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Внешняя политика Ирана в условиях санкций

Статус: Маго-лего
Когда читается: 3 модуль
Охват аудитории: для всех кампусов НИУ ВШЭ
Язык: английский
Кредиты: 3

Course Syllabus


This course focuses on regional policy of Iran under American sanctions, main directions and problems, which official Teheran faces during its implementation.The “resistance economy” policy of Iran is aimed at creating industries which will be independent of external supplies. Large-scale project activities are coming to the fore in Iran, designed to implement the principle of constructive engagement. The strategic projects being implemented and planned in Iran are designed to become the basis for Iranian leadership in the region and in the world.
Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

  • • To develop analytical skills to understand the changing security and political structures of the MENA region in general and Iran in particular. • To practice a professional oral presentation of research • To obtain basic knowledge of Iranian history and current political situation • To become familiar with the major political political structures and statesmen of Iran • To understanding of the challenges in Russian-Iranian relations • The main academic aim of the course is to equip students with theoretical and methodological instruments for conducting theoretical and applied research in the field of Russian-Iranian relations and political systems , to advance critical and independent thinking.
Expected Learning Outcomes

Expected Learning Outcomes

  • Identify the main trends of political system in Iran
  • be able to examine main trends in Russian-Iranian relations
  • have a clear understanding of historical periods and political structures in Iran
Course Contents

Course Contents

  • Political structure of the Islamic Republic of Iran
  • Fundamental principles and approaches in the foreign policy of modern Iran
  • Iran and Russia: structural elements in relationships. History and people
  • Iran and Russia: structural elements in relationships. Cognition and political elites
  • Iran and Russia: bilateral relations at a new stage
  • Iran and Russia: common views on international issues
  • Middle East and Eurasia: significance in the modern international system
  • Iran and Russia. The Middle East is a zone of strategic cooperation.
  • The Eurasian context for Iran-Russia cooperation
Assessment Elements

Assessment Elements

  • non-blocking Final test
  • non-blocking Group project and Participation at the class work
  • non-blocking Individual written essay
Interim Assessment

Interim Assessment

  • 2024/2025 3rd module
    0.2 * Final test + 0.5 * Group project and Participation at the class work + 0.3 * Individual written essay


Recommended Core Bibliography

  • Abrahamian, E. (2008). A History of Modern Iran. Cambridge University Press.
  • Iran : a modern history, Amanat, A., 2017
  • Тупов, Б. (1995). 95.04.025. Стратегические Цели И Возможности Ирана. Iran’s Strategic Intentions and Capabilities / Ed. By Clawson P. - Wash.: Nat. Defense Univ., 1994. - (Mcnair Paper / Inst. For Nat. Strategic Studies; 29).

Recommended Additional Bibliography

  • Iran : politics, history and literature, Katouzian, H., 2013


  • Imamkulieva ELMIRA ELMANOVNA