, morphological, word-formation, stylistic properties of the English vocabulary. The research seminar implies mastering various methods of vocabulary analysis, gaining experience in selecting language material, setting tasks, performing, presenting and discussing research. The culmination of the seminar is the preparation of a group project implying a multi-faceted description of an English lexical grouping (a lexico-semantic field or its fragments) within the framework of lexical typology. The prerequisites for taking the course are: English B2, Introduction to Linguistics.
Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

  • Learning Objectives - The study of etymological, semantic, morphological, word-formation, stylistic, and other properties of units of the English vocabulary. - Mastering modern methods of lexical studies. - Developing research skills in selecting, analyzing, discussing, and presenting language data.
Expected Learning Outcomes

Expected Learning Outcomes

  • Students should know etymological, semantic, word-formation, stylistic, combinatory properties of English words; use modern methods in lexical studies in their research; acquire the skills of selecting, analyzing, discussing and presenting language data.
Course Contents

Course Contents

  • Introduction. The object and aims of the discipline. Elements and methods of lexicological studies.
  • Origin of the English vocabulary
  • English word-building
  • Lexical semantics. Semantic change
  • Stylistic reference of the English vocabulary
  • Combinatory properties of English words
Assessment Elements

Assessment Elements

  • non-blocking Class participation
    The list of issues for discussion is determined by the plan of classwork. Students are supposed to discuss theoretical issues, illustrating them with examples found in advance in lexicographical and other sources. Students' activity and creativity are encouraged. Students present at the lesson but not participating actively can present their work in writing but their highest point cannot exceed 80% of the highest assessment possible. Students absent from classes for a valid reason can present their work in writing within a week following the class but their highest point cannot exceed 80% of the highest assessment possible.
  • non-blocking Project
    A research project in a discipline is prepared over two modules and presented at the exam. The group selects under the guidance of a teacher a paradigmatic lexical grouping of the English language (a lexico-semantic field) for detailed study. Students working individually or in pairs describe a fragment of the field in question. The project is being prepared according to strictly defined parameters. The approximate volume of the project is up to 7-8 A4 pages, Times 14 font, spacing 1. The project has a standard structure: - Introduction (relevance, object and aims of the research, methods, theoretical sources, structure of work); - Chapter 1. The origin of the units under study; - Chapter 2. Morphemic and word-building properties of the units in question; - Chapter 3. Semantic and functional features of the units in question; - Conclusion. The object of the research is 15-20 lexical units of the modern English language. The research is carried out on lexicographical and textual data. Students submit written assignments representing the parts of the project as they study the corresponding topic. The scope and content of each part are explained by the teacher in class. For work submitted without a valid reason with a delay of more than 1 week there is a one-point penalty, for a longer delay the score is decreased by two points.
  • non-blocking Defence
    The student presents his or her project orally in class, using ppt slides. The presentation is followed by the class discussion.
Interim Assessment

Interim Assessment

  • 2022/2023 4th module
    0.15 * Class participation + 0.3 * Defence + 0.2 * Project


Recommended Core Bibliography

  • Words, meaning and vocabulary : an introduction to modern English lexicology, Jackson, H., 2001

Recommended Additional Bibliography

  • Words and meanings : lexical semantics across domains, languages , and cultures, Goddard, C., 2014
