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Английский язык для общих коммуникативных целей. Продвинутый курс - 3

Язык: английский
Кредиты: 3
Контактные часы: 52

Course Syllabus


The discipline refers to the variable educational tracks offered to students of the curricula for Bachelor's and Specialist's degrees of choice while mastering the optional course of English in accordance with the Concept of the Development of English-language Communicative Competence of HSE Students. The Programme is designed for the 2nd-year students. It continues “English for General Communication Purposes. Advanced Course-1, 2”. The course suggests a more in-depth study of a variety of communicative situations. An expended number of vocabulary units and grammatical structures is acquired and applied throughout the course, which makes undergraduates feel comfortable in a multicultural university atmosphere. The use of assorted modes of working in the study process contributes to the development of soft skills including time-management, teamwork, presentation skills, and others. The course exclusively employs authentic materials such as articles, reviews, essays, podcasts, and videos (e.g. TedTalks) as well as games and web-based platforms to build strong reading, listening, speaking, and writing skills. The adaptability and saturation of the course provide each student with an opportunity to tailor the Programme to suit their individual interests and needs. Within the course, students are supposed to complete home assignments and do tests of various formats to check reading, listening, writing, and speaking skills as well as vocabulary and grammar usage. By the end of the course, students will gain the skills and confidence to communicate effectively in English at the C1-C2 level.
Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

  • The course pursues the following objectives: the complex development of skills and competences for general communication of the C1 level (according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), HSE Scale 70-89 points); the improvement of students’ command of English for interpersonal and intercultural communication; the enhancement of receptive and productive skills related to general purposes; the expansion of vocabulary on a variety of topics; the expansion of grammar structures in use.
Expected Learning Outcomes

Expected Learning Outcomes

  • understand lectures; understand academic/ professional presentations which are linguistically complex, use basic listening techniques (predicting, understanding main ideas and details); understand dialogues and polylogues on both familiar and unfamiliar topics; follow extended speech and complex lines of arguments; use note-taking
  • understand specialised complex longer texts/articles and reports concerned with contemporary problems (CEFR); understand text structure; use basic reading techniques, skimming & scanning (predicting, understanding main ideas, understanding details) *can use a dictionary occasionally to confirm his/her interpretation of terminology
  • give detailed and clear presentations on a range of topics, expanding ideas with relevant examples, evidence, or arguments;
  • participate in debates on complex and abstract topics; produce descriptive/informative/reasoning monologues;
  • write well-structured and clear texts on a variety of subjects expanding points of view, developing arguments, synthesising and evaluating information, can evaluate different ideas or solutions to a problem): Review of a film/book/play
  • understand specialised complex longer texts/articles and reports concerned with contemporary problems (CEFR); understand text structure; use basic reading techniques, skimming & scanning (predicting, understanding main ideas, understanding details); use a dictionary occasionally to confirm his/her interpretation of terminology
  • write well-structured and clear texts on a variety of subjects expanding points of view, developing arguments, synthesising and evaluating information, evaluate different ideas or solutions to a problem: review of a film/book/play
Course Contents

Course Contents

  • Team building
  • Changes
  • Ideas
  • Dystopias
  • Journeys
Assessment Elements

Assessment Elements

  • non-blocking Written Assessment (WA)
    Written assessment includes minimum 1 reading test, minimum 1 listening test, minimum 1 vocabulary and grammar test and minimum 1 written work (review). The test tasks can be of different types. The common mathematical rounding is applied to students’ scores.
  • non-blocking Oral Assessment (OA)
    Oral assessment includes a presentation and a dialogue. The common mathematical rounding is applied to students’ scores.
  • non-blocking Independent Work Assessment (IWA)
    Independent work includes activities that students do at home, activities that students do in the classroom and online work. Teachers choose the number of activities within this type of assessment on their own. The common mathematical rounding is applied to students’ scores.
  • non-blocking Final Assessment (FA)
    Period of Final Assessment: the final exam is held in class within 10 days before the exam period online on MS Teams platform. The release of examination papers: during the session. The exam consists of 3 parts: Listening (30%), Reading (30%) and Writing (40%) respectively in the total mark for the exam. 0 points in case of cheating. Retaking exams: till the 15th of October 2022. Time limit: 80 minutes online/offline. Tasks complexity: C1. Exam structure: 1. Listening (L) Listen to the text and complete the tasks 1-10. max. 10 points 2. Reading (R) Read the text and complete the tasks 1-10. max. 10 points 3. Writing (W) Write a review/report. review assessment criteria/ report assessment criteria. Grading formula: L*0,3+R*0,3 +W*0,4 = 10 Only overall grade is rounded.
Interim Assessment

Interim Assessment

  • 2023/2024 3rd module
    0.3 * Final Assessment (FA) + 0.25 * Independent Work Assessment (IWA) + 0.2 * Oral Assessment (OA) + 0.25 * Written Assessment (WA)


Recommended Core Bibliography

  • Berry, R. (2018). English Grammar : A Resource Book for Students (Vol. 2nd edition). [Place of publication not identified]: Routledge. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=1753147
  • Roadmap C1-C2 : student's book and interactive eBook with digital resources and mobile app, , 2021

Recommended Additional Bibliography

  • Кузьменкова, Ю. Б.  Английский язык + аудиозаписи в ЭБС : учебник и практикум для среднего профессионального образования / Ю. Б. Кузьменкова. — Москва : Издательство Юрайт, 2021. — 441 с. — (Профессиональное образование). — ISBN 978-5-534-00804-3. — Текст : электронный // Образовательная платформа Юрайт [сайт]. — URL: https://urait.ru/bcode/469465 (дата обращения: 27.08.2024).
  • Практическая грамматика английского языка : упражнения и комментарии: учеб. пособие для вузов, Гуревич, В. В., 2013
  • Презентация научных проектов на английском языке. Книга для преподавателя : учеб. пособие для студентов вузов и аспирантов, Кузьменкова, Ю. Б., 2012


  • CHANTURIDZE Iuliia Mikhailovna
  • Kryukova Elizaveta Sergeevna
  • Kudinova Nataliya Aleksandrovna