
Экономика окружающей среды: базовый уровень
Кто читает:
Факультет мировой экономики и мировой политики
Когда читается:
2, 3 модуль
Охват аудитории:
для своего кампуса
Макаров Игорь Алексеевич
Контактные часы:
Course Syllabus
Этот вводный курс направлен на изучение экономических аспектов взаимодействия экономических агентов с окружающей средой, а также взаимодействия между различными экономическими агентами по вопросам, связанным с деградацией окружающей среды. Студенты узнают о текущем состоянии окружающей среды в мире; познакомиться с основными инструментами экологической политики на международном, региональном и национальном уровнях; научиться применять аналитические инструменты микро- и макроэкономики для анализа экологической политики; получить представление о том, как компании и государства интегрируют экологические проблемы в свои стратегии.
Learning Objectives
- to form students' understanding of the theoretical aspects of the relation between human economic activity and the state of the environment
- to create students' understanding of the current state of global environment
- to familiarize students with the main instruments of environmental policy at the international, regional and national levels
- to develop students' skills in the use of economic instruments for the analysis of environmental problems
- to form students' ability to work with academic literature as well as with statistical databases on environmental economics
Expected Learning Outcomes
- A student knows the basic theoretical approaches to the economic analysis of environmental problems
- A student uses the tools of economic theory for solving research and practical tasks related to the interaction of man and nature
- A student evaluates measures taken by both the international community and individual states to address environmental issues
Course Contents
- Introduction. Sustainable development
- Economic valuation of the environment. Externalities
- Environmental policy instruments
- Tragedy of the commons. Fisheries
- Climate change. Economics of damage
- Climate change. Economics of greenhouse gas emissions reduction
- Climate change. Economics of international cooperation
- Water resources
- Environment in corporate strategies. Green technologies
- Project
Assessment Elements
- Classroom work
- QuizQuiz includes a set of 7-8 tasks, including tasks that require a numerical answer, as well as open questions that require a detailed answer. The maximum score is 10 points.
- ProjectThe course participants will receive creative tasks where they are required to use methods of environmental economics to solve problems faced by companies or governmental agencies. Ones need to complete these tasks independently at home and prepare a presentation to deliver at seminars. The maximum project score is 10 points.
- ExamExam is conducted in written form and includes a set of 10-12 tasks, including tasks that require a numerical answer, as well as open questions that require a detailed answer. The maximum score (while completing all the tasks) is 10 points. It is not allowed to use papers or electronic devices during the exam. If the student violates this rule, he/she is excluded from the exam.
Interim Assessment
- 2023/2024 3rd module0.2 * Classroom work + 0.3 * Exam + 0.2 * Project + 0.3 * Quiz
Recommended Core Bibliography
- Lawrence H. Goulder, & Donald Kennedy. (2009). Interpreting and Estimating the Value of Ecosystem Services. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsbas&AN=edsbas.8CC1782A
Recommended Additional Bibliography
- Environmental economics, Kolstad, C. D., 2009