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Магистратура 2022/2023

Современный российский город и жизнь в мегаполисе

Направление: 41.04.04. Политология
Когда читается: 2-й курс, 1, 2 модуль
Формат изучения: без онлайн-курса
Охват аудитории: для всех кампусов НИУ ВШЭ
Прогр. обучения: Политика. Экономика. Философия
Язык: английский
Кредиты: 5
Контактные часы: 36

Course Syllabus


The course is designed to introduce master students with different educational background to the theory and practice of urban studies with the emphasis on the economic, social, cultural and institutional specificity of the urban development in Russia and specifically in the Russian megacities. The course materials consider a number of up to date real applied urban research projects that illustrate diverse theories, methods of gathering and analysis of data and research approaches to the explanation and argumentation of the social, cultural, demographic and institutional issues of urban development.