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Магистратура 2022/2023

Технологии для ESG-трансформации

Направление: 38.04.02. Менеджмент
Когда читается: 1-й курс, 4 модуль
Формат изучения: без онлайн-курса
Охват аудитории: для своего кампуса
Преподаватели: Аким Михаил Эдуардович
Прогр. обучения: Управление устойчивым развитием компании
Язык: английский
Кредиты: 3
Контактные часы: 24

Course Syllabus


Technologies today plays a critical role across industries and sectors, helping businesses identify and resolve bottlenecks in their operations. As organisations work towards becoming more sustainable, technology has the potential to be an enabler for environment, social and governance (ESG) mandates for organisations and assist them in their transformation journey. Technology will not only assist organisations in their transition towards ESG but also provide them with innovation and exploration possibilities as well as redefine them in terms of their products, customers and the stakeholders they engage with. Company’s performance on environmental, social and governance (ESG) parameters has become increasingly critical for corporate leaders. It is not just a reporting requirement – it is also important because big investors and customers are scrutinising the record and initiatives taken by the management in these areas. Energy is a critical pillar of the economic growth of the businesses as well as the country. The conventional investment paradigm is being phased out in favor of investments that prioritize environmental, social, and corporate responsibility. The energy sector is one of the most significantly affected. A shift to a more inclusive, sustainable, economic, and safe global energy platform that addresses global environmental concerns while also creating value should be emphasized. The dependence on fossil fuels could be transformed by the development of new energy alternatives. In recent years, industrial production processes have been transformed as a result of increased digitalization, leading to intelligent, interconnected, and decentralized production. The implementation of the Internet of Things (IoT), “fourth industrial revolution” or “Industry 4.0” enable to utilize technologies that engineering and business processes are thoroughly integrated, allowing production to evolve in a scalable, effective, and sustainable manner that maintains continuously high quality and low cost. Presently, the field of digital transformation is limited in its analysis about the sustainability factors is still controversial. Important to identify and incorporate factors and solutions of Industry 4.0, all relevant technologies taking into account the effect on ESG. A rapidly changing world provides exceptional investment opportunities to support ESG transition.
Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the key concepts and issues of implementing various technologies for managing sustainable operations in a global context, both for manufacturing and service companies. Study about emerging technologies, trends and challenges for ESG transformation of global companies. Explore the global trends, challenges and strategies of different companies based on relevant cases; learn about decisions of their leaders and outcomes after applying some of these technologies.
Expected Learning Outcomes

Expected Learning Outcomes

  • The students will understand the environmental, decarbonization, circularity trends and challenges and its impact on the global supply chain
  • The students will be familiar with and able to contribute to the sustainable management of operating facilities in different environments; to lead the change in integrating operations into global environment
  • The students will understand the changing trends of globalization and de-globalization of sustainable operations in companies around the world, having a working knowledge of how to analyze a decision to move globally or stay local, the rate of change, the need to re-localize some operations, etc.
  • The student be able to independently select, systematize and critically analyze primary and secondary information on the practice of innovative technologies in the digital economy, as its applicable for the sustainability goals; as well as apply scientific literature and other sources on topical issues in the relevant field of knowledge
  • The student will be able publicly present their work in the format of a presentation and short “elevator pitch” video.
  • The student to be able to critically analyze and evaluate the work performed by peers, based on “glancing” various information sources
Course Contents

Course Contents

  • Global supply chains
  • Supply chain risks and trends
  • Global Energy Sector
  • Green transformation of industrial sector and its impact on the development of the energy sector
  • Название: Global exposure - agriculture Sector
  • Global dynamics and key trends
Assessment Elements

Assessment Elements

  • non-blocking Attendance and activity
  • non-blocking Task 1 expert assessment
  • non-blocking Task 1 (essay and video)
  • non-blocking Group project
Interim Assessment

Interim Assessment

  • 2022/2023 4th module
    0.25 * Task 1 (essay and video) + 0.3 * Group project + 0.25 * Task 1 expert assessment + 0.2 * Attendance and activity


Recommended Core Bibliography

  • Farrell, D. (2006). Smarter Offshoring. Harvard Business Review, 84(6), 84–92.
  • The global supply chain : how technology and circular thinking transform our future, Lehmacher, W., 2017

Recommended Additional Bibliography

  • DE MEYER, A., & VEREECKE, A. (2009). How to optimize knowledge sharing in a factory network.
  • Malik, Y., Niemeyer, A., & Ruwadi, B. (2011). Building the supply chain of the future. McKinsey Quarterly, 1, 62–71.
