Язык для специальных целей (лингвистика)
Курс обязательный (Иностранные языки и межкультурная коммуникация)
45.03.02. Лингвистика
Кто читает:
Школа иностранных языков
Где читается:
Школа иностранных языков
Когда читается:
2-й курс, 3, 4 модуль
Формат изучения:
без онлайн-курса
Охват аудитории:
для своего кампуса
Антонова Евгения Борисовна,
Васильева Евгения Алексеевна,
Зырянова Елена Сергеевна,
Кинденова Ксения Юрьевна,
Ларсон Ксения Валерьевна,
Марцева Татьяна Александровна,
Родоманченко Аида Сергеевна,
Смирнова Анна Георгиевна
Контактные часы:
Course Syllabus
The course ‘English for Language and Linguistics’ is intended for second-year students whose majors are linguistics, cultural studies, translation and interpreting, teaching methods, philology. To master the discipline, students have to have achieved the intermediate level of the English language (B1+/IELTS 5-6/Int) and have studied linguistics at the basic level. It is designed for students who plan to take a course in the field of language and linguistics entirely in English. The principal aims of the course are to teach students to cope with input texts, i.e., listening and reading, to extend professional vocabulary in the area of linguistics and linguistic studies, as well as to develop academic writing skills. The students will be expected to produce output texts in speech and writing throughout the course. The syllabus puts emphasis on key vocabulary for language and linguistics and on words and phrases commonly used in academic English. It covers key facts and concepts of both language and linguistics development and focuses on the skills that will enable students to get the most out of lectures and written texts. Finally, it presents the skills required to take part in seminars and tutorials and to produce written assignments on a range of linguistics-related topics.
Learning Objectives
- The principal objectives of the course are: • the formation of foreign language communicative competencies, including sub-competencies: - Linguistic competence (lexical items and grammar rules knowledge); - Sociolinguistic competence (skills of using and interpretation of linguistic forms according to the situation/context); - Discursive competence (skills of understanding and logical composing of certain statements for the purpose of notional communication); - Strategic competence (skills of using verbal and nonverbal strategies for compensation of lack of knowledge); - Sociocultural competency (certain degree of sociocultural context knowledge); - Social competence (willing and readiness to cooperate with others, skills of situations control). • the formation of academic and professional skills by means of foreign language.
Expected Learning Outcomes
- to be able to assess the results of their own/ their partner’s work according to the given criteria
- to be able to listen for general information and for detail
- to be able to make a plan of a text while reading
- to be able to make a presentation
- to be able to make a summary of written texts
- to be able to present a talk on a given topic
- to be able to present the results of the research
- to be able to read for general information and for detail
- to be able to take notes in reading/listening, using different note-taking strategies
- to be able to use key vocabulary in spoken and written discourse
- to know the basics of the history of English and its spread
- to know the basics of the history of linguistics
- to know the basics of the structure of language
- to be able to participate in subject-related discussions and conferences
- to be able to write a paragraph, a summary
- to be able to effectively use key terms and notions in the area of linguistics and language development
- to be able to describe the work and contribution of the most prominent linguists and linguistic schools to the development of language and linguistics
Course Contents
- 1. What is Language? What is Linguistics?
- 2. Branches of Linguistics
- 3. Great Linguists
- 5. The Spread of English
- 4. Brief History of English
Assessment Elements
- OralGoral includes talks, presentations and conference participation; Goral is not rounded.
- QuizGquiz includes vocabulary tests and content knowledge tests. Quizzes are conducted online with the help of the SmartLMS system. The final mark for Gquiz is calculated as the mean of all the quiz marks received in modules 3-4. Gquiz is not rounded.
- Final TestTask 1 weighs 40% (A student is given 4 points for each correct answer if a word is misspelled 2 points are given) Task 2 weighs 20% (A student is given 2 points for each correct answer if a word is misspelled 0 points are given) Task 3 weighs 40% (A student is given 4 points for each correct answer if a word is misspelled 0 points are given)
- PortfolioThe teacher assesses the students’ portfolios at the end of each unit; Gportfolio is not rounded.
- WrittenGwritten includes a summary, a conference summarising paragraph and a piece of argumentative writing. Gwritten is not rounded.
- Self-StudyGself-study includes in-class tasks (50% of Gself-study) and practical tasks on SmartLMS (50% of Gself-study). Gself-study is not rounded.
Interim Assessment
- 2022/2023 4th module0.1 * Portfolio + 0.1 * Self-Study + 0.2 * Final Test + 0.2 * Quiz + 0.2 * Written + 0.2 * Oral
Recommended Core Bibliography
- Kaplan R. B. (ed.) The Oxford handbook of applied linguistics. – Oxford University Press, 2010.
Recommended Additional Bibliography
- Aronoff, M., & Rees-Miller, J. (2017). The Handbook of Linguistics (Vol. Second edition). Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=1484987