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Бакалавриат 2024/2025

Язык для профессионального общения (японский язык)

Направление: 41.03.01. Зарубежное регионоведение
Когда читается: 4-й курс, 1-3 модуль
Формат изучения: без онлайн-курса
Охват аудитории: для своего кампуса
Язык: английский
Кредиты: 12
Контактные часы: 208

Course Syllabus


Japanese Language (Professional Level) Course is designed for non-native learners of Japanese who have taken approximately three years of regularly paced college-level Japanese. During the duration of the course students learn the vocabulary needed to discuss the modern societies of Russia and Japan and the issues that people in those societies face today, as presented in the official Japanese media. The overall goal of this course is to bring students’ Japanese proficiency to more advanced level and help them to develop an active command of authentic reading materials. It is expected that by the end of the course students will reach B2 level according to CEFR and N2 level according to JLPT.
Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

  • Reading: Students will be able to read, comprehend and translate into Russian authentic Japanese media articles on major political and economic topics relevant in modern day Japan.
  • ·Speaking: Students will be able to communicate, hold discussions and express their opinions regarding major political and economic topics relevant in modern day Japan. Students are able to make a speech on the topic of “My Academic Journey and Future Plans”.
  • ·Listening: Students will be able to listen and comprehend media materials on major political and economic topics relevant in modern day Japan.
  • ·Writing: Students will be able to conduct official and business correspondence, adhering to the rules of Japanese business correspondence style.
Expected Learning Outcomes

Expected Learning Outcomes

  • 1. Students can read, comprehend and translate authentic Japanese media materials into Russian.
  • 2. Students can listen and comprehend authentic Japanese media materials and answer questions regarding the content. Students can hold discussions and express their opinions on the topic.
  • 3. Students can read and write business letters in Japanese.
  • 4. Students are able to make a speech on the topic of “My Academic Journey and Future Plans”.
Course Contents

Course Contents

  • Finance – Bank, Insurance, Securities, Policy (金融)
  • Trade – Trade business, Foreign trade (貿易・外国貿易)
  • Management and New Technology - Company, Organizations, Salary (経営・新技術)
  • International relations (国際関係)
  • Summit meetings, official visits (首脳会談・訪問)
  • Japan-Russia Relations and Peace Treaty  (日ロ関係・平和条約)
  • “My Academic Journey and Future Plans”
Assessment Elements

Assessment Elements

  • non-blocking Examination (2nd module)
    Examination in 2nd module Examination in 2nd module is a written examination, which is held for all students of the group during the exam session. It comprises of 2 tasks: 1) translation of a news article from Japanese to Russian without using a dictionary (60%); 2) translation of a business letter from Japanese to Russian without using a dictionary (40%).
  • non-blocking Classwork for Reading and Writing
    Classwork for Reading and Writing consists of various assessment activities conducted in class during the course of module: vocabulary and kanji quizzes and written text translations etc. In case of the student’s absence for a valid reason, the student must provide a valid Certificate of Illness/Medical Note to the Students’ Office in the span of 1 (one) working day since the end of their sick leave, else their absence will be graded as 0 (zero). All absences without a valid reason will lower the grade by 0,4 point grade for every 10% of missed classes. Arriving to class later than 15 minutes after the start will be considered as absence. If a student misses an assessment activity for a valid reason (such as absence due to health reasons supported with a doctor’s note), they do not get any grade for the activity. In case of absence without a valid reason, the assessment activity will be graded with 0 points.
  • non-blocking Classwork for Listening and Speaking
    Classwork for Listening and Speaking consists of various assessment activities conducted in class or given as homework during the course of semester, which include listening comprehension and interpretation tasks and the speech on the topic: “My Academic Journey and Future Plans” conducted at the end of 3rd module. In case of the student’s absence for a valid reason, the student must provide a valid Certificate of Illness/Medical Note to the Students’ Office in the span of 1 (one) working day since the end of their sick leave, else their absence will be graded as 0 (zero). All absences without a valid reason will lower the grade by 0,4 point grade for every 10% of missed classes. Arriving to class later than 15 minutes after the start will be considered as absence. If a student misses an assessment activity for a valid reason (such as absence due to health reasons supported with a doctor’s note), they do not get any grade for the activity. In case of absence without a valid reason, the assessment activity will be graded with 0 points.
  • non-blocking Final Exam
    Examination in 3rd module consists of 2 parts: final written assignment (50%) and an oral examination (50 %) Final written assignment is held for all students of the group at the same time within a period of 10 days before the exam session. It comprises of 2 tasks: 1) translation of a news article from Japanese to Russian without using a dictionary (60%); 2) translation of a business letter from Japanese to Russian without using a dictionary (40%). Oral examination is conducted during the exam session as a series of individual discussions with every student. Students are required to enter the examination room one by one (the order is to be decided by the students) and complete several tasks. There will be no extra time for preparation once the student enters the examination room. Students are not allowed to carry any learning materials into the examination room. Examination comprises of 2 tasks: 1) watch or listen to a news video/audio clip (45-60 sec.) and explain the content of news clip in Russian. (50%) 2) oral translation of written text from Russian to Japanese (50%)
  • non-blocking Attendance
Interim Assessment

Interim Assessment

  • 2024/2025 2nd module
    0.4 * Classwork for Listening and Speaking + 0.4 * Classwork for Reading and Writing + 0.2 * Examination (2nd module)
  • 2024/2025 3rd module
    0.25 * Classwork for Listening and Speaking + 0.25 * Classwork for Reading and Writing + 0.5 * Final Exam


Recommended Core Bibliography

  • Язык японских СМИ - 978-5-7598-0988-3 - Фесюн А. Г. - 2013 - Москва: ВШЭ - https://ibooks.ru/bookshelf/334277 - 334277 - iBOOKS

Recommended Additional Bibliography

  • 友松悦子, 宮本淳, & 和栗雅子. (2010). どんなときどう使う日本語表現文型500 : 日本語能力試験N1-N3の重要表現を網羅 = 500 essential Japanese expressions : a guide to correct usage of key sentence patterns (Vol. 改訂版). 東京: アルク. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=nlebk&AN=637349


  • Базарова Евгения Сергеевна
  • Воронов Валентин Дмитриевич
  • Большова Екатерина Владимировна