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Бакалавриат 2023/2024


Лучший по критерию «Новизна полученных знаний»
Статус: Курс обязательный (Международный бизнес)
Направление: 38.03.02. Менеджмент
Когда читается: 1-й курс, 1, 2 модуль
Формат изучения: без онлайн-курса
Охват аудитории: для своего кампуса
Язык: английский
Кредиты: 6
Контактные часы: 96

Course Syllabus


This discipline belongs to the cycle of mathematical and natural science disciplines (basic part), providing training of bachelors. The study of the course "Mathematics" does not require prior knowledge beyond the program of secondary school. The main provisions of the discipline should be used in the further study of the following disciplines: "Probability theory and mathematical statistics"; "Econometrics"; "Modeling in management"; "Optimization methods"; "Qualitative and quantitative methods of development and adoption of management decisions".
Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

  • Mastering by students both the theoretical foundations of mathematical analysis and optimization methods, and the application of the acquired knowledge to applied problems.
Expected Learning Outcomes

Expected Learning Outcomes

  • 1-Know principles of mathematical models construction
  • 2-Be able to choose rational options in practical problems
Course Contents

Course Contents

  • 1. Introduction.
  • 2. Limits and Continuity.
  • 3. Derivatives.
  • 4. Integrals.
  • 5. Differential Equations.
Assessment Elements

Assessment Elements

  • non-blocking Homework
  • non-blocking Test 1
  • non-blocking Test 2
  • non-blocking Exam
Interim Assessment

Interim Assessment

  • 2023/2024 2nd module
    0.5 * Exam + 0.05 * Homework + 0.05 * Homework + 0.2 * Test 1 + 0.2 * Test 2


Recommended Core Bibliography

  • Calculus : concepts and methods, Binmore, K., 2001
  • Calculus I: with precalculus : a one-year course, Larson, R., 2012

Recommended Additional Bibliography

  • Calculus : concepts and methods, Binmore, K., 2019


  • Шаповалова Екатерина Александровна
  • Miachin Aleksei Leonidovich