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Магистратура 2024/2025

Французский язык: продвинутый курс

Направление: 45.04.02. Лингвистика
Когда читается: 2-й курс, 1-3 модуль
Формат изучения: без онлайн-курса
Охват аудитории: для всех кампусов НИУ ВШЭ
Прогр. обучения: Иностранные языки и межкультурная коммуникация
Язык: английский
Кредиты: 9
Контактные часы: 76

Course Syllabus


The program is aimed at students of the educational program “Foreign Languages ​​and Intercultural Communication” who learn French as a second foreign language. The program follows all the requirements to form communicative competence in a foreign language. The discipline “Communicative practice of the second foreign language (French)” corresponds to the basic part of the professional cycle.
Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

  • At the A2 level students are beginning to be able to function in social situations. They are able to use simple everyday polite forms of greeting and address; greet people, ask how they are and react to news; handle very short social exchanges; ask and answer questions about what they do at work and in their free time; make and respond to invitations; discuss what to do, where to go and make arrangements to meet; make and accept offers. They can also function ‘out and about’. They can make simple transactions in shops, post offices or banks; get simple information about travel; use public transport, ask for basic information, ask and give directions, and buy tickets.
Expected Learning Outcomes

Expected Learning Outcomes

  • Understand sentences related to areas such as work, basic personal and family topics
  • Communicate in simple and routine tasks such as travel.
  • Describe in simple terms their background, environment and in areas of immediate need.
  • Active listening helps us to build self-empowerment and self-confidence with a positive relationship in health and life.
  • Understand clear, slow, standard speech related to areas of most immediate personal relevance (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography and employment) and can catch the main point in short, clear, simple messages and announcements.
  • Understand short, simple texts containing high frequency vocabulary and shared international expressions. They can find specific, predictable information in simple everyday material such as advertisements, prospectuses and timetables.
  • Communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar topics and activities.
  • Can handle very short social exchanges, even though they cannot usually keep the conversation going of their own accord
  • Use a series of phrases and sentences to describe in simple terms family and other people, living conditions, educational background and present or most recent job
  • Write short, simple notes and messages relating to matters in areas of immediate need, linking a series of simple phrases and sentences with simple connectors like ‘and’ , ‘but’ and ‘because’.
  • Write a very simple personal letter, for example thanking someone for something.
  • Write short, simple notes and messages relating to matters in areas of immediate need, linking a series of simple phrases and sentences with simple connectors like but, because.
  • Communicate in simple and routine tasks such as travel, memories.
  • Describe in simple terms background, environment and in areas of immediate need.
  • Understand short, simple texts containing high frequency vocabulary and shared international expressions. Can find specific, predictable information in simple everyday material such as advertisements, prospectuses and timetables.
  • Write a simple personal letter, for example thanking someone for something.
  • Active listening for building self-empowerment and self-confidence with a positive relationship in health and life.
  • Use a series of phrases and sentences to describe in simple terms family and other people, living conditions, educational background and job.
  • Write short, simple notes and messages relating to matters in areas of new technologies.
  • Understand short, simple texts about new technologies.
  • Communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on new technologies.
  • Understand clear, slow, standard speech related to areas of new technologies.
  • Understand clear, slow, standard speech related to areas of work and career.
  • Write cv and letter of motivation.
  • Use a series of phrases and sentences to describe in simple terms jobs and profession.
  • Understand sentences related to areas of work.
Course Contents

Course Contents

  • Memories
  • New Technologies
  • Work and Career
Assessment Elements

Assessment Elements

  • non-blocking Compréhension orale
  • non-blocking Compréhension des écrits
  • non-blocking Production écrite
  • non-blocking Production orale
  • non-blocking Travail de contrôle
  • non-blocking Examen
  • non-blocking Examen 2
Interim Assessment

Interim Assessment

  • 2024/2025 учебный год 1 модуль
    0.1 * Compréhension des écrits + 0.1 * Compréhension orale + 0.4 * Examen + 0.1 * Production orale + 0.1 * Production écrite + 0.2 * Travail de contrôle
  • 2024/2025 учебный год 3 модуль
    0.05 * Compréhension des écrits + 0.05 * Compréhension des écrits + 0.05 * Compréhension orale + 0.05 * Compréhension orale + 0.4 * Examen 2 + 0.05 * Production orale + 0.05 * Production orale + 0.05 * Production écrite + 0.05 * Production écrite + 0.1 * Travail de contrôle + 0.1 * Travail de contrôle


Recommended Core Bibliography

  • Langue francaise: Techniques dexpression ecrite et orale - Багана Ж., Хапилина Е. В., Трещева Н. В. - НИЦ ИНФРА-М - 2023 - https://znanium.com/catalog/product/1895799 - 1846636 - ZNANIUM
  • Panorama de la France actuelle : учеб. пособие по лингвострановедению, Аристова, В. Н., 2013
  • VIRAGE II. Французский язык. 2 курс, Левина М. С., Прозорова Л. К., 1997
  • Бубнова, Г. И. Оценивание иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции. Французский язык : монография / Г. И. Бубнова. — 2-е изд. — Москва : ФЛИНТА, 2018. — 184 с. — ISBN 978-5-9765-3406-3. — Текст : электронный // Лань : электронно-библиотечная система. — URL: https://e.lanbook.com/book/105148 (дата обращения: 00.00.0000). — Режим доступа: для авториз. пользователей.
  • Погорелая, Н. Г. Le Français quotidien : учебно-методическое пособие / Н. Г. Погорелая. — Пермь : ПНИПУ, 2017 — Часть 2 — 2017. — 58 с. — ISBN 978-5-398-01810-3. — Текст : электронный // Лань : электронно-библиотечная система. — URL: https://e.lanbook.com/book/161187 (дата обращения: 00.00.0000). — Режим доступа: для авториз. пользователей.
  • Французский язык (В1–В2) : учебник для вузов / В. Н. Аристова, И. Ю. Бартенева, М. А. Ерыкина, Н. В. Жукова. — Санкт-Петербург : Лань, 2022. — 200 с. — ISBN 978-5-8114-8843-8. — Текст : электронный // Лань : электронно-библиотечная система. — URL: https://e.lanbook.com/book/200384 (дата обращения: 00.00.0000). — Режим доступа: для авториз. пользователей.
  • Французский язык (В1–В2). Практикум : учебное пособие для вузов / В. Н. Аристова, И. Ю. Бартенева, М. А. Ерыкина, Н. В. Жукова. — Санкт-Петербург : Лань, 2022. — 144 с. — ISBN 978-5-8114-8858-2. — Текст : электронный // Лань : электронно-библиотечная система. — URL: https://e.lanbook.com/book/208634 (дата обращения: 00.00.0000). — Режим доступа: для авториз. пользователей.
  • Французский язык. Ч.2: ., Левина, М. С., 2016

Recommended Additional Bibliography

  • Французский язык : учебник для бакалавров, Левина, М. С., 2011
  • Французский язык : учебник для бакалавров, Левина, М. С., 2013
  • Французский язык. Грамматика : практический курс для вузов и фак. иностранных яз.: учебник, Попова, И. Н., 2008
  • Французский язык. Ч. 2:, Левина, М. С., 2017


  • Zhukova Natalia Vladimirovna
  • Чернуха Татьяна Викторовна