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Бакалавриат 2024/2025

Иностранный язык (итальянский)

Направление: 41.03.05. Международные отношения
Когда читается: 2-й курс, 1-4 модуль
Формат изучения: без онлайн-курса
Охват аудитории: для своего кампуса
Язык: английский
Кредиты: 7
Контактные часы: 232

Course Syllabus


The course has been designed for the students of the “HSE and University of London Double Degree Programme in Economics”. The main goal of this course is to start preparing students to use Italian in their further academic studies or/and in their future carrier, which means to develop their communicative skills in Italian at the A1-B2 level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) in multiple contexts such as reading and listening comprehension, written and oral expression, communicative interaction. At the same time, the course is aimed at promoting autonomous learning, self-assessment, peer-correction and critical thinking.
Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

  • Formation and development of general foreign-language communicative competence. Foreign-language communicative competence is the willingness and ability to communicate in a foreign language in the context of everyday communication (level A1-A2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages in CEFR).
  • Development of general cultural competence
  • Formation and development of intercultural foreign-language professionally oriented communicative competence. Foreign-language professional-communicative competence is the willingness and ability to communicate in a foreign language in the context of intercultural professional communication (level B1-B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages in CEFR)
Expected Learning Outcomes

Expected Learning Outcomes

  • Can ask and answer simple questions; Introduce itself, make request, give advice, make suggestion, expressing agreement/disagreement and make an offer; Communicate on daily topics such as daily routines, description of surrounding things, ordering food, shopping, travelling, asking direction etc.
  • Students will learn words and expressions about food and become able to use them in situations such as doing groceries, ordering a meal at a restaurant, and cooking a meal according to a recipe. Students will be able to talk about their own eating habits.
  • Students will be able to comprehend and express wishes in relation to an event or a holiday as well as invite people. Students will learn about the main parts of the human body and become able to make an appointment with a doctor. Students will be able to describe various health complaints as if they were at a doctor's appointment, and understand medication instructions. Students will be able to comprehend simple news, both in the audio and text formats.
  • Can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters.
  • Students are able to discuss their day plans, hobbies and leisure activities
  • Students are able to describe their preferences in cinema and speak about the greatest Italian cinema stars
  • Students can talk about the information resources they use
  • Students are able to make a CV, compose a presentation letter, get infos about credit cards and bank accounts
  • Students will be able to talk about differences between Italian cities and regions. Students will be able to describe various travel destinations, vacation planning and preparation stages. Students will be able to describe their own travel experience and share their impressions.
  • Students are able to describe the most important stages of Italian history.
  • Students are able to illustrate main principles of Italian republic and to compare it to other states
  • Students are able to discuss the most actual issues in the Italian politics
  • Students are able to understand the emotionally rich information in direct communication with a native speaker; - Understand public speaking, including through technical means; - extract implicit information from an oral message of a monological or dialogical nature
  • Student will be able to critically discuss current trends in contemporary Italian society.
  • Students are able to conduct a conversation in a foreign language, participate in discussions, speak publicly in the framework of professional and socio-cultural areas of communication; correctly use speech etiquette during oral communication with a representative of another linguistic culture
  • Students are able to use the speech means of persuasion in public speaking on professional topics in direct contact with the audience
  • Students will make proper word and grammar choices and adjust speech and writing register to express intended meaning within topics covered during the course
Course Contents

Course Contents

  • Italy and Italian language
  • I and my family
  • My house
  • My day
  • Weekends
  • Holidays and weather
  • Eating out
  • Cinema
  • In the supermarket
  • Fashion and Shopping
  • The media in Italy
  • Music in my life
  • School and University
  • Earning money
  • Italian cities
  • History of Italy
  • Italy on a geographic map
  • Italian republic
  • Italian politics
    Reading and discussion of current press in Italian on political and social topics
  • Governmental and non-governmental international organisations
  • European Union
  • Healthy lifestyle and healthcare system
  • Environment
  • Inventions and innovations
  • Arts
  • Nord vs Sud. Mafia
  • Introduction to economic studies
  • Employment. Reddito di cittadinanza
  • Taxes
  • Economics and politics
  • Stock market
  • E-commerce
  • Industrial districts
  • Italian society
  • Language, dialects and literature
  • Marketing
  • Media and PR
  • Official communications
  • Made in Italy.
  • Gender Issues in Italian Business and Politics
  • Management and Leadership
Assessment Elements

Assessment Elements

  • non-blocking Written speech control
    Current control of written speech is carried out in the following forms: production of a written text in accordance with the communicative task, performance of tasks for general / detailed understanding of the written text, lexical and grammatical tests on the material studied
  • non-blocking Assessment work
    Lexical-grammatical tasks within the topics studied in the module
  • non-blocking Oral speech control
    Current control of oral speech is carried out in the following forms: monologic and dialogic statements on the subject of the course, performance of tasks for general/detailed understanding of the sounding text.
  • non-blocking Final assessment work
  • non-blocking Exam 1
  • non-blocking Exam 2
  • non-blocking Exam 3
    Interviews on all main topics of the course
  • non-blocking Exam 4
    Interviews on all main topics of the course
  • non-blocking Exam 5
    Interviews on all main topics of the course
  • non-blocking Exam 6
    Interviews on all main topics of the course
  • non-blocking Exam 7
    Interviews on all main topics of the course
Interim Assessment

