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Научно-исследовательский семинар "Локализация и рациональная теория гомотопий"

Статус: Дисциплина общефакультетского пула
Когда читается: 1, 2 модуль
Охват аудитории: для всех кампусов НИУ ВШЭ
Язык: английский
Кредиты: 6
Контактные часы: 60

Course Syllabus


The homotopy category of CW-complexes is quite complicated. For example, given two simply-connected polyhedra, it is not clear how to tell whether they are homotopy equivalent, or to describe the homotopy classes of maps between them. It turns out however that these and other similar questions become much easier if we declare maps that induce isomorphisms of rational homology to be isomorphisms. The result is the {\it rational homotopy category}, in which the homotopy classes of maps and the homotopy equivalence classes of objects can be explicitly described.