2022/2023![Learning Objectives](/f/src/global/i/edu/objectives.svg)
![Expected Learning Outcomes](/f/src/global/i/edu/results.svg)
![Course Contents](/f/src/global/i/edu/sections.svg)
![Assessment Elements](/f/src/global/i/edu/controls.svg)
![Interim Assessment](/f/src/global/i/edu/intermediate_certification.svg)
Менеджмент: концепции и технологии 21 века
Курс обязательный (Международный бизнес)
38.03.02. Менеджмент
Где читается:
Высшая школа бизнеса
Когда читается:
1-й курс, 2 модуль
Формат изучения:
без онлайн-курса
Охват аудитории:
для своего кампуса
Шапошников Сергей Вячеславович
Контактные часы:
Course Syllabus
This course analyzes principles of management and includes principles, theory and functions of management. The course also addresses the management process, leadership strategies for motivation, decision-making and delegating, planning and the communication process. One of the important aspects of this course is the application of the theory to practical management issues. The course scope includes the modern definition of management as accomplishment of an organization’s goals, through organization of work, motivation of others, staffing of positions, control of labor and material, and evaluation of completed work. Because management was not instantaneously developed but evolved over a long period of time, historical evolution of management principles and theory is also addressed. In addition, topics covered include modern theories of organization; the functions of management, external/ internal environmental aspects bearing on managerial responsibility; development of practical management policy as guides to managerial decision-making.
Learning Objectives
- Gain practical skills and personal attributes and competencies that is required for managerial position.
- Outline the historical evolution of management theories.
- Explain how decisions are made within an organization and how those decisions are communicated to the various stakeholders.
- Relate the basic concepts of planning: the importance of planning, strategic planning, and the types of objectives and plans developed by organizations.
- Describe the various forms of structure available to an organization.
- Describe the control process including: the importance of control, tools for measuring organizational performance, and managerial actions.
- Understand analytical, developmental, managerial and technical skills relate to Managing organizations.
Expected Learning Outcomes
- Can explain how organizational concepts have changed and what impact this has had on changing management approaches.
- Can explain the basic concepts, theories, and concepts of management and the relationships between them on an intuitive level and using professional terminology.
- Can identify the key elements of an organization's internal and external environment, and has an understanding of current methods for analyzing them.
- Can explain the role of organization mission, distinguish it from the goal, knows the main principles of goal-setting, can formulate SMART goals.
- Can characterize the main types of organizational structures, their main parameters and principles of their design.
- Can identify the main factors that determine human behavior in an organization at individual (e.g., motivation), group and organizational (e.g., corporate culture) levels.
- Can identify the processes and operations in organization.
Course Contents
- Organization and management
- The theory and practice of management
- External and internal environment of the organization
- Basics of strategic management and organizational planning
- Organizational structures
- People in the organization
- Management of processes and operations
Assessment Elements
- Individual readiness and class participation.Each student is expected to be an active participant in discussions and to offer meaningful analysis and convincing arguments in support of your arguments. Students earn their grade by contributing their assessment and judgments to the discussion. An on-going assessment will be made of each student’s readiness and contribution to class discussions. Consideration will be given to the quality of the readiness assignments turned in at the start of each class as well as the quality of comments, questions, non-verbal feedback and demonstrated listening skills.
- Team case presentation and analysisStudents will be assigned to a team for purposes of case preparation and discussion followed by one formal in-class oral report of a case analysis. All students are expected to be actively involved into case discussions, analysis and prepare a team presentation and lead the discussion. Students receive a shared team grade for problem solving effectiveness, concepts and theories application and effective recommendations. No written report is required for the presenting team.
- Final ExaminationAt the end of the 2nd module there will be a final examination to evaluate the students’ understanding and application of main theories and concepts learned during the course (not meant to be open book or group work). The exam will include multiple choice, open-ended questions and will be timed. The assessment will be based on: (1) Knowledge of theories/ key concepts related to management; (2) Evidence of critical thinking using comparative approaches in explaining the formation of particular theories, concepts, approaches and their implementation; (3) Persuasive writing skills.
- Individual written essayStudents are required to work on an essay and consult with the instructor in choosing their paper topics. The 15-page (typed, 1.5 spaced, including endnotes, bibliography, and graphs and tables) term paper is due at the last class of instruction (to be submitted by email). Plagiarism is prohibited, the information, data, and/or ideas that are obtained from other sources for use in the paper must be cited and referred to in the paper. The term paper should identify the question to be addressed, discuss its relevance to the purpose of the course.
- Weekly QuizzesEvery week we test students' knowledge (quizzes- 10 multiple choice questions).
Interim Assessment
- 2022/2023 2nd module0.1 * Individual readiness and class participation. + 0.4 * Final Examination + 0.1 * Weekly Quizzes + 0.2 * Team case presentation and analysis + 0.2 * Individual written essay
Recommended Core Bibliography
- A history of management thought, Witzel, M., 2012
- Essentials of strategic management, Pitt, M., 2012
- Management challenges for the 21st century, Drucker, P. F., 2007
- Идеальный руководитель. Почему им нельзя стать и что из этого следует, пер. с англ. Т. Гутман, 9-е изд., 262 с., Адизес, И. К., 2016
- Классики менеджмента : энциклопедия: пер. с англ., Уорнер М., 2001
- Организационная структура предприятий : учеб.- метод. пособие, Коноков, Д. Г., 1998
Recommended Additional Bibliography
- Budgeting practice and organisational structure, Dugdale, D., 2010
- Managing in the next society, Drucker, P. F., 2007
- Tomorrow's HR Management : 48 Thought Leaders Call for Change, , 1997
- Открытая организация : страсть, приносящая плоды, Уайтхерст, Д., 2019