Interim Assessment

  • 2023/2024 2nd module
    0.1 * Assessment work + 0.1 * Assessment work + 0.1 * Assessment work + 0.1 * Assessment work + 0.3 * Exam 1 + 0.3 * Exam 1 + 0.1 * Final assessment work + 0.1 * Final assessment work + 0.1 * Oral speech control + 0.1 * Oral speech control + 0.1 * Oral speech control + 0.1 * Oral speech control + 0.1 * Written speech control + 0.1 * Written speech control + 0.1 * Written speech control + 0.1 * Written speech control
  • 2023/2024 4th module
    0.1 * Assessment work + 0.1 * Assessment work + 0.1 * Assessment work + 0.1 * Assessment work + 0.3 * Exam 2 + 0.3 * Exam 2 + 0.1 * Final assessment work + 0.1 * Final assessment work + 0.1 * Oral speech control + 0.1 * Oral speech control + 0.1 * Oral speech control + 0.1 * Oral speech control + 0.1 * Written speech control + 0.1 * Written speech control + 0.1 * Written speech control + 0.1 * Written speech control
  • 2024/2025 2nd module
    0.1 * Assessment work + 0.1 * Assessment work + 0.1 * Assessment work + 0.1 * Assessment work + 0.3 * Exam 3 + 0.3 * Exam 3 + 0.1 * Final assessment work + 0.1 * Final assessment work + 0.1 * Oral speech control + 0.1 * Oral speech control + 0.1 * Oral speech control + 0.1 * Oral speech control + 0.1 * Written speech control + 0.1 * Written speech control + 0.1 * Written speech control + 0.1 * Written speech control
  • 2024/2025 4th module
    0.1 * Assessment work + 0.1 * Assessment work + 0.1 * Assessment work + 0.1 * Assessment work + 0.3 * Exam 4 + 0.3 * Exam 4 + 0.1 * Final assessment work + 0.1 * Final assessment work + 0.1 * Oral speech control + 0.1 * Oral speech control + 0.1 * Oral speech control + 0.1 * Oral speech control + 0.1 * Written speech control + 0.1 * Written speech control + 0.1 * Written speech control + 0.1 * Written speech control
  • 2025/2026 2nd module
    0.1 * Assessment work + 0.1 * Assessment work + 0.1 * Assessment work + 0.1 * Assessment work + 0.3 * Exam 5 + 0.3 * Exam 5 + 0.1 * Final assessment work + 0.1 * Final assessment work + 0.1 * Oral speech control + 0.1 * Oral speech control + 0.1 * Oral speech control + 0.1 * Oral speech control + 0.1 * Written speech control + 0.1 * Written speech control + 0.1 * Written speech control + 0.1 * Written speech control
  • 2025/2026 4th module
    0.1 * Assessment work + 0.1 * Assessment work + 0.1 * Assessment work + 0.1 * Assessment work + 0.3 * Exam 6 + 0.3 * Exam 6 + 0.1 * Final assessment work + 0.1 * Final assessment work + 0.1 * Oral speech control + 0.1 * Oral speech control + 0.1 * Oral speech control + 0.1 * Oral speech control + 0.1 * Written speech control + 0.1 * Written speech control + 0.1 * Written speech control + 0.1 * Written speech control
  • 2026/2027 2nd module
    0.3 * Assessment work + 0.3 * Assessment work + 0.3 * Assessment work + 0.3 * Assessment work + 0.1 * Oral speech control + 0.1 * Oral speech control + 0.1 * Oral speech control + 0.1 * Oral speech control + 0.1 * Written speech control + 0.1 * Written speech control + 0.1 * Written speech control + 0.1 * Written speech control
  • 2026/2027 3rd module
    0.2 * Assessment work + 0.2 * Assessment work + 0.3 * Exam 7 + 0.3 * Exam 7 + 0.1 * Final assessment work + 0.1 * Final assessment work + 0.2 * Oral speech control + 0.2 * Oral speech control + 0.2 * Written speech control + 0.2 * Written speech control


Recommended Core Bibliography

  • Italiano per economisti : edizione aggiornata, Incalcaterra - McLoughlin, L., 2015
  • Nuovo progetto italiano : corso multimediale di lingua e civilta italiana, Marin, T., 2017
  • Банкери, С. Итальянский язык. Основной курс : пособие для изучающих итальянский язык: уровень от начального к среднему / С. Банкери, М. Леттьери. [пер. с англ. А. А. Вовина]. — Санкт-Петербург : КАРО, 2018. - 416 с. - ISBN 978-5-9925-1273-1. - Режим доступа: https://new.znanium.com/catalog/product/1047900
  • Келейникова А.Г. - Parliamo Italiano. Ч. I - Пятигорский государственный лингвистический университет - 2016 - ISBN: 978-5-406-05482-6 - Текст электронный // ЭБС BOOKRU - URL: https://book.ru/book/919874
  • Учимся читать и переводить итальянскую прессу : пособие по работе над газетными и журнальными текстами на итальянском языке, Прокопович, С. С., 2005

Recommended Additional Bibliography

  • Говорим по - итальянски : учеб. пособие, Буэно, Т., 2007
  • Нарымов, В. Х., Учебное пособие по страноведению — Geoitalia : учебное пособие / В. Х. Нарымов, А. . Бравин. — Москва : КноРус, 2017. — 89 с. — ISBN 978-5-406-05461-1-U-2017. — URL: https://book.ru/book/926549 (дата обращения: 26.08.2024). — Текст : электронный.
