Китайский язык для делового общения
Лучший по критерию «Полезность курса для Вашей будущей карьеры»
Лучший по критерию «Полезность курса для расширения кругозора и разностороннего развития»
Лучший по критерию «Новизна полученных знаний»
Курс по выбору
38.04.02. Менеджмент
Кто читает:
Департамент иностранных языков
Где читается:
Санкт-Петербургская школа экономики и менеджмента
Когда читается:
1-й курс, 3, 4 модуль
Формат изучения:
без онлайн-курса
Охват аудитории:
для своего кампуса
Шалимова Светлана Владимировна
Прогр. обучения:
Международный бизнес в странах азиатско-тихоокеанского региона
Контактные часы:
Course Syllabus
“Chinese for Business Communication” is a two year course delivered in English for the first-year and second-year master students. The material is given sequentially according to the degree of increasing complexity. Depending on the performance of the group, the rate at which students master the material may vary. If the group learns the material faster, the teacher can give additional materials for mastering at home and in the classroom (materials from other teaching and reference books, adapted texts for home reading or texts from the Internet). If the group masters the material more slowly than envisaged in the programme, a delay in the presentation of the material is allowed in order to better study aspects that cause difficulties for students.
Learning Objectives
- 1. Provide students with basic Chinese knowledge and skills required for business and economic activities in China
- 2. Provide students with knowledge of business custom and rules, in additional to background information of Chinese culture.
Expected Learning Outcomes
- Use appropriate expressions on polite social occasion of meeting, greeting, introduction, congratulation and apology.
- Use appropriate expressions in negotiating, writing a plan, bargaining, discussing a way to cooperate.
- Write a CV for work in China.
- Implement the knowledge of Chinese etiquette in common business activities, as giving and getting gifts, organizing meetings and banquets, conducting business negotiations.
Course Contents
- 1. Introduction to the course. Apply for job in China
- 2. Preparation of business meeting
- 3. The first meeting and rules of etiquette
- 4. Preparation of a banquet
- 5. "Face" and gifts
- 6. Business correspondence
- 7. Preparing and conducting business negotiations
- 8. Types of companies
- 9. Organizational structure of the company
- 10. Introduction of the company
- 11. Company registration. Startup creation.
- 12. Marketing
- 13. E-commerce in China
Assessment Elements
- Сlass activity and homeworkWeight: 40% of the accumulative mark The homework tasks include written translation from English to Chinese, dictations and preparation to discussion.
- Tests in classWeight: 60% of the accumulative mark The tests are designed to evaluate both language competences and theoretical knowledge acquired by students for each topic in the course.
- Exam: Group presentationWeight: 60% of the 4th module mark Students must divide into groups of three and prepare and give a presentation about their company. The presentation must contain: company name, company mission. Description of the scope of activity. Date and place of foundation. Description of infrastructure, presence of branches. Capital structure. Organizational structure of the company. Examples of completed projects. Company contacts. Students must answer audience questions and exchange business cards with other companies.
Interim Assessment
- 2023/2024 4th moduleModule 3 = HW 3*0,4 + Tests 3*0,6 • HW 3: accumulative mark for all homework in the 3rd module • Tests 3: accumulative mark for all tests in the 3rd module Module 4 = (HW4*0,4 + Tests4*0,6)*0,4 + Exam0,6 • HW4: accumulative mark for all homework in the 4th module • Tests4: accumulative mark for all tests in the 4th module • Exam: the final exam in the 4th module There are no blocking elements in the course. ИТОГОВАЯ ОЦЕНКА ЗА КУРС: Final = Module 3*0,5 + Module 4*0,5 Final: the final mark for the course Module 3: the final mark for the 3rd module Module 4: the final mark for the 4th module
Recommended Core Bibliography
- Chinese culture, Han, J., 2018
- Experiencing Chinese. Business communication in China, , 2007
- New Silk Road Business Chinese (+CD), , 2009
- Дашевская, Г. Я. Китайский язык. Культура и практика делового общения : учебник / Г. Я. Дашевская. — 2-е изд., испр. и доп. — Москва : ВКН, 2021. — 240 с. — ISBN 978-5-7873-1870-8. — Текст : электронный // Лань : электронно-библиотечная система. — URL: https://e.lanbook.com/book/263696 (дата обращения: 00.00.0000). — Режим доступа: для авториз. пользователей.
- Китайский язык для делового общения (+CD) : Учебник, Дашевская, Г.Я., 2011
- Китайский язык. Культура и практика делового общения (+ CD) : учебник, Дашевская, Г.Я., 2018
Recommended Additional Bibliography
- Global expansion: the Chinese way, , 2018