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Обычная версия сайта
Бакалавриат 2024/2025

Международный бизнес

Направление: 38.03.01. Экономика
Когда читается: 3-й курс, 1 модуль
Формат изучения: без онлайн-курса
Охват аудитории: для всех кампусов НИУ ВШЭ
Язык: английский
Кредиты: 3
Контактные часы: 28

Course Syllabus


As opposed to the introductory course mainly devoted to macro level, this course focuses on Strategy and Structure of International Business and International Business Functions. The successful completion of the course will increase students’ ability to think globally about any company, its positioning on international markets to achieve sustainable competitive advantage in rapidly changing international environment.
Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

  • The main goal of the course is to provide a structured view on peculatiries of doing business interantionally including but not limited to types of international business strategies, entry modes, types of corporate straetgies, etc. to develop the students' skills and abilities required for professional activity on global markets via role plays and solving recent business cases based on the corresponding conceptual foundations in modern IB literature.
  • This course explores the main business functions of international firms and their correspondence with the strategic options available for the company. Students will get introduced with the main concepts of international strategy and types of corporate strategies to facilitate company's performance on global markets.
Expected Learning Outcomes

Expected Learning Outcomes

  • Recognize how firms can profit by expanding globally. Understand how pressures for cost reductions and local responsiveness influence strategic choice. Identify and choose the different global strategies for competing in the global marketplace
  • Explain what is meant by organizational architecture. Describe the different organizational architecture choices that can be made in an international business. Explain how the organizational architecture can be matched to global strategy to improve performance. Discuss what is required for an international business to change its organizational architecture so it better matches its global strategy.
  • Compare the different modes firms use to enter foreign markets. Identify the factors that influence a firm’s choice of entry mode. Recognize the pros and cons of acquisitions versus greenfield ventures as an international market entry strategy. Evaluate the pros and cons of entering into strategic alliances when going international.
  • Explain how country differences, production technology, and production factors all affect the choice of where to locate production activities. Recognize how the role of foreign subsidiaries in production can be enhanced over time as they accumulate knowledge. Identify the factors that influence a firm’s decision of whether to source supplies from within the company or from foreign suppliers.
  • Understand the importance of business analytics and international market research. Explain why it might make sense to vary the attributes of a product from country to country. Recognize why and how a firm’s distribution strategy might vary among countries. Identify why and how advertising and promotional strategies might vary among countries. Explain why and how a firm’s pricing strategy might vary among countries. Understand how to configure the marketing mix globally.
  • Identify the pros and cons of different approaches to staffing policy in international business. Explain why managers may fail to thrive in foreign postings. Recognize how management development and training programs can increase the value of human capital in an international business firm. Explain how and why performance appraisal systems might vary across nations. Understand how and why compensation systems might vary across nations.
  • Discuss the national differences in accounting standards. Explain how accounting systems affect control systems within the multinational enterprise. Discuss how operating in different nations affects investment decisions within the multinational enterprise. Discuss the different financing options available to the foreign subsidiary of a multinational enterprise. Understand how money management in the international business can be used to minimize cash balances, transaction costs, and taxation.
Course Contents

Course Contents

  • Topic 1. The Strategy of International Business.
  • Topic 2. The Organization of International Business.
  • Topic 3. Entering Developed and Emerging Markets
  • Topic 4. Global Production and Supply Chain Management.
  • Topic 5. Global Marketing and Business Analytics.
  • Topic 6. Global Human Resource Management.
  • Topic 7. Accounting and Finance in International Business
Assessment Elements

Assessment Elements

  • non-blocking Active participation in class activities
  • non-blocking Final Test
  • non-blocking Project presentation
  • non-blocking Project report
Interim Assessment

Interim Assessment

  • 2024/2025 1st module
    0.28 * Active participation in class activities + 0.28 * Final Test + 0.22 * Project presentation + 0.22 * Project report


Recommended Core Bibliography

  • International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace, Hill, Ch.W.L., 2014

Recommended Additional Bibliography

  • Global business today, Hill, C. W. L., 2018
