Прикладной анализ: отраслевая оценка компаний
Дисциплина общефакультетского пула
Кто читает:
Международный институт экономики и финансов
Когда читается:
3, 4 модуль
Охват аудитории:
для своего кампуса
Петрова Мария Владимировна
Контактные часы:
Программа дисциплины
Факультатив рассчитан на слушателей, знакомых с инструментами и принципами функционирования финансовых рынков, включая: акции и оценка активов (сравнительная оценка, DDM, DCF); облигации (виды, прайсинг, доходность, спред, дюрация, рейтинги); деривативы (базовый уровень); чтение IFRS/ US GAAP; Макро- и суверенная статистика (ВВП, инфляция, платежный баланс, курсы валют); банковское дело (ставки, кредитование и фондирование, отчётность и регулирование, риски).
Язык факультатива: русский / профессиональный английский.
Используемые инструменты: Excel/PowerPoint (обязательно), Bloomberg/Refinitiv
Факультатив рассматривает отраслевую специфику при принятии инвестиционных решений на buy-side.
Мы обсудим практику команды Совкомбанка к формированию инвестиционного портфеля.
Цель освоения дисциплины
- Explain the basics of the certain industries (financials, business models, competitive advantages, risks)
- Outline the process of decision-making in banks and financial institutions (buy-side)
- Search for ideas, analyze and make investment decisions in corporate bonds, stocks, sovereign bonds, etc.
Планируемые результаты обучения
- to make an investment portfolio
- to work with financial instruments like bonds and equities
- to analyze different industries and companies
Содержание учебной дисциплины
- Oil & gas
- Metals and mining. Fertilizers.
- Telecoms. Energy
- Consumer markets. Pharma & biotech
- System of national accounts. Sovereign profits. Sovereign credit risk
- Banks. Developers
- Project finance
Элементы контроля
- Class participation and activity
- HA 1 – Commodity company bond1 (max 2, depending on a group size) student chooses a company or a country (as described in a particular HA) and prepares a presentation (.pdf format). The presentation should contain the basic information about a chosen issuer and instrument, analysis of its financials, competitive advantages and risks, and any other relevant information. The result is an investment recommendation based on the analysis. The recommendation should be up-to-date, not theoretic. The real thing that a student is ready to buy for himself. The HAs should be presented in a class (5-10 minutes presentation + discussion, depending on a group size). Additional guidelines for every HA will be sent
- HA 2 – Protective stock1 (max 2, depending on a group size) student chooses a company or a country (as described in a particular HA) and prepares a presentation (.pdf format). The presentation should contain the basic information about a chosen issuer and instrument, analysis of its financials, competitive advantages and risks, and any other relevant information. The result is an investment recommendation based on the analysis. The recommendation should be up-to-date, not theoretic. The real thing that a student is ready to buy for himself. The HAs should be presented in a class (5-10 minutes presentation + discussion, depending on a group size). Additional guidelines for every HA will be sent
- HA 3 – Sovereign bonds1 (max 2, depending on a group size) student chooses a company or a country (as described in a particular HA) and prepares a presentation (.pdf format). The presentation should contain the basic information about a chosen issuer and instrument, analysis of its financials, competitive advantages and risks, and any other relevant information. The result is an investment recommendation based on the analysis. The recommendation should be up-to-date, not theoretic. The real thing that a student is ready to buy for himself. The HAs should be presented in a class (5-10 minutes presentation + discussion, depending on a group size). Additional guidelines for every HA will be sent
- HA 4 – Projects modelling1 (max 2, depending on a group size) student chooses a company or a country (as described in a particular HA) and prepares a presentation (.pdf format). The presentation should contain the basic information about a chosen issuer and instrument, analysis of its financials, competitive advantages and risks, and any other relevant information. The result is an investment recommendation based on the analysis. The recommendation should be up-to-date, not theoretic. The real thing that a student is ready to buy for himself. The HAs should be presented in a class (5-10 minutes presentation + discussion, depending on a group size). Additional guidelines for every HA will be sent
Промежуточная аттестация
- 2022/2023 учебный год 4 модуль0.187 * HA 2 – Protective stock + 0.188 * HA 3 – Sovereign bonds + 0.187 * HA 1 – Commodity company bond + 0.188 * HA 4 – Projects modelling + 0.25 * Class participation and activity
Список литературы
Рекомендуемая основная литература
- Bond markets, analysis and strategies, Fabozzi, F. J., 1996
- Competitive advantage : creating and sustaining superior performance, Porter, M. E., 1985
- Competitive strategy : techniques for analyzing industries and competitors, Porter, M. E., 1998
- Security analysis : principles and technique, Graham, B., 2009
- The black swan : the impact of the highly improbable, Taleb, N. N., 2010
Рекомендуемая дополнительная литература
- Options, futures, and other derivatives, Hull, J. C., 2018
- This time is different : eight centuries of financial folly, Reinhart, C. M., 2009