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Обычная версия сайта

Проектное и венчурное финансирование

Статус: Маго-лего
Когда читается: 4 модуль
Онлайн-часы: 20
Охват аудитории: для своего кампуса
Язык: английский
Кредиты: 3
Контактные часы: 8

Course Syllabus


This online Course consists of two sections: (i) project financing, and (ii) venture financing. Each section has the duration of three weeks.i.The Project Financing section provides a conceptual background for issues in structuring and implementing large long-term investment projects. The section offers an understanding of theoretical foundations and practical aspects of the decisions made throughout the lifecycle of such projects; and of diverse stakeholders that shape the project performance and risk structure. In analyzing projects’ performance and impact, the section seeks to combine the perspectives of sponsors and investors with the broader economy-wide perspectives.ii.The Venture Financing section gives general overview of venture investments as one of the types of alternative investments, widely expanding asset class in last decades. This section will cover the history of venture industry, its role in economics and innovations, current state of affairs and dynamic. The section discovers how venture capital industry works, its inherent upsides and downsides, basics of investment process and valuation techniques, goals of the VC players and other equally important aspects.