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Бакалавриат 2023/2024

«Ведение бизнеса в странах Азии»

Статус: Курс по выбору (Управление бизнесом)
Направление: 38.03.02. Менеджмент
Когда читается: 4-й курс, 3 модуль
Формат изучения: без онлайн-курса
Охват аудитории: для своего кампуса
Язык: английский
Кредиты: 4
Контактные часы: 40

Course Syllabus


The Doing Business in Asia course offers a deep dive into the complex and dynamic world of business practices in Asian countries, characterized by diverse cultures, economic systems and legal norms. The course examines the key aspects affecting entrepreneurial activity in Asia, from economic trends to cultural characteristics that must be taken into account in order to successfully conduct business in this region. Students will study the main Asian markets such as China, India, Japan and Southeast Asia, focusing on their economic potential, competitive advantages and specifics of consumer behavior. The course covers such important topics as market environment analysis, market entry strategies, supply chain management issues, as well as local legislative and regulatory requirements.
Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

  • To gain the brief knowledge of the economic history and current economic situation in India, China, Vietnam, South Korea, Japan and Indonesia
  • To become familiar with many of the major industries and companies in India, China, Vietnam, South Korea, Japan and Indonesia
  • To understanding of the business environment in India, China, Vietnam, South Korea, Japan and Indonesia
  • To recognize how management and cross cultural differences affect and impact on the ways of doing business in India, China, Vietnam, South Korea, Japan and Indonesia
  • To gain a working level of competence for engaging in international business activities in India, China, Vietnam, South Korea, Japan and Indonesia and with business people from these countries
Expected Learning Outcomes

Expected Learning Outcomes

  • Knowledge: of the political, economic, financial, and cultural context of entering the Asian markets and the unique opportunities and challenges of working in their business environments.
  • Understanding of Business Context and Business Management in Asia (a) Environment and Market, Trend Analysis; (b) Competition; (c) Local Business Cultures and Management; (d) Nature of Entrepreneurship; (e) Marketing and Branding, Gender, Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Understanding of Economic History of Asia
  • Ability to use statistical data, analytical national and industry reviews, research publications, and the latest business news to analyze the current conditions of starting and expanding a foreign business and make strategic decisions regarding the ways of establishing a new business with foreign participation.
  • Knowledge of the political, economic, financial, and cultural context of entering the Asian markets and the unique opportunities and challenges of working in their business environments.
Course Contents

Course Contents

  • Introduction Defining Globalization and International Business. (a) The Historical Perspective of Globalization of Business; (b) the Concept of Globalization; (c) The Reasons for Support and Criticism of Globalization; (d) Global Business Expansion Strategy; (e) the Concept of International Business and the Motives for International Business Expansion; (f) Strategy for Managing Business in the Globalization Era
  • Introduction to Economic History of East Asia (a) Rapid Economic Growth, (b) Rapid Structural Change and Changing Competitive Advantages, (c) Growing Regionalization and Internationalization of the Economies, (d) Social Dimensions and Consequences
  • Business Context and Business Management in East Asia (a) Environment and Market, Trend Analysis; (b) Competition; (c) Local Business Cultures and Management; (d) Nature of Entrepreneurship; (e) Marketing and Branding, Gender, Corporate Social Responsibility
  • China and India
  • Japan and South Korea
  • Vietnam and Indonesia
Assessment Elements

Assessment Elements

  • non-blocking Group project
    An important part of the course will be a business consulting project. Students will work in groups to provide business advices to company’s senior management on a market entry/expansion issue that company is facing. The grade for this component of the course will be based on a presentation (including Q&A) and a written report. Additional information will be provided in class. For a written report students should use appropriate formatting and citation style. Assignments are expected to be received by email no later than 11:59 p.m. on the due date. Late reports will not be accepted. Students will receive a grade of zero for failing to correctly upload an assignment and on time. This written assignment should be produced in 12-point, Times New Roman type, and 1.5-spaced, with tabs at the beginning of paragraphs, minimum number of pages is 15. The assessment will be based on oral presentation and a written report: (1) Knowledge of main concepts/ theories applied in relation to international business; (2) Application of main theories and concepts; (3) Quality of content (company, product, country, findings, etc.); (4) Design/ logical flow/ clear thesis and supporting data; (5) Delivery: Command of language/ Team work and response to questions.
  • non-blocking Attendance
    Students are expected to attend every class.
  • non-blocking Class participation
    There is an expectation that students will be active participants in discussions.
  • non-blocking Examination
    Final exam.
Interim Assessment

Interim Assessment

  • 2023/2024 3rd module
    0.1 * Attendance + 0.2 * Class participation + 0.4 * Examination + 0.3 * Group project


Recommended Core Bibliography

  • Global business : management, Willcocks, L. P., 2021
  • Global business : strategy in context, Willcocks, L. P., 2021

Recommended Additional Bibliography

  • Agarici Corina, Scarlat Cezar, & Iorga Danuţ. (2020). Turning cross-cultural management conflict into collaboration: Indian and Romanian experiences in Global Project Teams. Proceedings of the International Conference on Business Excellence, 14(1), 1024–1034. https://doi.org/10.2478/picbe-2020-0097
  • Hong Hai. (2020). The Rule of Culture : Corporate and State Governance in China and East Asia. Routledge.
  • Management : global edition, Robbins, S. P., 2021
  • Management across cultures : challenges, strategies, and skills, Steers, R. M., 2020


  • SHAPOSHNIKOV Sergei Viacheslavovich