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Бакалавриат 2022/2023

Английский для специальных целей

Лучший по критерию «Полезность курса для Вашей будущей карьеры»
Лучший по критерию «Полезность курса для расширения кругозора и разностороннего развития»
Направление: 41.03.05. Международные отношения
Когда читается: 1-й курс, 1-4 модуль
Формат изучения: без онлайн-курса
Охват аудитории: для своего кампуса
Язык: английский
Кредиты: 3
Контактные часы: 112

Course Syllabus


English for Specific Purposes aims at shaping the communicative and professional competence in English which implies an ability to interact in English in the context of cross-cultural professional communication. Language skills are developed when studying authentic texts on political and economic issues. Learning is practice-oriented.
Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

  • - to broaden and expand the students’ proficiency and knowledge of English; - to develop the students’ listening skills to enable them to understand and to use the information from the input; - to develop the students’ reading skills for the gist and detailed information, to make inferences and deduce the meanings from the context; - to develop the students’ speaking skills to enable them to produce a structured talk on the issue in question.
Expected Learning Outcomes

Expected Learning Outcomes

  • learn about meanings of 'politics', types of politics, approaches to international politics, power politics
  • learn about meanings of 'policy', types of policies
  • learn about functions of the government, characteristics of statehood and sovereignty, ways of gaining statehood, humanitarian intervention
  • learn about various regimes, pros and cons of democracy, discuss whether liberal democracy is at risk
  • learn meanings of 'government', discuss e-government, pros and cons of small and big governments
  • learn the concept of 'conflict' and 'conflict resolution', causes of conflicts
  • learn about ust war theory, laws of war, types of war, parties to a conflict, types of warfare, reasons for war, collateral danage, future of war, disccuss the role of relief organizations and whether armed conflict can be a positive force
  • learn about green issues, green people and green behaviour, sustainable development, discuss the anthropogenic impact on the environment and how it affects politics, advantages and disadvantages of GM foods
  • learn about various aspects of energy security, RES and NRES, discuss their advantages and disadvantages
  • learn about the concept of 'nationalism', concepts associated with nationalism, nationalism in politics
  • learn about the concept of 'terrorism', terrorist groups, state terrorism, responses to terrorism
  • learn about key features of the presidential and parliamentary systems, their advantages and disadvantages, the UK as a case of the parliamentary system, the USA as a case of the presidential system, compare two- and multi-party systems
  • learn meanings of 'bureaucracy', its features (advantages and disadvantages these features provide), its functions, its limitations, its types
  • learn about types of capital, types of securities, securities regulation, stock market
  • learn about banking products and services, types of banks and financial institutions, microfinance
  • learn about the role of government, types of taxes, government intervention (goverment policy and business behaviour), discuss arguments for and agaisnt government spending and taxation
  • learn about two models of business behaviour, discuss arguments for and against CSR, unethical business practices
  • learn about free trade and protectionism (reasons for limiting trade), exceptions to free trade, discuss arguments for and against free trade
  • learn about two theories about climate change, agreements to foster sustainable development
Course Contents

Course Contents

  • What is Politics?
  • Defining Policy
  • State, Statehood and Sovereignty
  • Political Regimes
  • Government
  • Conflict vs. Peace
  • Armed Conflict (1-3)
  • Climate Change and Its Political Dimension
  • Energy Security
  • Nationalism
  • Terrorism
  • Presidential vs. Parliamentary Systems
  • Bureaucracy
  • Securities and Stock Market
  • Banking
  • Government and Taxation
  • CSR
  • International Trade
  • Economics and Ecology
Assessment Elements

Assessment Elements

  • non-blocking Quizzes
    testing the knowledge of active vocabulary and information on the topic
  • non-blocking Home listening into writing
    listening to a recording and summarizing it
  • non-blocking Quiz on Unit 5
    a short answer to a question about government
  • non-blocking in-class summary
    reading and summarizing a short text in class
  • non-blocking Speaking card M1
    a structured talk on one of the topics discussed in Module 1
  • non-blocking Speaking card M2
    a structured talk on one of the topics in Module 2
  • non-blocking Participation M1
    active contribution to the work in class in Module 1
  • non-blocking Participation M2
    active contribution to the work in class in Module 2
  • non-blocking Comment on a quote
    following the structure, present the interpretation of the quote together with arguments to support this view or oppose it
  • non-blocking Module 1 Test
    written test
  • non-blocking Exam
    written test + speaking
  • non-blocking Home listening into writing
  • non-blocking In-class summary+opinion essay
  • non-blocking Participation M3
  • non-blocking Participation M4
  • non-blocking Speaking card M3
  • non-blocking Speaking card M4
  • non-blocking Module 3 Test
  • non-blocking Term 2 Exam
Interim Assessment

