
Технологии обучения и развития персонала
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Курагина Мария Федоровна
Программа дисциплины
The course aims to provide participants with knowledge and practical skills in the implementation of modern employee development methods. Throughout the course, students will explore modern training, facilitation, and gamification techniques, as well as the principles of designing and conducting employee development programs. The course will cover a range of tools and approaches, and participants will become acquainted with the specific responsibilities of a leader at each stage of the aforementioned techniques. Participants will master the skills of receiving feedback, learn to diagnose group dynamics and the progress dynamics of each participant through observation, and master the process of selecting methods, content, techniques, and instruments in alignment with goals, participant types, and other relevant criteria.
Цель освоения дисциплины
- The course "Technologies for Training and Personnel Development" aims to equip students with essential skills in several key areas: the competent use of diagnostic tools, effective collaboration with management and colleagues, designing and facilitating modern group work sessions, and serving as an effective mediator in resolving both personal and business-related issues within an organization.
Планируемые результаты обучения
- Names the main concepts related to training, recognizes the basic theories of psychological training, distinguishes the main types of training, highlights the specifics of modern group work methods (facilitation, “world cafe”, “educational journey”, simulation, etc.)
- Formulates and discloses the content of the main principles of training and other forms of group form.
- Distinguishes the main groups of methodological tools (techniques) of the group form of work, knows how to select them for training or developing personnel, has information about their specifics and rules of application.
- Names methods for evaluating the effectiveness of group work, masters the technology for evaluating results according to J. Kirkpatrick
- Able to conduct professional task analysis, organizational analysis and personal analysis. Names and explains the specifics of organizing the training group.
- Names 4 stages of classical training. Has information about the specifics of the stages of work with other forms of group work. Has the skill of designing group work programs for personnel training and development.
- Describes the concept of “feedback”, names its forms and rules, knows how to select the form of feedback depending on the tasks being solved, knows how to implement the technology for providing effective feedback.
- • Names the features, goals and possibilities of facilitation. Formulates the basic concepts and methodological foundations of facilitation, its mechanisms.
- Formulates the main methods of facilitation, explains the importance and essence of the tasks that the facilitator solves.
- Has information about the relationship system "facilitator-group". Masters the strategies of behavior in the "facilitator - group" system. Names and explains the behavioral roles of the facilitator, methods of influencing the group.
- Formulates the stages of the facilitation process, their content and is able to distinguish them. Proficienct in facilitation techniques.
- Has an understanding of facilitation of decision making. Knows how to plan the perspective of the facilitator's work at the request of the organization.
- Names the difference between gamification and other teaching methods. Defines the types of gamification.
- Can compare and name gamification methods and types of games. Describes the structure and stages of creating a learning game.
Содержание учебной дисциплины
- Title Section 1. Methodology of group forms of work Topic 1. The concept and types of psychological training
- Title Topic 2. Principles of psychological training and other forms of group work.
- Topic 3. Methodological means of group work
- Title Topic 4. Training and other forms of group work effectiveness evaluation
- Title Section 2. Methodological aspects of training and other forms of group work. Topic 5. Methodology for organizing group work
- Title Topic 7. Facilitator’s activities at various stages of the training
- Title Topic 8. Methodological features of feedback organization
- Title Section 3. Facilitation as a form of personnel training and development • Topic 10. Facilitation in the organization.
- Title Topic 11. Facilitation methodology, scope and possibilities.
- Title Topic 12. Relationship between the facilitator and the group
- Title Section 4. Facilitation process Topic 13. Stages of facilitation and their content
- Title Topic 14. Facilitation for decision making.
- Title Section 5: Gamification Topic 15. Gamification as a modern technology for training organization personnel.
- Title Topic 16. Main aspects of gamification. Educational game.
