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Бакалавриат 2024/2025

Научно-исследовательский семинар "Теория и практика зарубежных региональных исследований"

Направление: 41.03.01. Зарубежное регионоведение
Когда читается: 4-й курс, 1-3 модуль
Формат изучения: без онлайн-курса
Охват аудитории: для своего кампуса
Язык: английский
Кредиты: 9
Контактные часы: 134

Course Syllabus


This course covers the basic techniques for collecting, interpreting, and analyzing qualitative and quantitative data. It is intended to introduce students to unifying ontological and epistemological perspectives that will help them to integrate diverse approaches originating in different areas of social sciences. The course opens up with a discussion of conceptualization, theory, research design, and strategies for framing research questions. Further, the course invites students to reflect on the usage of quantitative and qualitative methods in international studies. We will also cover comparative methods and discuss research ethics and culture. Theoretically, we will consider questions such as the following: What are ways of assessing empirical or theoretical significance? What is qualitative and quantitative research? By what criteria do different methodologies meet or fail to meet the standards of scientific evidence? When is generalizability necessary? What are surveys best suited for? Can qualitative research verify hypotheses, or only generate them? Can qualitative research explain social phenomena, or only interpret them? In what ways is ethnographic research “grounded”? Is replicability possible in interview-based research? Practically, we will consider questions such as the following: How does one go about starting a project? How does one connect theory, research design, and data collection? How should one structure an interview schedule? How many interviews are enough? How does one ensure reliability? How does one write good fieldnotes? How does one determine the best sampling strategy? What is coding? How does one write an ethnographic paper?