
Политика и системы государственного управления в Азии
Курс обязательный (Бизнес и политика в современной Азии)
58.04.01. Востоковедение и африканистика
Кто читает:
Институт востоковедения и африканистики
Где читается:
Санкт-Петербургская школа социальных наук
Когда читается:
1-й курс, 3, 4 модуль
Формат изучения:
с онлайн-курсом
Охват аудитории:
для своего кампуса
Прогр. обучения:
Бизнес и политика в современной Азии
Контактные часы:
Course Syllabus
The course is tailored for students majoring in “Business and politics in modern Asia”, who want to learn more about the political development of Asian countries with a special focus on contemporary states of East Asia: China, Japan, ROK, DPRK and Vietnam. First, the course will discuss formation and evolution of the political regimes, processes of state- and nation-building in this region. Second, lecturers will introduce major state institutions and evaluate the role of regional governments, political parties, political elites, church and civil society. Moreover, the course will focus on forms and drivers of social movements and protests in the above-mentioned countries. Finally, students will also learn about policy-making processes and several selected policy areas, e.g. media and socio-economic policies.
Learning Objectives
- To give students an overview of the political development of Asia with a focus on China, Japan, the ROK, the DPRK and Vietnam.
- To develop students' skills in application of theoretical models to the analysis of political processes in China, Japan, the ROK, the DPRK and Vietnam.
Expected Learning Outcomes
- Knows the typical features of policy process in China, role of society and local governments in this process.
- Applies the concepts of civil society and political participations to the analysis of socio-political processes in China.
- Gives examples of collective actions and protests in China.
- Knows how social media is used in China for political purposes both by political elites and netizens.
- Describes structure of political system in Japan, the ROK and the DPRK, key state (government, legislature, judiciary) and party institutions and their functions.
- Knows major facts about Japanese, the ROK’s and the DPRK’s political elites: characteristics and types, key strategies for success.
- Know the typical features of the policy process in Japan and the ROK, role of society (NGOs, Neighbourhood association, volunteers groups etc.) and local governments in this process.
- Applies the concepts of civil society and political participations to the analysis of socio-political processes in Japan.
- Gives examples of collective actions and protests in Japan and the ROK.
- Trace the evolution of Japanese political elites' opinion and Japanese society opinion regarding the need to revise the Constitution.
- Know current socio-economic problems in the ROK and Japan, their similarities and characteristics.
- Describes structure of political system in China and Vietnam, key state (government, legislature, judiciary) and party institutions and their functions.
- Knows major facts about Chinese and Vietnamese political elites: characteristics and types, selection, key strategies for success.
- Traces evolution of China’s economic policy.
Course Contents
- Online course
- Part 1. Democratic states in Northeast Asia: ROK and Japan
- Part 2: Political development in Southeast Asia
- Part 3. Socialist states in Northeast and Southeast Asia: China, Vietnam and the DPRK
Assessment Elements
- PresentationDepending on the number of students, presentations can be either individual or prepared in groups by 2-3 students. The time limit for presentation is 20 minutes and should not be exceeded. Students are expected to read literature recommended in the syllabus, as well as to search for extra sources, especially in order to get most recent information on the topic of their presentation. If a student is not able to be present at the seminar due to illness or any other legitimate reason (relevant document should be provided), he/she should approach lecturers to be assigned with alternative task.
- In-class participation (oral)Lecturers evaluate students progress, including assigned readings comprehension and contribution to discussions. The component is calculated as an average grade achieved on all seminars/tutorials. Accumulative marks (min – 0, max – 10) for the participation in class discussions are released at the end of the course (before the final assessment takes place). If a student is not able to attend the seminar due to illness or any other legitimate reason (relevant document should be provided), he/she is not graded for that seminar. In all other cases students are graded with 0 for the seminar they have missed.
- Online courseThe discipline is taught in a blended format. Students have to self-study online course “Chinese Politics Part 1 – China and Political Science” in English language on the Coursera Platform [coursera.org] https://www.coursera.org/learn/chinesepolitics1. The course developer is the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. In order to get grade for the online course, students have to take four Quizes, fulfill one peer-reviewed assignment and take a final test (all on Coursera platform). The grade for online course is calculated in % by Coursera.
- ExamThe exam is a written test with 20 questions of different types: multiple choice, questions with open answer, etc. The test covers the materials from lectures and seminars. The test duration is 1 hour. The final exam will be held online in Microsoft.Teams and Microsoft.Forms. The student must have access to the Microsoft.Forms using his (her) own student email, and have a camera and a microphone. The students should log in to Microsoft.Teams 5 minutes before the start of the exam, switch on the camera. Then the students receive a link to the test they must complete within 1 hour. The students should keep their cameras on during the entire examination. The short-term disconnection is 3 minutes, the long-term disconnection is 4 minutes and more. In case of long-term the student may not continue the examination.
Interim Assessment
- 2021/2022 4th module0.1 * In-class participation (oral) + 0.25 * Online course + 0.25 * Presentation + 0.4 * Exam
Recommended Additional Bibliography
- Lieberthal, K., Li, C., & Yu, K. (2014). China’s Political Development : Chinese and American Perspectives. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=749054