Interim Assessment

  • 2022/2023 2nd module
    0.05 * Home listening into writing + 0.025 * Quizzes + 0.2 * Module 1 Test + 0.05 * in-class summary + 0.04 * Speaking card M1 + 0.04 * Speaking card M2 + 0.04 * Participation M2 + 0.4 * Exam + 0.04 * Participation M1 + 0.04 * Comment on a quote + 0.05 * Quiz on Unit 5
  • 2022/2023 4th module
    0.06 * Home listening into writing + 0.05 * Participation M3 + 0.05 * Speaking card M4 + 0.4 * Term 2 Exam + 0.04 * Quizzes + 0.05 * Speaking card M3 + 0.2 * Module 3 Test + 0.05 * Participation M4 + 0.06 * In-class summary+opinion essay


Recommended Core Bibliography

  • A Gravity Model of Globalization, Democracy and Transnational Terrorism. (2006). Https://Files.Nyu.Edu/Bpr1/Public/Papers/BlombergRosendorffJan2006.Pdf.
  • A new understanding of terrorism : case studies, trajectories and lessons learned, , 2009
  • An introduction to banking : principles, strategy and risk management, Choudhry, M., 2018
  • Challenges and solutions for climate change, Gaast van der, W., 2012
  • Corporate social responsibility : the role of business in sustainable development, Williams, O. F., 2014
  • Economics and ecology : united for a sustainable world, Beaton, R., 2012
  • Energy security : economics, politics, strategies, and implications, , 2010
  • International trade, Marrewijk van, C., 2017
  • Nationalism : a very short introduction, Grosby, S., 2005
  • Stock markets and corporate finance, Dempsey, M., 2018
  • The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Politics. Edited by Carles Boix and Susan C. Stokes. Oxford University Press, 2009.
  • The theory of taxation and public economics, Kaplow, L., 2011
  • World politics : trend and transformation, Kegley, C. W., 2014
  • Стогниева, О. Н.  Английский язык для экономистов (B1–B2). English for Business Studies in Higher Education : учебное пособие для вузов / О. Н. Стогниева. — Москва : Издательство Юрайт, 2020. — 197 с. — (Высшее образование). — ISBN 978-5-534-10008-2. — Текст : электронный // Образовательная платформа Юрайт [сайт]. — URL: https://urait.ru/bcode/456076 (дата обращения: 28.08.2023).

Recommended Additional Bibliography

  • 21st century energy markets : how the changing dynamics of world energy markets impact our economy and energy security : hearing before the Subcommittee on Energy and Power of the Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives, One Hundred Fourteenth Congress, first session, March 3, 2015. (2015). Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsgpr&AN=edsgpr.000959577
  • Building coalitions, making policy : the politics of the Clinton, Bush, and Obama presidencies, , 2012
  • Business taxation and financial decisions, Schanz, D., 2011
  • Climate change and foreign policy : case studies from East to West, , 2013
  • Conflicts and wars : their fallout and prevention, Askari, H., 2012
  • Corporate social responsibility : a research handbook, , 2013
  • Dealing with terrorism - stick or carrot?, Frey, B. S., 2004
  • Financial terms dictionary : banking terminology explained, Herold, T., 2017
  • Goldthau, A. (2012). A Public Policy Perspective on Global Energy Security. International Studies Perspectives, 13(1), 65–84. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1528-3585.2011.00448.x
  • Making democratic governance work : how regimes shape prosperity, welfare, and peace, Norris, P., 2012
  • Mike Featherstone. (1990). Global Culture : Nationalism, Globalization and Modernity. SAGE Publications Ltd.
  • Modern politics and government, Ball, A. R., 1993
  • Nationalism and conflict management, , 2013
  • Party discipline and parliamentary politics, Kam, C. J., 2009
  • Peace and conflict studies, Barash, D. P., 2014
  • Stock markets, investments and corporate behavior : a conceptual framework of understanding, Dempsey, M., 2016
  • The new case for bureaucracy, Goodsell, C. T., 2015
  • The regulation of international trade, Trebilcock, M., 2013
  • The values of presidential leadership, , 2007
  • Theories of the state : the politics of liberal democracy, Dunleavy, P., 1988
  • Thomas Potthast, & Simon Meisch. (2012). Climate Change and Sustainable Development : Ethical Perspectives on Land Use and Food Production. Wageningen Academic Publishers.
  • Understanding politics : ideas, institutions, and issues, Magstadt, T. M., 2013
  • Who wins? : predicting strategic success and failure in armed conflict, Sullivan, P. L., 2012
