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Организация неформального самонаправленного обучения сотрудников

Статус: Маго-лего
Когда читается: 4 модуль
Охват аудитории: для всех кампусов НИУ ВШЭ
Язык: английский
Кредиты: 3

Course Syllabus


Those who already work might have attended different personnel development trainings organized by their employer. Try to remember whether those trainings truly helped to develop the skills needed to perform more effectively. It's not a secret that in the rapidly changing world, employers have to think a lot about adapting their organizations to new markets, that means upskilling and reskilling employees. During the course we are going to talk about the so called informal and self-directed learning of employees. It is a way to upskill and reskill, get new knowledge and develop skills which is defined by an employee at the workplace. After taking the the course you will have learned: what is the difference between formal, informal, and non formal education, how an employees' learnability influences business success, how workers tend to learn new stuff today, what is learning from one's experience and how it differs from social learning. After the course you are expected to be able to: test employees for their learnability, organize knowledge sharing in your team, contribute to developing a learning culture within your organization/department/team, give feedback and help employees to learn from their experiences through reflection upon it. The course is designed for those, who are ready to broaden their understanding of learning at a workplace, take learning for a purpose under control and learn how to create the a self-directed learning environment for others: colleagues, co-workers, members of a team.