Промежуточная аттестация
- 2024/2025 2nd module0.3 * Activity during classes + 0.35 * Group Project: Training + 0.35 * Individual homework: facilitation
Список литературы
Рекомендуемая основная литература
- Active training : a handbook of techniques, designs, case examples, and tips, Silberman, M., 2006
- Adult learners, education and training : a reader, , 2000
- Education, training and labour market outcomes in Europe, Checchi D., 2004
- I. Malichenko P., & И. Маличенко П. (2016). Knowledge Management as an Effective Mechanism Formation of Continuous Training and Staff Development in the Organization ; Управление Знаниями Как Эффективный Механизм Формирования Непрерывной Системы Обучения И Развития Персонала В Организации. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsbas&AN=edsbas.A815C0A1
- Joan H. Johnston, Henry L. Phillips, Laura M. Milham, Dawn L. Riddle, Lisa N. Townsend, Arwen H. DeCostanza, … Sean M. Fitzhugh. (2019). A Team Training Field Research Study: Extending a Theory of Team Development. Frontiers in Psychology. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01480
- Геймификация в бизнесе : как пробиться сквозь шум и завладеть вниманием сотрудников и клиентов, Зикерманн, Г., 2014
- Геймификация как инструмент управления трудовой мотивацией : автореф. дис. ... канд. социолог. наук : 22.00.08, Артамонова, В. В., 2022
- Кларин, М. В. Корпоративный тренинг, наставничество, коучинг : учебное пособие для вузов / М. В. Кларин. — Москва : Издательство Юрайт, 2023. — 288 с. — (Высшее образование). — ISBN 978-5-534-02811-9. — Текст : электронный // Образовательная платформа Юрайт [сайт]. — URL: https://urait.ru/bcode/513452 (дата обращения: 27.08.2024).
- ОРЛОВА ОЛЬГА ВЯЧЕСЛАВОВНА, & ТИТОВА ВАЛЕНТИНА НИКОЛАЕВНА. (2015). Геймификация как способ организации обучения. Вестник Томского Государственного Педагогического Университета, (9 (162)). Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsclk&AN=edsclk.16513826
- Переговоры - фасилитация - медиация : учеб. пособие для вузов, Чумиков, А. Н., 2014
- Тесты, деловые игры, тренинги в управлении персоналом : учебник, Пугачев В.П., 2002
- Фасилитация на практике : как "добывать золото", работая с группами, Кайзер, Т., 2020
- Чумиков А.Н. - Переговоры – фасилитация – медиация. Учебное пособие - 978-5-392-35692-8 - Проспект - 2021 - http://ebs.prospekt.org/book/45096 - 45096 - PROSPECT
- Чумиков, А. Н. Переговоры - фасилитация - медиация : учебное пособие / А. Н. Чумиков. — Москва : Аспект Пресс, 2014. — 160 с. — ISBN 978-5-7567-0738-0. — Текст : электронный // Лань : электронно-библиотечная система. — URL: https://e.lanbook.com/book/68865 (дата обращения: 00.00.0000). — Режим доступа: для авториз. пользователей.
Рекомендуемая дополнительная литература
- Effective training : systems, strategies, and practices, Blanchard, P. N., 2007
- Employee training and development, Noe, R. A., 2013
- Handbook of intercultural training, , 2004
- Handbook of online learning : innovations in higher education and corporate training, , 2002
- Handbook on information technologies for education and training, , 2008
- Jacob Mincer. (1962). On-the-Job Training: Costs, Returns, and Some Implications. NBER Chapters, 50.
- Lahtero, T. J., Ahtiainen, R. S., & Lång, N. (2019). Finnish Principals: Leadership Training and Views on Distributed Leadership. Educational Research and Reviews, 14(10), 340–348. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=eric&AN=EJ1216700
- The gamification of learning and instruction : game-based methods and strategies for training and education, Kapp, K. M., 2012
- The power of 360 degree feedback : maximizing managerial and leadership effectiveness, Rao, T. V., 2006
- The Supervisor and On-the-Job Training, Broadwell, M. M., 1995
- Благих, И. А., Геймификация социально- экономических процессов: геймифицированные платформы и анализ эффективности : монография / И. А. Благих. — Москва : Русайнс, 2021. — 237 с. — ISBN 978-5-4365-6981-9. — URL: https://book.ru/book/940518 (дата обращения: 27.08.2024). — Текст : электронный.
- Гладилина, И. П., Геймификация обучения и повышение квалификации специалистов в сфере закупок в условиях цифровизации. : монография / И. П. Гладилина, А. О. Молоканова, В. В. Кадышевич, ; под общ. ред. И. П. Гладилиной. — Москва : Русайнс, 2022. — 71 с. — ISBN 978-5-4365-8899-5. — URL: https://book.ru/book/942704 (дата обращения: 27.08.2024). — Текст : электронный.